Literary form Flashcards
Why would this novel be considered a 20th century tragedy?
Entails a hero’s downfall
Narrator talking directly to the audience
Why would this novel be considered a realist novel?
Familiar places
Historical dates
Themes of sex and adultery
Why could this novel be recognised as social satire?
Exposes and ridicules the hedonism pursuit of pleasure of 1920’s America.
Demonstrates the lower class as victims of 1920’s America.
How does the novel expose the pursuit of pleasure of 1920’s America?
With irony and exaggeration
Prioritising pleasure over other values of life.
Why could this novel be seen as a modernist novel?
Uses consumerism to break down traditional values such as christianity.
Break down of the historical event of World War One.
Distorted narrator.
Who is it believed FitzGerald took inspiration from?
Romantic ages
Keats and Elliot
What do Keats and Elliot do which Gatsby also does?
Criticise modernity and its ruin of nature.
Meta fiction
A type of prose which refers to itself and it’s author in the process of telling its story.
What is the narration influenced by?
Conrad’s heart of darkness
How does Nick’s narration humanise Gatsby?
Presentation of Gatsby as a shadowy figure who is only glimpsed through Nick’s memories.
What book is the great gatsby also similar to?
Barthes Death by the author
What does Barthes death by the author do that gatsby does?
Reader determines the meaning.
What does the green light symbolise?
What does the gold symbolise?