Lit Urinary Flashcards
- Which urinary & serum biomarkers were a) increased at presentation, and b) predictors of AKI development in hospitalised dogs?
- What was the overall morbidity rate associated with AKI?
Nivy JVIM 2021
1. a) Biomarkers – uHSP70/uCr, uGGT/uCr, uALKP/uCr, uIL-6/uCr, IL-6, IL-18 were HIGHER in AKI dogs at presentation vs controls.
b) uHSP70/uCr, uGGT/uCr, uIL-6/uCr were higher in dogs that developed AKI. sSDMA was moderately predictive for AKI (discordant with sCr).
2. 18.6% AKI-associated morbidity rate.
(2 papers)
What was the association between serum FGF-23 concentration, serum phosphate and CKD progression in dogs?
What variables were negative prognostic indicators based on a 2018 JVIM study?
Miyakawa JVIM 2021
Increased serum [FGF-23] >528 pg/mL was associated with a significantly shorter time to development of hyperphos (>5.0mg/dL), independent of CKD stage, as well as with CKD progression (>1.5x increase in sCr).
Rudinsky JVIM 2018
BCS < 4/9, muscle atrophy, increased crea, hyperphos, increased UPC, increased Ca x P, increased FGF-23.
In cats with early (IRIS stage 1-2) CKD, what were the effects of feeding a low-protein, low-phos (LP-LP) diet compared to a moderate-protein, moderate-phos (MP-MP) diet on renal markers?
Schauf JVIM 2021
LP-LP diet - crea decreased to WRI. P did not increase, but tCa and FGF-23 increased long-term.
* Excessive P restriction led to development of hyperCa in early CKD cats.
MP-MP diet: crea, tCa & P remained WRI w/o sig changes, while FGF-23 sig decreased.
* Increasing dietary P and reducing Ca : P ratio maintained renal markers, while improving Ca-P balance. Cats with early CKD could benefit from MP-MP diets.
Landmark paper
What was the effect of feeding a moderate phosphate diet (MP 1.5 g/Mcal; Ca:P ratio 1.3) on renal function parameters in cats with azotemic CKD?
Geddes JVIM 2021
Attenuation of dietary phos restriction –> no significant changes in ionized Ca (decreased to <1.4 in some cats), tCa, PTH, FGF-23. P decreased after ~8.8mths. No cats had increased creatinine >25%.
NB: Schauf JVIM 2021 - similar findings
Cats with early CKD developed hyperCa after long-term feeding of a highly P-restricted diet. Increasing dietary P and reducing Ca : P ratio maintained renal markers (crea, tCa, P, decreased FGF-23) while improving Ca-P balance.
What was the documented treatment response and adverse effect profile in proteinuric dogs receiving telmisartan?
Lecavalier JVIM 2021
Partial (UPC decr by >/=50%) or complete (UPC <0.5) tx response in 70%, 68%, 80%, and 60% of dogs at 1, 3, 6, & 12 months respectively.
SE: mild self-limiting GI signs occ. Uncommonly azotemia requiring tx cessation.
What were the trends in urolith composition & characteristics (location, culture results) in a) dogs and b) cats in a retrospective evaluation?
Kopecny JVIM 2021 (2 papers)
a) Dogs – CaOx (47.0%) > struvite-containing (43.6%) > urate-containing (14.9%) > cystine-containing uroliths (2.7%).
b) Cats – struvite-containing (47.1%) > CaOx-containing (46.2%) > urate (9.2%). Proportion of CaOx-containing uroliths in the upper urinary tract sig higher vs other urolith types. Only 10.9% of struvite-containing uroliths that had bacterial C&S were positive – of which 64.8% yielded urease-producing bacteria.
What was the reported outcome of in female dogs with EU that underwent cystoscopic-guided laser ablation?
Hooi JVIM 2021
67.7% dogs became continent after CLA +/- adjunctive medical management. 54.8% (17/31) dogs received adjunctive medical management. Dogs remaining incontinent after CLA may improve with adjunctive medical management.
