Liver Flashcards
serum aminotransferases
- indicators of injury to the liver cells
- useful in detecting hepatitis
alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
- levels increase primarily in liver disorders
- used to monitor course of hepatitis, cirrhosis, the effects of treatments that may be toxic to the liver
asparte aminotransferase (AST)
- not specific to liver diseases
- levels of AST may be increased in cirrhosis, hepatitis, and liver cancer
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)
- levels are associated with cholestasis
- alcoholic liver disease
Diagnostic Studies
- liver biopsy
- US
- CT
- LFTs
S/S Physical Manifestations of Hepatic Dysfunction
- jaundice
- portal HTN
- ascites and varices
- hepatic encephalopathy or coma
- nutritional deficiencies
- yellow or green sclera and skin caused by increased serum bilirubin levels
- bilirubin level exceeds 2mg/dL
S/S of Hepatocellular Jaundice
- mild or severely ill
- lack of appetite, n/v, weight loss
- malaise, fatigue, weakness
- HA, chills, fever, infection
S/S of Obstructive Jaundice
- dark orange-brown urine, clay-colored stools
- dyspepsia and intolerance of fats, impaired digestion
- pruritus (itchy)
Portal HTN results in…
- ascites
- varices
Ascites Assessment
- record abdominal girth and weight daily
- assess for fluid in abdominal cavity (percussion or fluid wave)
- monitor for potential fluid and electrolyte imbalances
Ascites Treatment
- low sodium diet
- diuretics
- bed rest
- paracentesis
- administration of salt-poor albumin
The nurse is caring for a patient immediately after paracentesis. It is most important for the nurse to ask what question?
Are you feeling dizzy?
Bleeding Varices Treatment
- treat for shock
- O2 administration
- IV fluids, electrolytes, volume expanders, blood and blood products
- nitroglycerin in combination with vasopressin to reduce coronary vasoconstriction
- PROPANOLOL and NADOLOL to decrease portal pressure (used in combo with other tx)
- balloon tamponade
- endoscopic sclerotherapy
- surgical bypass procedures
- devascularization and transection
- AVOID alcohol, NSIADS, and aspirin
The purpose of an H2 receptor blocker for a patient with bleeding esophageal varices is…
to prevent irritation of enlarged veins
A patient is being treated for bleeding esophageal varices with balloon tamponade. What nursing action will be included in the plan of care?
monitor patient for SOB
Early S/S of Hepatic Encephalopathy
- mental changes (confusion)
- motor disturbances (asterixis)
Assessment of Hepatic Encephalopathy
- changes in LOC
- potential seizures
- fetor hepaticus
- monitor fluid, electrolyte, and ammonia levels
Stage 1 of Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nursing Dx
- normal LOC with periods of lethargy and euphoria
- reversal of day-night sleep patterns
- impaired writing and ability to draw line figures
- normal EEG
- Nursing Dx: activity intolerance, impaired ability to manage regime, impaired sleep pattern
Stage 2 of Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nursing Dx
- increased drowsiness
- disorientation
- inappropriate behavior, mood swings
- agitation
- asterixis
- fetor hepaticus
- abnormal EEG w/ generalized slowing
- Nursing Dx: impaired socialization, impaired role performance, risk for injury, acute confusion
Stage 3 of Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nursing Dx
- stuporous
- difficult to rouse
- sleeps most of time
- marked confusion
- incoherent speech
- asterixis
- increased deep tendon reflexes
- rigidity of extremities
- EEG markedly abnormal
- Nursing Dx: impaired nutritional intake, impaired mobility, impaired verbal communication