Liver Path 5 Flashcards
Hepatocellular disease
Predominantly attack/destroy hepatocytes
Laboratory test abnormalities are increased AST/ALT (transaminases)
Cholestatic diseases
Bile production is impaired (hepatocyte)
Bile flow is blocked (ducts and ductules)
Alkaline phosphatase
Mechanisms of cholestasis:
Intrahepatic cholestasis due to decreased bile formation:
- Sepsis - Estrogens
Intrahepatic cholestasis due to diseases that destroy or compress intrahepatic bile ductules/ducts:
- Primary biliary cirrhosis - Infiltration of liver with tumor/granulomas
Intrahepatic cholestasis due to any severe liver disease:
-Viral hepatitis
Extrahepatic/large bile duct obstruction:
-Tumor, gallstones, duct strictures
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
uncommon finding
Increased bilirubin production i.e. hemolysis*
Decreased hepatocellular uptake i.e. drugs*
Decreased conjugation
– Gilbert’s syndrome
– Crigler-Najjar
– Neonatal jaundice
– Diffuse hepatocellular disease (virus, drugs, cirrhosis)
Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Decreased canalicular transport
- Dubin Johnson syndrome
- Autoimmune cholangiopathies
Sepsis Associated Cholestasis
Linked to infections with gram-negative bacteria*
Canalicular cholestasis* with activated Kupffer cells, fatty change and portal inflammation
Increase in serum bilirubin is out of proportion to the elevation of alkaline phosphatase
Poor prognosis (60-90% mortality)
Cholestasis of sepsis is predominantly conjugated
Biliary Tract Disease (Cholestatic Pattern) - Large duct obstruction
causes in adults and children
Causes in Adults:
Obstruction by gallstones (Most Common)
Malignant neoplasms of biliary tree/head of pancreas
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Causes in Children:
Biliary atresia
Choledochal cysts
Cystic fibrosis
Large Bile Duct Obstruction- prognosis
Initial morphologic features of cholestasis are entirely reversible with correction of the obstruction
Prolonged obstruction can lead to secondary biliary cirrhosis
Intermittent obstruction may promote ascending cholangitis
Disorder of intrahepatic gallstone formation
High prevalence in East Asia and rare elsewhere
Associated with *recurrent ascending cholangitis
Progressive inflammatory destruction of parenchyma–> Risk of cholangiocarcinoma*
Ascending Cholangitis
- Fever, jaundice and abdominal pain
Suppurative cholangitis can be associated with septic shock and high mortality*
Increased blood neutrophils, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin
Biliary dilation on imaging studies
Major Causes of Neonatal Cholestasis
Extra-hepatic biliary atresia
Infectious hepatitis
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis
- Diagnosis of exclusion
Perinatal Biliary AtresiaPerinatal Form
Jaundice is observed after the period of physiologic hyperbilirubinemia.
Absence of all or a portion of the extrahepatic bile ducts
Most frequent cause of liver disease death in early childhood
Congenital infections have been implicated in * initiating autoimmune reaction
Key Concepts (Robbins) Cholestasis
occurs with impaired bile flow, leading to accumulation of bile pigment in the hepatic parenchyma. Causes include mechanical or inflammatory obstruction or destruction of the bile ducts or by metabolic defects in hepatocyte bile secretion.
Key Concepts (Robbins) Large bile duct obstruction
is most commonly associated with gallstones and malignancies involving the head of the pancreas. Chronic obstruction can lead to cirrhosis. Ascending cholangitis may develop
Key Concepts (Robbins) Cholestasis in sepsis
may arise through direct effects of intrahepatic bacterial infection, ischemia relating to hypotension caused by sepsis, or in response to circulating microbial products.
Key Concepts (Robbins) Primary hepatolithiasis
is a disorder ofintrahepaticgallstone formation, most common in East Asia, that leads to repeated bouts of ascending cholangitis and inflammatory parenchymal destruction. It predisposes to cholangiocarcinoma.
Key Concepts (Robbins) Neonatal cholestasis
is not a specific entity; it is variously associated with cholangiopathies such as primarilybiliary atresiaand a variety of inherited or acquired disorders causing conjugated hyperbilirubinemia in the neonate, collectively referred to asneonatal hepatitis.