Describe the effects of using telmisartan + ACEI in comparison to either drug alone in the treatment of systemic hypertension & proteinuria in dogs with PLN.
Fowler JVIM 2021
Overall combo more effective than either drug alone.
ACEI + TEL combo significantly reduced SBP by 13mmHg & UPC by 2.5 (vs ACEI alone).
UPC in TEL + ACEI group lower by 3.8 vs ACEI group.
*TEL alone did not sig reduce proteinuria but more effective as combo with ACEI. Similar effects as ACEI+TEL in BP reduction.
NB: retrospective study so TEL group may have been more severe
List the following values for a rapid immunoassay (RIA) used to detect bacteriuria in voided urine from dogs when compared to routine urine C&S: a) sensitivity, b) specificity, c) positive predictive value, d) negative PV.
Grant JVIM 2021
a) Sensitivity 89%, specificity 100%, PPV 100%, NPV 92%.
What were the patterns of biological variation (BV) in the gut-derived uremic toxins serum indoxyl sulfate (IS), p-cresol sulfate (pCS) & trimethylamine-n-oxide (TMAO) in healthy adult cats, and what was a major factor influencing BV?
What are the clinical utilities of these biomarkers?
Summers JVIM 2021
IS - individual BV was high short-term and low medium term. pCS & TMAO – individual BV were intermediate both short & medium term.
Major influencing factor = feeding. Significantly LOWER [ ] for all toxins at various q2hr intervals (up to 12hr) post prandium –> best to collect samples at same time of day & consistent as fasted/non-fasted state.
Clinical utility - provides info on CKD stage & risk of dz progression. Humans - biomarkers for therapeutic dietary intervention.
What was the frequency of renal infarcts in dogs identified on CT and the most common imaging characteristics?
Sutthigran JVIM 2021
Frequency of renal infarcts = 3.15%
Most common - grade 1 (lesions <25% of the kidney),
caudal pole of kidney. Sagittal plane most useful.
What 2 risk factors were associated with hypercalcemia after transitioning to a phosphate-restricted diet in IRIS stage 2-3 CKD cats?
Tang JVIM 2021
Lower plasma K+ and/or PO4 concentrations –> increased plasma [tCa] (associated with CKD progression)
Which risk factors were associated with Enterococcus spp. bacteriuria in dogs?
Wood JVIM 2020
1) Hx of recurrent bacteriuria (OR 2.07)
2) LUT anatomic abnormalities (OR: 2.94)
3) Urolithiasis
4) LUT neoplasia
(Basically causes for underlying LUT inflammation)
Which clinicopathological characteristics were associated with dogs with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis? List 1 common & 4 uncommon characteristics.
Which 2 factors were negatively associated with survival in dogs with FSGS?
Lorbach JVIM 2020
Common - systemic hypertension
Uncommon - azotemia, severe hypoalb (median alb 2.8g/dL), ascites, oedema
Serum crea >2.1mg/dL
Alb <2g/dL
a) Which group of disorders (location) were most common in cats with micturition disorders presenting as urinary incontinence?
b) Was there a positive or negative correlation with survival for the answer to a)?
c) Were voiding or storage phase disorders more common?
d) Incidence of UTI in cats with UI?
e) Overall % of cats that regained continence?
Lonc JVIM 2020
a) Spinal cord disorders (>urethral»_space; bladder»_space; ureter)
b) Negative - more guarded prognosis.
c) Both similar frequency. But voiding phase disorders > common in males & younger cats.
d) 39%
e) 42% (spinal cord worse px)
a) What is the role of hemojuvelin?
b) How did urine hemojuvelin concentrations (UHJ) & urine-hemojuvenil-to-creatinine ratios (UHCR) in AKI/ACKD/CKD cats compare to healthy cats?
c) Which haemogram & biochemical parameters did UHJ and/or UHCR correlate with in AKI/ACKD/CKD cats? (List 6)
Jing JVIM 2020
a) Membrane protein with key regulatory role in systemic iron homeostasis via the hemojuvelin-hepcidin-ferroportin axis.
b) Sig increased UHJ & UHCR in AKI/ACKD/CKD cats.
c) Both - high BUN, creatinine & phosphate. Low Hct/RBC count, albumin.
