Literary devices Flashcards
First person narrator
A narrator who is also a character in the story
Unreliable narrator
A narrator who’s story seems suspicious
Reliable character
A character who’s story does not seem suspicious
Third person narrator
A narrator who is not a character in the story
Omniscient narrator
An all-knowing narrator who knows what the characters are thinking
Tone (remember ___ and ___)
The speakers attitude toward the subject matter and audience (dénotations and connotations)
The explicit definition of a word
The implied meaning of a word
The time and place in which the events of a story occur
The overall feeling that a story conveys (can be established by the setting and emotions of characters)
The main character in a story
A character who gets in the way of the protagonist
Dynamic character
A character who’s attitude changes during the course of a story
Static character
A character who’s attitude does not change during the course of a story
Foil character
A character whose life resembles that of another character in the story