Literary movements Flashcards
England: 1798-1870. Golden age for poetry-Wordsworth/ America: 1830-1865. American first creative period- Poe/ emphasis on rational/ value spontaneity, originality, and imagination/ bind with nature
17th century/ popular in France and England/ reflect values of Ancient Greece and Rome/ emphasis on reason and rationality rather than emotion/ Milton, Ben Jonson
19th century artistic and literary movement/ focus on subjective impression that a writer has of reality/ highly personal/ painters: Monet/ writers: Virginia Woolfe
Late 19th century/ realism that reflects age of science and industry/ object, even documentary/ includes historical background, urban settings, lower class characters, and people who are victims of social and economic environment/ George Eliot
Mid 19th century/ truthful treatment of material/ believer in pragmatism/ harsh reality, things as they are/ reaction to romanticism and Impressionism/ Jane Austen
Early 20th century/ originated in Germany 1905/ popular in 1920s ‘the dance of death’ and ‘a dream play’/ used a subjective focus emphasizing the subconscious/ within self to find ones dreams/ ‘the hollow man’ and ‘the metamorphosis’
Influenced by France 1920/ emphasized the expression of the imagination as realized in dreams and presented without conscious control/ demonstrates the influence of Freud/ max Ernst
Modern European movement/’existence precedes essence’/ people supply meaning through actions/ no pre-existing meaning but people provide their own meaning of life to give themselves clarity/ Camus, ‘the guest’
1900-1940/ concerns over society’s loss of traditional values/ sought new forms to reflect the fragmentation and uncertainty of life/ rejected traditional meter for free verse/ jagged monologue of characters thoughts/ experimentation with form and symbol/ William Faulkner