Literary Terms and Elements Flashcards
What is Allusion?
Relating to something without fully mentioning it.
What is Alliteration?
The repetition of the same sound or syllable.
A comparison made based on the similarity of two (or more) things.
What is an Anticlimax? Define Anticlimactic.
When the conclusion to an interesting series of events is uninteresting
What is Irony?
When something is intended to be understood opposite from its literal meaning.
What is Dramatic Irony?
When the audience can tell and identify the irony while the characters can not.
What is Hyperbole?
An extreme exaggeration.
What is Idiom?
A figure of speech.
What is Metaphor?
When something is said to be another thing.
What is Simile?
When something is compared with another thing using the words “like” or “as.”
What is Metrical Poetry?
Poetry that follows a certain patter of stressed and unstressed syllables.
What is a Moral?
A lesson of right or wrongdoing in a composition.
What is Personification?
When an inanimate object is given human characteristics.
What is Poetic Justice?
When one’s actions are awarded or punished
What is Rhetoric?
Effective writing.
What are Sensory Details?
Details that appeal to one’s senses.