Living Space Flashcards
“Living Space”
The title is ironic as there isn’t much space to live in the slums
“Straight lines”
The lack of straight lines suggest the buildings are insecure which is a metaphor for how life in the slums are insecure
“Nothing is flat”
Metaphor which shows how it is not equal between rich and poor
“Balanced crookedly”
The adverb “crookedly” shows the risk for living in slums as it could collapse at any moment
“Towards the miraculous”
The word “miraculous” shows survival in the slums is a miracle
“Someone has squeezed”
The verb “squeezed” shows the overcrowding of people living here
“Eggs in a wire basket”
Eggs represent new life yet the vulnerability as they can easily break
“Fragile curves of white hung over the dark edge”
The contrast of “dark” and “white” shows beauty can exist within ugly places
“Slanted universe”
Metaphor for society because it is not equal between the rich and the poor so society remains unbalanced
“Bright, thin walls of faith”
The poet admires the optimism society has which is protecting them from the difficult conditions
Author Context
Imatiaz Dharker
Culturally diverse background: raised in Scotland by her Pakistani parents, attended a Calvinist school as a Muslim and now lives in London with her Indian Hindu husband
Living Space Content1
Universal quality- within the poem it does not mention where the setting is this gives the effect to the reader that it can happen anywhere
Living Space Content2
Set in Mumbai in a shanti town exploring the slums. Surrounding the slums is the rich and the poor lives in the slums.
Most of the poor came from other backgrounds to escape their lives and reach the dream of being rich
Split into three stanzas 22 lines
The lines are a mix of short and long to represent how the slums look like
First Stanza- about the buildings (Slums) in Mumbai “The whole structure leans dangerously”
Second stanza- the people who live there in the slums “Someone has squeezed in a living space”
Third Stanza- Explaining that people in the slums still have their hope even in the bad living conditions
“Bright, thin walls of faith”
Enjambment device- “The whole structure leans dangerously” the technique enjambment gives an effect in a literal sense as the buildings “lean dangerously” the building is stretched out. This is represented in the structure as it is the longest line in the poem it stretches out.