Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature Flashcards
When was the Int’l Subcommission on Stratigraphic Terminology Report on the Principles of Stratigraphic Classification and Terminlogy made?
When was the GSP Philippine Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature made?
When was the International Stratigraphic Guide made?
When was the 2nd edition of Int’l Stratigraphic Guide made?
When was the GSP Committee on Stratigraphic Nomenclature made?
When was the Publication of Philippine Stratigraphic Guide made?
Basic units of geologic mapping and essential element of the stratigraphy of an area. It is not defined by inferred age, time span they represent and manner of formation.
Lithostratigraphic units
Should possess a certain degree of internal lithologic homogeneity or distinctive lithologic features. It may consist of 1)one lithologic typel 2) repetitions of two or more lithologic types. Lithologic heterogeneity, in itself, may constitute a form of unity when compared to the adjacent rock units. In addition it should be mappable at a scale of 1:25,000.
Include chemical and mineralogical composition, texture, and such supplementary features as color, primary sedimentary structures or volcanic depositional structures, fossils (viewed as rock-forming particles), or other organic content (coal, oil-shale)
Lithologic characteristics of Formation
Not a determining parameter; may range from less than a meter to thousands of meters as long as it is mappable.
Thickness of Formation
Organic reefs and carbonate mounds may be distinguished formally as formations and distinct from their surrounding thinner, temporal equivalents.
Organic reefs and carbonate mounds of formation
Sedimentary and volcanic rocks that are interbedded may be assembled into a formation under one name, which should indicate the predominant or distinguishing lithology
Interbedded volcanic and sedimentary rocks formation
Mappable, distinguishable sequences of stratified volcanic rocks should be treated as lithostratigraphic units, as formations or as units of higher or lower rank. A small intrusive component of a dominantly stratiform volcanic assemblage may be treated informally, e.g. dikes, sills.
Volcanic rocks of formation
Distinguished mainly by lithologic characteristics.
Metamorphic rocks of formation
It is a named entity within a formation having characteristics that distinguish it from other parts of a formation. It may not be mappable at the scale required for formations.
A geographically restricted unit that terminates on all sides laterally within a formation may be called a ______. A wedging unit may be called a _________.
Lens and tongue
Although members are normally in vertical sequence, laterally equivalent parts of a formation that differ recognizably may also be considered members.
Laterally equivalent members
May be divided into beds or (volcanic) flows
Division of members
The smallest formal lithostratigraphic unit of sedimentary rocks should be limited to certain distinctive _________ whose recognition is particularly useful. Coal, oil sands, and other of economic importance commonly are named.