Literature Flashcards
Haarmann (1984, 1989)
FL used in ads to associate product with ethno-cultural stereotypes of the speakers of the FL (e.g. French - elegance)
Sella (1993)
- frequency of occurence of FL
- majority of Greek ads contains FL, mainly English
Petrof (1990)
- effects of FL
- ads with English and French
- US participants
- better recall with French (FL better for recall and attitude)
Mueller (1992)
- FL as part of standardisation
- English as main instrument of westernisation in Japanese ads
Ray et al. (1991)
- connections with products and countries
- German and Japanese associated with engineering quality
Leclerc et al. (1994)
- foreign branding (brand names) and congruence effect
- French brand names lead to better evaluations when they promote hedonistic rather than utilitarian products
Koslow et al. (1994)
- English vs Spanish for US Hispanics
- Hispanics perceived the advertiser to be more culturally sensitive when the ad used (some) Spanish (instead of only English)
Alden et al. (1999)
Three functions of FL in ads:
Three components to suggest FCCP:
- use of FL
- aesthetics style (e.g. natuve person in native environment)
- story themes (e.g. landscape)
Kroll & de Groot (1997)
Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM)
de Groot (1992) Luna & Peracchio (2002)
Conceptual Feature Model (CFM)
van Meurs et al. (2014)
CFM: association overlap English and Dutch job ads words 22%
Myers-Scotton (1993)
Markedness Model
Luna & Peracchio (2005)
- connect markedness to salience
- majority languages have more status than minority languages
Soliz & Giles (2014)
CAT: accommodation correlates with positive-oriented evaluations
Lambert et al. (1960)
- classic speaker evaluation / matched-guise study
- Candians evakuated same text recorded by same speaker in English vs French
Usunier & Cestre (2007)
- product ethnicity: congruent vs incongruent products
- willingness to buy product was higher for congruent products