Llicensing Law Flashcards
What are the aims of the acts and framework
It aims to protect people from crime and disorder associated with over consumption of alcohol
Protect the rights of those who drink in a responsible and sensible way
Allow monitoring of license premises and provide strong Enforcement laws
Support alcohol retailers for trade in a responsible way
What are the three main themes and preventing harm
Reducing consumption
Positive attitude positive choices
Supporting families and communities
The meaning of alcohol
Alcohol includes spirits wine beer cider or any other fermented distilled or spiritus liquor including Angus story better with an alcohol strength of over 0.5 alcohol by volume
What are the five licensing objectives
- preventing crime and disorder
- security and public safety
- preventing public nuisance
- Protecting and improving public health
- Protecting children and young persons from harm
What do licensing board do
Promote the licensing objectives when producing the statement of license policy and then carrying out their duties
Licensing standard officers LSO
Provide information and guidance to license premises
take action If premises are not operating to the licensing objectives
What are license holders
They implement good working practices to promote the licensing objectives and ensure all staff are appropriately and regularly trained and supervised
What must staff on license premises be aware of
They must be aware of their responsibilities to prevent disorder an underage sales and implement policies and procedures that promote the licensing objectives
What is the sale of alcohol
An exchange of money or a batter for alcohol when alcohol is included in the price of goods and services
What is an unsolicited sale
An unsolicited sales is when alcohol is sold without an appropriate license
What is a personal license
Granted to individuals to supervise and authorise the sale of alcohol on license premises a personal license holder must be appointed as the premises manager on the premises
What is a premises licence
Granted to allow the permanent sale of alcohol to take place on a premises
What is an occasional license
Granted to cover sales of alcohol on premises not otherwise covered by a premises license for a maximum of 14 days these applications are usually used unlicensed premise but can be used to fill in the gap between applications and grant of the premises licence
How many licensing boards are there in Scotland
What do Licensing Boards do
Make decisions on license applications
Regulate standards
And set out licensing policies and that areas
Determine applications for premises licenses variations and transfers
Process personal license applications revision notifications or renewals
How often does a board publish a statement of license policy
Every five years
When developing a policy boards must
Consider the views of consultees including reps of personal and premise license holders and the local licensing for
Take into account guidance issued by the Scottish government
Considered the views of health boards
Why is it important to have an assessment of overprovisiom
To assess whether there are too many license premises or particular types of license premises in the area
Who must they consult
The chief constable, health boards, premises license orders and local residents. The board may seek responses from the public by publishing details on their website
Why an annual report
Boards must produce and publish an annual report explaining their approach to the licensing objectives and licensing policy throughout the year including a summary of the decision made a number of licenses held
What are hearings
Hearings consider new license applications, major variations, review applications, application subject to objections or representations and other matters such as approving policies.
At a hearing they can refuse applications, revoke, suspend or vary the conditions of a premises license
What is a closure order
A closure order can be enforced by a police officer or the rank of an inspector or above the closure of the premises is an interest of public safety
What is the role of an LSO
Giving advice and guidance
Providing information
Ensuring compliance
Staff must comply with LSO rules, why
To provide assistance by answering questions, providing information and producing documents when requested. An LSO all may remove articles and documents from the premises but a receipt must be given
Who has the power of entry
Police, trading standards, environmental health, fire service, HMRC enforcement customs and excise, immigration
What records are kept in the complains folder
Refusal logs, entry verification policies, authorisations to sell alcohol, incident reports, security policies, copy of the premises licence, Copy of personal licenses held by staff, statutory staff training records
What is a personal license and what does a permit holders do
It’s a license granted to an individual that allows a holder to sell alcohol
They supervise the sale of alcohol in accordance with a valid premises or occasional license
Authorise such sales either specifically or generally
Carry out two hours of mandatory staff training
Who can apply for a personal license
A person who is 18 year old
Who is an accredited licensing qualification the Scottish certificate for personal license holders
Has not had a personal license revoked within the past five years
Does not already hold another personal license