UHCR - peripheral WBC count.
In non-azotemic dogs being screened for decreased renal function (defined as ≥40% decrease in GFR assessed by iohexol plasma clearance), a cut-off of SDMA >14μg/dL had …..% sens but …. specificity of …..%. In contrast, an SDMA cut-off of 18 μg/dL had similar sensitivity but …. specificity of …..%.
McKenna JVIM 2020
90% sens, 50% spec.
93% spec.
a) What was the association between vitamin D metabolites & PLN in dogs?
b) Which two clinicopathological parameters did these vitamin D metabolites significantly correlate with?
Miller JVIM 2020
a) PLN dogs had lower concentrations of all vit D metabolites – calcidiol, calcitriol, 24,25[OH]2D (inactive form), serum vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) & urine calcidiol concentrations.
b) Urine calcidiol-to-creatinine ratio – neg correlation with serum albumin, positive correlation with UPC.
Serum 24,25[OH]2D – neg correlation with UPC.
What is liver-type fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP)?
Is L-FABP excretion increased or decreased in cats with renal disease?
Is L-FABP index correlated with current renal biomarkers?
Katayama JVIM 2020
Cytotoxic oxidation product secreted from renal proximal tubules under ischemia (or low capillary blood flow) & oxidative stress.
In health, L-FABP secreted from the liver into the blood crosses the glomerular barrier and then is reabsorbed by the PT cells, so hardly appears in urine.
Weak correlation with crea, BUN & SDMA; but stronger when serum crea >1.6mg/dL.
(T/F) UPCR measurements in urine samples collected at home were similar between at-home and in-hospital samples in healthy dogs.
(T/F) UPCR did not correlate with UCCR (reflecting patient stress) in paired urine samples of healthy dogs.
Citron JVIM 2020
True for both
What optimal cutoff urine Ca to creatinine ratio (UCa/Cr) was identified to differentiate Ca-Ox forming vs control male Mini Schnauzers?
What was the sensitivity & specificity for this cut-off?
Does feeding affect this value?
Carr JVIM 2020
** UCa/Cr >0.06**
Spec 93%, 56% sens (false negs - possibly fluctuating hypercalciuria missed in urolith-formers)
(PPV 83%, NPV 78%)
No (post-prandial sampling up to 8hrs not critical).
1) State the:
a) Prevalence of systemic hypertension (SH) in dogs with AKI on admission
b) Proportion of AKI dogs with fluid overload (FO)
c) Proportion of AKI dogs with hypertensive retinopathy
d) Proportion of AKI dogs with significant proteinuria (UPCR >0.5)
2) Which of the above factors were:
a) Risk factor(s) for SH development?
b) Correlated with non-survival?
3) What associations were identified between SH & IRIS AKI grade, oligo/anuria, survival to discharge, duration of hospitalization & proteinuria?
Cole JVIM 2020
a) 75%; of which 56% had severe SH (≥180 mm Hg)
b) 42% (FO on admission/during hosp)
c) 16%
d) 77%
2) a) FO on admission
b) Development of FO
3) No associations identified
(T/F, state positive or negative)
In cats with azotemic CKD, bacteriuria (based on positive urine culture) when treated with appropriate antibiotics, was associated with:
a) CKD progression
b) Survival
Hindar JVIM 2020
a) F - no sig association
b) F - no sig association
a) What 3 clinicopathological parameters should prompt submission of quantitative urine culture (QUC) for proteinuric dogs?
b) What proportion of proteinuric dogs had:
i) Bacteria growth in urine?
ii) Bacteria growth + active sediment?
iii) Missed/unidentified bacteriuria when QUC was not performed based on an inactive sediment?
