Liver Anatomy Flashcards
Unique regenerative capacity
Ensures that the liver to body ratio is maintained at 100 % - described as the hepatostat
Liver important to the metabolism of the human body
Increases in size in pregnancy and decreases following severe body weight loss
The hepatostat maintains the liver in proportion to body size and needs
Gross Liver Anatomy
Anatomically four lobes: left, right, caudate and quadrate
Functionally considered as two lobes - left and right
Diaphragmatic surface: superior upper surface of the liver
Visceral surface: faces adjacent abdominal organs (faces downwards); the porta hepatis and gallbladder are located on this surface.
The Caudate lobe
The Caudate lobe is next to the inferior vena cava
The Quadrate lobe
is next to the gall bladder
Liver Structure
Falciform ligament: separates the major right and left lobes and attaches the liver to the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall, secures the liver the anterior abdominal wall
Round Ligament: Found at the lower edge of the falciform ligament
Gall bladder – accessory organ – pear shaped sac 7-10 cm long
Rests in a recess on the inferior, visceral surface of the liver
The liver receives blood from two sources; the heart and GI tract
Hepatic portal vein delivers poorly oxygenated blood from the GI tract
Hepatic artery delivers oxygenated blood from the heart
Hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery divide into two to supply the left and right side of the liver
Blood supplied to the liver via the
via the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery
Aorta supplies the abdominal aorta to the celiac trunk into
the hepatic artery to supply blood to the liver
Well oxygenated blood
Hepatic portal vein drains blood from the capillary beds
of the GI tract including spleen and pancreas.
Nutrient rich but poorly oxygenated blood
The sources of blood mix within the liver and then drain into the central vein which empties in to the Hepatic vein and ultimately into the inferior vena cava to return blood back to the heart
What cells are found in the liver?
Diverse functions of the liver are performed by hepatocytes.
Hepatocytes are 60 % of the cells found in the liver (and 80 % of the liver mass).
Other cell found in the liver:
Endothelial cells, stellate cells, biliary epithelial cells (cholangiocytes), Kupffer cells and other immune cells
Liver ultrastructure
The liver is formed of repeating anatomical units called hepatic lobules
Blood flows in the hepatic lobules from the edge via portal trials
Inward blood flow in the portal trials from the hepatic portal vein and the hepatic artery
Blood flows through the hepatic lobule via sinusoidal vessels and then drains into the central vein
The central vein empties into the hepatic veins and then to the inferior vena cava
Liver ultrastructure- bile
Bile flows in the opposite direction through the liver lobule
Bile flows down bile canaliculi towards the portal triad where it flows into bile ductules
From the bile ductules it is transported towards the gastro-intestinal tract and gall bladder
Blood flows from the portal triad to the central vein
Bile flows in the opposite direction towards the portal triad
Hepatocytes (Liver cells)
Hepatocytes are specialized polarized cells (one side of the cell looks different to the other side – asymmetry in structure)
Hepatocytes separate sinusoidal blood from the canalicular bile
Basolateral membrane faces the liver sinusoidal endothelial cells
Apical membrane faces the bile canaliculi jointly with the directly opposing hepatocytes
What is bile?
Exocrine secretory product of the liver
Bile contains HCO3-, cholesterol, lecithin (a phospholipid), bile pigments and bile salts
Bile salts are important for the absorption of water insoluble fats
Stored and concentrated in the gall bladder
Released during meals
Liver lobule
Counter current flow of blood and bile (opposite directions)
Bile ducts lined by hepatocytes
Blood sinusoid lined by single layer of fenestrated endothelial cells
Portal field (portal triad) composed of portal hepatic vein, portal artery and bile duct
Central vein drains to the vena cava
Fenestrated sinusoidal endothelial cells
Filter between the lumen of the hepatic sinusoid and hepatocytes.
Minimize any barrier for the bi-directional transfer of small or soluble substrates between blood and the extracellular space of Disse
Kupffer cells
80 – 90% tissue macrophages in the liver; also known as stellate macrophages
Discovered by pathologist C von Kupffer
Reside in the lumen of the sinusoids of the liver, adherent to endothelial cells
Important role in host defence
Stellate cells
Stellate cells are found in the subendothelial space between the basolateral surface of hepatocytes and anti-luminal side of the sinusoidal endothelial cells
spindle-shaped cell bodies with oval or elongated nuclei
single stellate cell usually surrounds more than two nearby sinusoids
Thought to be involved in liver fibrosis
Bile duct circulation
Bile is transported down bile canaliculi in the liver
The bile canaliculi empty into bile ductules and then bile ducts
Empties into the hepatic ducts
Bile then directly enters the duodenum or diverted to the cystic duct into the gall bladder
The gall bladder concentrates and stores bile ready for use
Gall bladder
Pear shaped, 7 -10 cm long
Fundus: wide end of gall bladder and projects from the inferior border of the liver
Body: contacts the visceral surface of the liver
Neck: narrow and tappered; makes an S bend into the cystic duct. Internally the mucosa spirals into the spiral fold that keeps the cystic duct open.
Bile Ducts
Cholangiocytes are epithelial cells that line the intra- and extra-hepatic ducts of the biliary tree
Modifies bile to generate ductal bile
Cystic Duct is approx 4 cm long
The cystic duct connects the neck of the gall bladder to the common hepatic duct