Liver Flashcards
Biliary anatomy; Liver anatomy; Liver function; Liver and metabolism; Bile; Liver failure; Bilirubin
Where is the liver located?
Right upper quadrant of the abdomen
What are the liver’s 4 main functions?
Control of synthesis and metabolism of proteins
Maintenance of blood sugar
Lipid metabolism
Metabolism and excretion of bilirubin and bile acids
What are the key functions of bile?
Emulsification and absorption of fat to increase sfa for lipase activity
Cholesterol homeostasis - excreting excess as needed
Toxin secretion - endogenous e.g bilirubin and exogenous e.g drugs
What separates the right and left lobes of the liver?
Falciform ligament
What are the main perfusing vessels of the liver?
Hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery
How are the discrete segments of each lobe separated?
Anatomical borders
Each segment has independent blood supply and bile drainage
Drains into its own vein, which drains into left middle and right hepatic veins then joins the vena cava
How many discrete segments of the liver are there?
8 although IV usually split into upper and lower
What is a hepatic lobule and what does it consist of?
Structural unit of liver tissue
Hexagonal shape
Consists of portal triad that links with adjacent lobules
Rows of hepatocytes (each hepatocyte has sinusoid facing and canaliculi facing sides)
What does the portal triad consist of?
Hepatic portal vein branch
Hepatic artery branch
Bile duct
What is the purpose of the branch of the hepatic artery in the hepatic lobule?
Brings oxygen rich blood into liver tissue to help support the hepatocytes high energy demands
What direction do blood and bile flow in the hepatic lobule?
Blood flows towards centre of lobule
Bile drains to canaliculi which coalesce into bile ducts located around lobule perimeter ∴ bile flows towards perimeter
How do the lobules fit together within liver tissue?
Each portal triad sits at the junction of 3 lobules
Fits together like honeycomb shape
What is the hepatic acinus?
Functional unit of liver tissue
Two adjacent 1/6 lobules
Share two portal triads
Extend as far into lobule as the central veins
What is the three zone model of the hepatic acinus?
Hepatocytes towards outside of lobule receive early exposure to blood contents
Zone 1 - high O2, High toxin risk
Zone 2 - medium O2, Medium toxin risk
Zone 3 - Low O2, Low toxin risk
What are the 5 main cell types of the liver?
Endothelial cells Kuppfer cells Hepatic stellate cells Hepatocytes Cholangiocytes
What are the main features of hepatic endothelial cells?
No basement membrane
Many fenestrations - discontinous endothelium ∴ very leaky
What are the main features and purposes of kuppfer cells?
Macrophage cells, v many in liver
stellate shaped
adhere to internal wall of sinusoid
Release cytokines to activate stellate cells
Eliminate and detoxify substances arriving into liver from portal circulation
What is a hepatic sinusoid?
specialised fenestrated capillary containing kuppfer cells
What are the main features and purposes of hepatic stellate cells?
Located in the space of Disse
quiescent state - Store vitamin A in cytosolic droplets
can become active in response to liver damage or kuppfer cells - fibrogenesis and proliferation leads to collagen deposition in ECM, cauess fibrosis and cirrhosis in liver reducing no of and function of hepatocytes
(when activated referred to as fibroblasts)
What is the space of Disse?
Perisinusoidal space located between sinusoid and hepatocytes
Contains blood plasma and hepatic stellate cells
What are the main purposes of hepatocytes?
Synthesise: -Albumin -Clotting factors -Bile salts Metabolise drugs Process nutrients, detoxify blood and excrete waste substances from the blood in the hepatic portal vein Produce bile
How do the features of hepatocytes relate to its role?
Glycogen to store glucose
Lysosomes to process nutrients
Many Golgi apparatus to package molecules for exocytosis
Abundant RER for protein synthesis (Non essential amino acids, clotting factors, albumin)
Sometimes more than 1 nucleus
Abundant mitochondria because lots of energy dependent processes
Smooth ER for carbohydrate and phospholipid synthesis
Cytoplasmic enzymes to support deamination, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis
Peroxizomes for detoxification, waste management, cholesterol and bile synthesis
What is the main purpose of cholangiocytes?
Secrete bicarbonate and water to form bile
Describe the pathway that bile produced in hepatocytes follows
Bile canaliculi→small ductules→small bile ducts→larger bile ducts for each segment→right and left hepatic ducts→common hepatic duct→common bile duct (after common hepatic connects to the cystic duct from gall bladder)→ampulla of Vater (after joining pancreatic duct) enters duodenum at duodenal papilla
Why is bile yellow/green?
Pigments like bilirubin and biliverdin
How much bile is produced?
500mL per day
Where is bile produced?
Hepatocytes secrete 60% total bile: -1° secretion reflective of contents of the hepatic sinusoids Cholangiocytes secrete 40% total bile: -2°modification -Alter pH -Addition of water -Reabsorption of sugar and acids -secretion of HCO3- and Cl- -IgA exocytosed