Living with diabetes Flashcards
Scale of diabetes
There are around 3.8 million people in the UK with diabetes1.
Of these, 3.2 million have been diagnosed with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The rest have Type 2 diabetes but don’t know they have it because they haven’t been diagnosed.
Over one in 20 people in the UK has diabetes
All people with diabetes are at risk from hypoglycaemia ?
Only those on insulin or agents which stimulate endogenous insulin secretion
Having type 2 diabetes will affect your driving licence?
Depends on type of licence
Diabetes treatment
Severe hypoglycaemia or hypo unawareness
Presence of visual/neuropathic complications
People with type 1 diabetes will have all employment opportunities protected by Equality Act 2010?
Blanket bans lifted in emergency services for Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes who use insulin – individual assessment.
Armed forces exempt from Equality Act 2010 and can enforce a blanket ban on the recruitment of people with diabetes
Some NHS ambulance trust place restrictions on recruitment of people with diabetes
Syringes, insulin pens and insulin must be given to the cabin crew on a plane during the flight for safety reasons?
Keep all insulin, injecting and monitoring equipment
With them at all times
Letter from health care professional to verify above
Can type 2 diabetes be cured by lifestyle change?
DiRECT (diabetes remission clinical trial)Primary Outcome Results at 1 year1st Co-Primary Outcome: ≥15 kg weight loss
Intervention 36/149 (24%) p <0.0001
Control 0/149
2nd Co-Primary Outcome: Remission (not cure) of diabetes*
Intervention 68/149 (46%) p <0.0001
Control 6/149 (4%)
* HbA1c <48 mmol/mol, off all anti-diabetes medication for at least 2 months
2 weekly appointments with HCP trained in behaviour change using total meal replacement and reintroduction of food
Diabetes 15 healthcare essentials
Blood glucose test (HbA1c test) Blood pressure check Cholesterol check (for blood fats) Eye screening Foot and leg check Kidney tests Advice on diet Emotional and psychological support Diabetes education course Care from diabetes specialists Free flu jab Good care if you’re in hospital Support with any sexual problems Help to stop smoking Specialist care if you’re planning to have a baby
What are the aims of nutrition education for diabetes?
A healthy balanced diet in order to achieve: good blood glucose control good blood fat levels good blood pressure a healthy weight
What is the first line treatment for type 2 diabetes?
Lifestyle - nutrition and diet and exercise
Diabetes can be prevented/medications can be reduced
Diabetes Prevention Study and Diabetes Prevention Programme studies both demonstrated a 50% reduction in risk of diabetes with a 5-7% weight loss ( at 4 years).
Look Ahead study demonstrated improvements in HbA1c, cholesterol and blood pressure with approx half the diabetes medication with 6% weight loss (at 4 years)
2 weekly appointments with HCP trained in behaviour change
DASH mediterannean diet as primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
30 % reduction in cardiovascular events
30% reduction in diabetes (independent of weight loss)
Types of diets
Mediterranean diet Eatwell plate DASH diet Low carb Time restricted eating intermittent fasting Nordic diet
Type 2 diabetes main recommendations
Weight loss of at least 5%
Mediterranean style diet of equivalent healthy eating pattern
Individualised advice on quantity of carbohydrates
Encourage low GI foods and reduce total quantity of carbohydrate
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity over 3 days
Decrease salt (<6g per day
Eat 2 portions of oily fish per week
Eat more wholegrains, fruit, veg, fish , nuts and pulses
Replace SFA with PUFA and MUFA
Limit alcohol <14 units
Things to consider
Relevance to individual
Tailored to medication/ health
Personal choice. ?Achievable
A move from idealistic to realistic and pragmatic approach
Quantity of carbohydrate
Distribution of carbohydrate.
Glycaemic index
Carbohydrate counting T1s Carbohydrate awareness T2s
Matching treatment to carbohydrate intake
GI values
Low GI food – values below 55
Intermediate GI food – between 55 and 70
High GI food – over 70
How much weight loss is enough?
Almost any amount of weight loss is beneficial: weight reductions as small as 2-5% can improve metabolic control
Physical activity
Reductions in HbA1c, lipids and blood pressure independent to weight loss.
Increases self esteem.
150 minutes per week.
How can healthcare professionals enhance self management for those “Living with diabetes”?
A move away from “advice giving” Communication Skills – Motivational Interviewing. Guided discussions. Change talk. Collaboration with the client. Patient empowerment. Education (when invited).
NOT JUST FOOD- This applies to all diabetes management.