Grimes JVIM 2020
a) Active urine sediment (OR 11.1), pyuria (OR 25.1), LUT disease (OR 6.7)
i) 6.7%
ii) 4% (60% of proteinuric dogs with bacteria growth)
iii) 1.8% (low!)
What % of dogs with proliferative urethritis (PU) had urinary tract infections?
Which clinical and/or therapeutic factors were most likely associated with achieving long-term urethral patency?
Emanuel JVIM 2020
Lesion effacement by balloon dilatation or urethral stenting.
Duration of urethral patency was longer with BD +stent vs BD tx alone (843d vs 452d).
What were the differences between immediate compared to delayed plating of urine samples for bacterial C&S?
Coffey JVIM 2020
No sig diff as long as urine samples are stored (refrigerated) & transported appropriately.
More discrepancies in plating methods for midstream samples but most were not clinically significant.
What are the 2 types of medullary rom sign (MRS) described on renal US in cats?
What was association between each type & presence of kidney disease?
Cordella JVIM 2020
MRS-line (thin hyperechoic line with well-defined margins), MRS-band (thick hyperechoic band with ill-defined margins)
MRS-band was more frequently associated with KD (74% cats), whereas MRS-line may occur with/without KD (40% cats had KD).
What were the top 3 most common aetiologies for acute-on-chronic kidney disease (ACKD) in dogs? (note differences with cats)
What following factors significantly associated with short-term and long-term survival?
Mortality rate?
MST for dogs surviving to discharge?
Dunaevich JVIM 2020
Unknown (45%) > inflammatory (30%) > pyelonephritis (15%)
Short-term - IRIS AKI grade & serum crea at presentation; RR & CK activity. NOT aetiology.
Long-term - aetiology & serum crea at discharge NOT predictors (cats opposite)
35% mortality
Poor long term px. MST 105d (35 & 8 dogs survived up to 6 & 12mths respectively).
What were the top 3 most common aetiologies for acute-on-chronic kidney disease (ACKD) in cats? (note differences with dogs)
What following factors significantly associated with short-term and long-term survival?
Mortality rate?
MST for cats surviving to discharge?
Chen JVIM 2020
Unknown (66%) > UO (11%) > renal ischemia (9%)/pyelonephritis (8%)
Short term - serum phos
Long term - serum crea & presentation & discharge
42% mortality
66 days
The administration of endoscopic-guided cross-linked gelatin (VetFoam) SQ injections was ……(effective/ineffective) in achieving continence in female dogs with USMI refractory/not amenable to medical treatment.
Continence was achieved in ……% dogs after 1 injection, and …..% dogs, with a mean duration of continence for …….. after 1 injection. Adverse effects were …..(common/uncommon) and included ……
Chen JVIM 2020
13/15 (87%) dogs
100% (7/7)
11.1 months
Uncommon. Self-limiting stranguria, pollakiuria, tenesmus (1 dog)
(T/F) Decompressive cystocentesis is a useful method which can reduce time taken & increase ease of urethral catheterisation in cats with urethral obstruction.
Reineke JAVMA 2021
False. DC did not improve time to place urinary catheter or ease of UC in cats with UO.
What was the prevalence of vulvar recession in dogs in a study?
What clinical features were associated with a higher risk of vulvar recession?
(T/F) Dogs with recessed vulvas were at a higher risk of LUT disease or perivulvar dermatitis.
Palerme JAVMA 2020
14% (36/250) dogs.
Dogs with significantly higher BCS & BW, spayed status, spayed ≤1yo (3x as likely for vulvar recession).
What % of dogs with non-traumatic haemoabdomen due to splenic disease & non-malignant histopath findings suffered an adverse outcome & premature death? MST?
