Liver Flashcards
The 2 structures that run in the fissure for the ligamentum venosum
- The ligamentum venosum
2. The gastrohepatic ligament
The fetal structure that atrophies to become the ligamentum teres
The umbilical vein
What is another name for the ligamentum teres?
The round ligament
The 3 structures that run in the hepatoduodenal ligament
- Hepatic artery
Together, the hepatoduodenal ligament and the gastrohepatic ligament form what?
The lesser omentum.
What ligament conducts the umbilical vein in the fetus?
Falciform ligament
The bare area of the liver is defined by what ligaments?
coronary ligaments
The coronary ligaments form the right and left __________ ligaments.
The ligamentum venosum is a remnant of the fetal _________ venosum.
________________ is the functional unit of the liver.
The lobule
The hepatocytes make up most of the liver
parenchyma and produce _________.
The sinusoids carry a mixture of arterial and venous
blood: _______% portal venous and ______%
hepatic arterial.
80 - 20
Phagocytosis is the primary function of the
Kupffer cells
The __________________ are the smallest unit of
the biliary tree.
Bile canaliculi
The _______________ unite to form the hepatic
Central veins