Liver disorders AB Flashcards
A1AT - what is the mechanism of tissue damage in the lungs as opposed to the liver?
Lungs: elastin destruction by elastase
Liver: pathologic polymerization of AAT molecules > protein accumulation within hepatocytes
What are the histologic findings of NAFLD on liver biopsy?
Steatosis, generally greatest in zone 3 (peri-central vein)
Lobular inflammation in zone 3
What are the histological findings of alcoholic hepatitis on liver biopsy?
Characteristic = Mallory hyaline
Acute alcoholic hepatitis = neutrophils, necrosis of hepatocytes, collagen deposition, fatty change
What is the genetic inheritance of A1AT?
Autosomal recessive / codominant
Ch 14
PIMM = normal
Homozygous PiSS = 50% normal A1AT
Homozygous PiZZ = 10% normal A1At
What processes take place in zone 1 in the liver?
Zone 1 = periportal = highest oxygenation
Important for oxidative liver function:
- Gluconeogenesis
- Beta oxidation of fatty acids
- Cholesterol synthesis
What processes take place in zone 3 in the liver?
Zone 3 = centrilobular = poorest oxygenation = most sensitive to ischaemic injury
Important for:
- Glycolysis
- Lipogenesis
- CYP 450
Which drugs may cause acute hepatitis?
Which drugs may cause granulomatous formation in the liver?
Methyldopa Hydralazine Sulfonamides Quinidine Allopurinol
Which drugs may cause microvesicular fatty change?