Literary Terms Flashcards
brief fictional story
short story
events in a story
message or lesson
where and when the story takes place
how the character is portrayed
narrator tells us what character is like “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch!”
direct characterization
we find out through dialogue, description of characters, what others say
indirect characterization
main character
characters that has a conflict with protagonist
many human traits to make a personality
round character
one personality trait-stereotype
flat character
character who changes mentally by the end of the story
dynamic character
character who doesn’t change
static character
expectation vs. reality
sarcastic remarks “I can’t wait to go to Ms. Bailie’s class to take notes!”
verbal irony
something happens that isn’t expected=fire station burns down, power plant goes out, Police station gets robbed
situational irony
audience knows something the character doesn’t. Killer is behind shower curtain-victim walks into the bathroom
dramatic irony
reference to history or culture that the author expects us to know
problem, man vs. self
internal conflict
man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs, society, man vs. higher power/fate
external conflict