Literary Devices For Poems And Novels Flashcards
Define Oxymoron
A figure is speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction
Define Juxtaposition
The fact of two things being seen or places close together with contrasting effect
Define Metaphor
A figure is speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which is it not literally applicable.
Define Allegory
A story, poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
Define poetic licence
The freedom to depart the facts of matter or from the conventional rules of language when speaking or writing in order to create an effect.
Define Didactic
Intended to teach or give moral guidance
Define conte
The French word for a tale, applied since the 19th century to short stories but previously used to denote a more fanciful kind of short prose fiction
Define satire
A mode of writing that exposes the failings of individuals, institutions or societies to ridicule and scorn
Define parody
A mocking imitation of the style of a literary work or works
Define a picaresque novel
A novel with a picaroon as its hero or heroine usually first person narrative and has real life depictions
Define Naturalism
A more deliberate kind of realism in novels, stories and plays. Usually involving a view of human beings as passive victims of natural forces and social environment. L.T book
What is an Ode ?
a lyric poem, typically one in the form of an address to a particular subject, written in varied or irregular metre.
a classical poem of a kind originally meant to be sung. (Google)
Define Motif
Motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, and literary devices that can help to develop and inform the textβs major themes. (Sparknotes)
Who was the leading Metaphysical poet?
John Donne
Define the field of New Criticism
βA movement in American literary criticism from the 1930s to the 1960s, concentrating on the verbal complexities and ambiguities of texts.β Essentially, close reading
Define Hermeneutics
The theory of interpretation, concerned with general problems of understanding the meanings of texts.β
What is Critical Race Theory?
Critical Race Theory (C.R.T) is an approach that offers a radical lens through which to make sense of, deconstruct and challenge racial inequality in society.
What is Interest Convergence?
Interest convergence is a theory coined by the late Derrick Bell, law professor and spiritual godfather to the field of study known as critical race theory. Interest convergence stipulates that black people achieve civil rights victories only when white and black interests converge.