literary terms Flashcards
What is Author’s Purpose?
The author’s reason for writing Ex. To tell a moral,to persuade,to argue,to entertain
What are Rhetorical Devices?
A technique that the author or speaker uses to convey to the listener or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading Ex.Parrelism,Simile,Metaphor
What is a Symbol ?
A thing that represents or stands for something else Ex. A limousine is a symbol of wealth and Authority
What is a Theme?
The moral or pont the author is trying to get across Ex. Something you learn while reading a story
What is an Inference?
A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
What is Parallelism?
The use of Succesive verba; constructions Ex. Suggesting a connection Through an echo or form
What is Repetition?
The act of repeating something that has been said or written already Ex. In the 3 little pigs the wolf blows down their houses 2 times to show suspense of him blowing the 3rd house
What is Text Structure?
Ways to organize information in the text Ex. compare/contrast, Problem/solution, Sequence of events
What is a Simile
The comparison of two unlike things using like or as Ex. The turtle was like a rock
What is Supporting Textual Evidence?
Evidence used to prove the information true or false Ex. you can say that the okalahoma bombing paper has repetition to back that up you have to support it with evidence the evindence in this case would be he says “let us.” Multiple times during his speech
What is a Metaphor?
The comparison of two unlike things without using like or as Ex. The turtle is a rock
what is claim/point of veiw?
In order to better understand an author’s point of view, examine the claims made by that author. A claim is the aregument made by the writer or speaker Ex. the veiw fro whic censors in 1st person
What is Mood?
How the story is told or how i feels Ex. The censors story feels ominous and strange
What is Foreshadowing ?
The act of hinting towards the future in a book Ex. in the book censors it says that nothing can get him out of his groove hinting towards him censoring his own letter
What is an extended metaphor
A version of a metaphor that extends over multiple lines or paragraphs
What is pace
How fast or slow the book is moving for the reader Ex. in the censors the story has a fast pace
What is authors tone?
An authors attitude toward a certain subject Ex. In the story the Censors we can predict that the author dislikes how the govenrment in this book handles the letters
What is irony Verbal/situational
Situasational irony is the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. Verbal irony is when words are used to mean somthing different than what is said Ex. in the book censors it says the main character is patrotic