Liver Anatomy and Phsyiology Flashcards
What regions of the abdomen is the liver found?
- Right hypochondrium
- Epigastric region
- left hypochondrium

The liver is composed of lobes. Anteriorly how many lobes are visible?

The liver is composed of lobes. Posteriorly, how many lobes are visible?

The falciform ligament is a two folded layer of peritoneum (serous membrane). What are the two main functions of the falciform ligament?
- COnnect the anterior surface of liver to the abdominal wall
- separate the left and right lobes of the liver
What are two ligaments present on the anterior surface of the liver?
Falciform ligament - anchors the anterior surface of the liver to abdominal wall, whilst also dividing the liver into right and left lobes.

What ligaments are present on the posterior surfaces of the liver?

The round ligament of the liver (Ligamentum teres hapatis) is a remenant of which fetal structure?
Remnant of umbilical vein
What is the function of the coronary ligaments of the liver?

Attaches the superior surface of the liver to the diaphragm

The coronary ligament has both anterior and posterior folds as shown on the diagram. They attach the superior of surface to what structure?

The diaphragm

The anterior and posterior folds of the coronary ligaments unite to form which other ligaments?
The left and right triangular ligaments

The lesser omentum is a double layer of peritoneum that extends from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the liver as well as the proximal duodenum. It in itself is made up of two ligaments. What are they called?
- Hepatoduodenal ligament
- Hepatogastric Ligament

There are 3 hepatic recesses; these are are spaces between liver and surrouding structures. These sites can collect infections, forming an abcess. What are they called?
- Subphrenic space
- Subhepatic space
- Morison’s pouch
The liver is covered by a fibrous layer known as what?
Glisson’s capsule
The surface has two “external surfaces”; the anterosuperior surface and the posteroinferior surface.
The anterosuperior surface is known as the ???? surface. It sits snugly beneath the ??????. This surface is covered by visceral peritoneum.
1) Diaphragmatic surface
2) Diaphragm

The most posterior portion of the diaphramatic surface of the liver is not covered by visceral peritoneunm and is in direct contact with the diaphragm. This portion is known as?

The bare area of the liver.