Literary criticism Flashcards
He tries to shower JE with jewels and makes an attempt to bring her into his class. She is uncomfortable with this.
There seems to be an imbalance of power within their relationship – he seems to disregard her low class and poverty. Jane, despite being worthy of appreciation, is always in servitude
Controlled yet passionate nature – a suppressed id
Bertha – symbolic of unresolved identities of Rochester and Jane
Signifies menstruation for the first time – the danger of the room can be seen as signifying her new sexuality
As a woman she is also a member of a colonized group, but as a specifically British woman, she is a colonizer.
Bertha represents British fears of both foreigners and women. The “blood-red” moon, a symbol of women’s menstrual cycles, is reflected in her eyes, suggesting her feminine, sexual potency. Unlike Jane, Bertha refuses to be controlled
The Spectator, 1847
The reader cannot see anything loveable in Mr Rochester, nor why he should be so deeply in love with Jane Eyre; so that we have intense emotion without cause
Quarterly review, 1848
We are painfully alive to the moral, religious, and literary deficiencies of the picture and such passages of beauty and power as have quoted cannot redeem it
The English Novel, 1954
Rochester’s mutilation is the symbol of Jane’s triumph in the battle of the sexes
The heroine is cast…
amongst the thorns and brambles of life
utterance from the depths…
of a struggling, suffering, much enduring spirit
show that external beauty…
is inferior to loveliness of heart