Millar JAVMA 2021
17% (9/53) dogs
MST 49 days.
What condition should be screened for in young-middle aged Bracchi Italiani when presented with inappetance?
What is the MST for this condition, and what 3 histologic findings were identified?
Inman JAVMA 2021
Familial proteinuric nephropathy & renal amyloidosis.
50% azotemic (4/8)
Prognosis poor - MST 75d (euthanasia) from time of diagnosis.
Histo - glomerular amyloidosis (75%), nephrosclerosis (12.5%), non-amyloidotic
fibrillar glomerulopathy (12.5%).
What biochemical changes were observed in patients with suspect contrast-induced nephropathy post CT angiography?
What was the progression of acute kidney injury & response to treatment in these patients?
Griffin JAVMA 2021
Marked elevation in creatinine (260-720%). Azotemia peaks at 2-3d post CT > improves by 3-4d > resolves by ~7d (up to 13d) post exposure.
Excellent short term prognosis with supportive care.
What microRNA was upregulated in the urine of cats with pyelonephritis? And which pathogen?
Jessen JVIM 2020
E. coli
What microRNA was upregulated in the urine of cats with pyelonephritis? And which pathogen?
Jessen JVIM 2020
E. coli
In a antimicrobial susceptibility study in the mid-western USA, what was the susceptibility profile of E. coli UTI to amoxicillin/amoxy clav in dogs vs cats? Resistance rates to other abx?
KuKanich JVIM 2020
Dogs - E. coli mostly susceptible to clav in dogs (92%), much lower for amoxicillin (53%). Amoxy clav may be a better empirical choice in this region.
Cats - not susceptible, attributed to a different breakpoint between species. Higher breakpoints for dog vs cats.
Low resistance rates to other abx (</=7% cats, </=14% dogs)
What changes in faecal straight & branched short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are seen in cats with IRIS Stage 3 or 4 CKD?
Summers JVIM 2019
Higher isovaleric acid concentrations in CKD cats (esp in late stage disease).
Branched SCFA [ ] correlated weakly with p-cresol-sulfate [ ] & were higher in cats with muscle wasting (reflecting malassimilation of protein in CKD).
What were the effects of IVFT and/or intermittent hemodalysis on SDMA in dogs with IRIS Stage 4 CKD? (Hint: is SDMA dialyzable?)
Le Sueur JVIM 2019
SDMA is a dialyzable biomarker. For every 10% increase in urea reduction ratio = 6.2μg/dL decrease in SDMA.
Its clearance is still dependent on renal function & had less post-dialysis rebound effect (cf urea & sCr), so may still be used to monitor renal function in CKD dogs undergoing IH/IVFT.
What is the Idexx SediVue highly, moderately vs poorly sensitive for in detecting pathology in cat/dog urine samples?
Hernandez JVIM 2019
Sensitive for RBC, WBC & struvite (sens 85-90%), moderate for CaOx (75%). Moderate-poorly sensitive for epithelial cells (33% for sqEPI, 71% for nsEPI).
Highly specific for CaOx & EPI (99%), moderate for struvite (84%), 87-90% for remaining elements.
What is the intra-individual variability in a first AM USG in dogs (mean difference between min & max)?
Rudinsky JVIM 2019
What (primary/secondary) hemostatic disorder can be observed in dogs with >/= IRIS grade III AKI? What hemostatic abnormalities identified support this?
McBride JVIM 2019
Type II vwD-like phenotype (low [ ] + abnormal structure)
Higher platelet count but decreased collagen-activated platelet aggregation
High vWF:Ag:vWF:CBA (von Willebrand factor antigen : collagen binding activity ratio) - i.e. vWF present but reduced binding/functional activity. Strongly correlated with sCr.
NB: collagen-binding assay is a useful test for measuring the functional activity of VWF. Assay measures the binding of VWF to collagen and preferentially the HMW VWF multimers - therefore reflects reduction/ absence of larger VWF multimers
What is indoxyl sulfate?
