Literature Vocabulary Sanskrit to English Flashcards
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अंशु, m.
अंस, m.
Not the doer, non doer
अकामहत, mfn.
Unaffected with desire,
अकाय, mfn.
Bodiless , incorporeal (having no material existence.)
अकार्य, mfn.
Not to be done;
(as a Neuter noun,
A forbidden act.)
अकृश, mfn.
Not thin
अक्रतु, mfn.
Free from desire
अक्रोध, m.
Absence of anger
-अक्ष, m.
(only at the end of a
Imperishable, unalterable
अक्षीण, mfn.
Not thin, wasted,
diminished, emaciated
अगोत्र, mfn.
Without family lineage
अग्नि, m.
Fire, Agni
अग्निहोत्र, n.
Agnihotra sacrifice,
The sacrifice to the fire
अग्र, n.
Front, tip, point
अग्राह्य, mfn.
Unable to be perceived,
Unable to be conceived
अङ्ग, n.
अङि्गरस्, m.
अचापल, n.
Absence of fickleness
अचिन्त्य, mfn.
Unthinkable, inconceivable
अच्छेद्य, mfn.
Not to be cut,
Not to be pierced
impossible to be cut
अज, mfn.
Without birth,
अजर, mfn.
Without old age
अणीयस्, mfn.
More minute
अणु, m.
अण्ड, n.
अत:, ind.
From this, from here, hence;
+परम् from the time onwards;
+ऊध्वम् from this time onwards
अतन्ढ्रित:, ind.
अति-\इ (अत्येति Class II)
Pass by, pass over,
Overtake , pass by
अति - \क्रम् (क्रामति, क्रामते Class 1)
Step beyond, cross, pass, overcome
अति - \गम् (गच्छति, गच्छते Class 1)
Discover, obtain; passive : अधिगम्यते
Is discovered, is obtained.
अतिथि, m.
अतिमानिता, f.
Excessive pride
अतीत, mfn.
Past, passed by
अतीन्द्रिय, mfn.
Beyond the senses
अत्यर्थम्, mfn.
Excessively, exceedingly
अत्राण, mfn.
Without protection, defence, shelter
अथ, ind.
Then, now
अथर्ववेद, m.
अद:, pronoun
That ‘yonder’
अदृष्ट, mfn.
Unseen, Invisible
अद्रेश्य, mfn.
अद्रोह, m.
freedom from malice
अद्वितीय, mfn.
without a second, matchless
अद्वैत, mfn.
destitute of duality, having no duplicate, having no second
अधर्म, m.
unrighteousness, lawlessness
अधिप, m.
ruler, overlord, lord
अधिपति, m.
ruler, commander, regent, king
अध्यापन, n.
अध्याय, m.
अध्यायन, n.
अध्वन्, m.
way, road, orbit, journey
अनघ, m.
sinless one, an epithet for Arjuna
अनर्थ, m.
worthless thing, useless thing, evil, bad thing, misfortune
अनल, m.
अनसूया, f.
lack of displeasure, lack of ill will, lack of complaint
अनादित्व, n.
beginninglessness, the state of having no beginning
अनामय, mfn.
free from disease, healthy
अनित्य, mfn.
not eternal, transient
अनिर्देश्य, mfn.
indefinable, inexplicable, incomparable
अनिर्वृत, mfn.
discontented, discomposed, unhappy
अनिल, m.
wind, air
अनु-\इष् (इच्छति Class VI)
seek after, seek; optative अन्विच्छेत्
अनुकम्पा, f.
अनु-\गम् (गच्छति, गच्छते Class I)
go after, follow, seek
अनुगम्यमान, mfn.
being followed
अनु-\चिन्त् (चिन्तयति, चिन्तयते Class X)
consider, reflect, ponder
अनुद्रष्टव्य, mfn.
to be considered, to be observed
अनु-\पश् (पश्यति, present forms only)
perceive, see
अनुपूर्वश:, ind.
in successive order, in regular order, systematically
अनु-\भा (भाति, Class II)
shine on account of another, is illuminated by another
अनु-\भुज् (भुङ्क्ते, भुनक्ति Class VII)
enjoy, suffer consequences, reap fruit
अनु-\भू (भवति, भवते Class I)
experience, enjoy; present participle masculine singular 1st case अनुभवन्
अनुमत, n.
अनुवृत्ति, f.
following, acting suitably to, having regard or respect to,
complying with
अनु-\शास् (शास्ति, शासति Class II/III)
rule, teach, advise, direct; perfect : अनुशशास
अनु-\शुच् (शोचति, Class I)
grieve for, lament, mourn; imperfect: अन्वेशोचत्
अनु-सम्-\चर् (चरति Class I)
penetrates, crosses, traverses
अन्त, m.
ascertainment, conclusion, end; border, limit
अन्तर, ind.
inward, inwardly, inside, inner
अन्तर, n.
opportunity, occasion, place; middle, intermediate
अन्तिके, ind.
nearby, close by
अन्ध, mfn.
अन्न, n.
अन्य, pronoun.
other, another
otherwise, except, aside, other than; in another place,
अन्यत्व, n.
अन्यथा, ind.
other than what really is, otherwise, falsely, in a different manner
अन्याय, m.
unlawful action
अपचय, m.
diminution, decay, decrease, decline
अपर, mfn.
lower, inferior; as a pronoun: other
अपलायन, n.
not fleeing
stealing, taking away
अपापविद्ध, mfn,
not afflicted with evil
अपाय, m.
means, method
अपारपार, mfn.
crossing over the boundless sea
अपि, ind.
also, even, even though
अपैशुन, n.
not complaining, not slandering
अप्रज्ञात, mfn.
अप्रतर्क्य, mfn.
अप्रमय, mfn.
अप्रमेय, mfn.
immeasurable, unlimited, unfathomable
अप्रसक्ति, f.
avoidance of indulgence, avoidance of attachment
अप्रियम्, ind.
unpleasantly, unkindly
अभय, mfn.
fearless; as a neuter noun fearlessness
अभि-/इ (एति Class II)
comes to, approaches
अभि-/गम् (गच्छति, गच्छ्ते Class I)
approach, meet with, gain, obtain, get; gerund अभिगम्य
अभिजात् , mfn.
अभिधान्, n.
name, designation, title, appellation
अभि-/ध्यै (ध्यायति, ध्यायते Class IV)
meditate; gerund अभिध्याय
अभिप्राय, m.
purpose, meaning, opinion, sense, intention (as of a word or of a passage)
अभिभूत, mfn
overcome, defeated
अभिभान, m.
conceit, haughtiness
अभि-/रक्ष् (रक्षति Class I)
अभि-/वच् (वक्ति, Class II)
reply; perfect अभ्युवाच
अभि-/वृध् (वर्धते Class I)
grow higher, increase
अभि-सम्-/पद् (पद्यते Class IV)
become, come to, arrive at, obtain
अभ्यास्, m.
practice, discipline
अभ्युपेत, mfn.
come, approached