Liver Function Tests Flashcards
AST (indicative of …)
hepatocellular damage
in cytosol and mitochondria
in liver, heart muscle, blood
ALT (indicative of …)
hepatocellular damage
in CYTOSOL only
in LIVER only
AST and ALT Abnormalities
mild elevation
Less than 5x normal value
Think hepatic dz (viral, EtOH, autoimmune etc.)
… and non-hepatic (hemolysis, myopathy, thyroid dz, strenuous exercise)
AST and ALT Abnormalities
severe elevation
Greater than 15x normal Acute viral (A-E, herpes) Meds/toxins Ischemic hepatitis Autoimmune hepatitis Wilson Acute Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein thrombosis) Hepatic artery ligation of thrombosis
AST/ALT ratio
Normal 1 suggestive of cirrhosis
Bilirubin (Indicative of …)
Cholestasis, impaired conjugation, or biliary obstruction
[Bilirubin is insoluble in H2O so requires conjugation (via UDP-GT) to be excreted into bile]
Bilirubin (Elevated Unconjugated)
Gilbert’s: mutation in UDP-GT so decr UDP-GT, common, 5-10% of western population homozygous
Crigler-Najjar: rare AR, UDP-GT defic. Type 1: severe jaundice, NEURO IMPAIRMENT; Type 2: lower serum bilirubin, NO NEURO IMPAIRMENT
Hemolysis: fasting, fever, physical stress, hemolytic anemia
Bilirubin (Elevated Direct)
extrahepatic, intrahepatic, hepatitis, cirrhosis
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (indicative of ...)
Cholestasis, infiltrative dz, biliary obstruction
[Present in nearly all tissues, loclaized to microvili of bile canaliculus in liver]
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (Abnormalities)
Cholestasis, infiltrative dz (sarcoidosis, TB, fungal infx etc.), biliary obstruction
PBC (maybe only presents with ALP elev)
Drug rxn
Non-hepatic (bone dz, pregnancy, renal failure, CHF, lymphoma)
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Isozymes that are liver-specific ...
5’-nucleotidaease (significantly elev ONLY in liver dz)
Gamma-Glutamyltransferace (GGT): NOT present in bone, ELEVATED AFTER ETOH AND ALMOST ALL LIVER DZ
Albumin (indicative of …/abnormalities due to …)
Indicative of synthetic dysfunction of liver
Can be due to malnutrition, severe ilness with catabolism of proteins, nephrosis, malabsorption
Prothrombin time (can assess …)
extrinsic clotting pathway
synthetic dysfunction of liver (along with albumin)
Prothrombin time (abnormalities)
Could be Vit K defic –> administer Vit K to distinguish DEFECT vs DEFICIENCY
(could also be drugs (i.e warfarin) or clotting disorder