What other biomarker is it associated with and what can it predict?
Liao JVIM 2019
Derived from breakdown metabolite of dietary L-tryptophan by colonic bacteria. Protein-bound.
Associated with phosphate metabolism & CKD progression in cats. Significantly associated with FGF-23 - both increase concurrently in line with decreasing renal function.
Uremic toxin in excess.
What are the faecal microbiome changes that occur in cats with CKD?
Which metabolic biomarker(s) may change?
Summers JVIM 2019
Reduced diversity & richness of faecal microbiome in CKD cats.
Increased indoxyl sulfate (not p-cresol sulfate). No significant differences between stages 2 & 3/4 CKD.
What is the optimal needle size to maximize diagnostic yield with renal biopsies?
What other patient & procedural factors influence diagnostic yield?
Crivellenti JAVMA 2018
16G, similar yield with 14G but greater than 18G
Other factors influencing no. of glomeruli per core specimen - dog age, sCr, degree of proteinuria.
What percentage of ureterocoeles are ectopic? How effective is laser ablation?
What condition may be associated with stenotic or imperforate ureters Recommended treatment for this condition?
Which breed(s) is/are overrepresented with stenotic ureters?
Rogatko JVIM 2019
71% ectopic.
JVIM 2018. 71% ectopic. 84% (11/13) had resolution of pollakiuria or incontinence after ablation.
Ectopic ureterocele.
Cystoscopic-guided laser ablation (surgical conversion needed if cannot extend opening of ureteral orifice).
Labrador Retrievers (54% study population, 7/13 dogs) *NB: also predisposed to congenital UVJ stenosis but usually w/o ureterocele
- What is the incidence of positive urine cultures post-SUB placement/ureteral stenting in cats, and 2. the most common bacterial isolate?
- Why is this a concern?
- Describe factors that reduce the risk of post-SUB UTI.
Kopecny JVIM 2019
1. 25% (5/20) of SUBS had positive urine cultures post-SUB/ureteral stenting pre-discharge.
2. Enterococcus spp. (50%; as mono or polymicrobial infections).
3. Most cats with positive urine C&S had signs of pyelonephritis and/or LUT signs. (rather than subclinical)
4. Post-op antibiotics significantly reduced likelihood of positive urine culture.
Positive cultures NOT associated with CKD, renal implant type, post-op urinary catheterization.
When is the recommended age to start screening for CaOx urolithiasis in at-risk canine breeds, based on onset of clinical urolithiasis?
What high risk breeds were identified?
Hunprasit JVIM 2019
Median age was 8.4 +/- 2.8 years for onset of clinical CaOx urolithiasis. Screening recommended from 5-6 yo.
High-risk: all small dog breeds, total 12.
Mini Pin, Pom, Cairn Terrier, Brussels Griffon (OR >3) > Maltese, Lhasa Apso, Chihuhua, JRT, Mini Schnauzer, Yorkie (OR 2-3) > Bichon Frise, Jap Chin (OR 1-2)
(Low-risk: medium-large dog breeds)
What abnormalities in vitamin D metabolism can be seen in a subset of CaOx stone forming dogs?
Groth JVIM 2019
Decreased conversion of 25(OH)D to 24,25(OH)2D
–> increased 25(OH)D:24,25(OH)2D ratio - moderate positive correlation with urinary Ca:Cr.
25(OH)D = calcidiol.
1,25OH2D = calcitriol.
24,25(OH)2D = less active metabolite of calcidiol & calcitriol.
What % of cats with FIC will have recurrent urethral obstruction within 6 months after discharge? Is this incidence improved by meloxicam administration?
Nivy JVIM 2019
No (not in this study) - NB: meloxicam dose used was low dose @0.025mg/kg PO SID for 2 wks post discharge, in addition to phenoxybenzamine & alprazolam.
Which cytokines/chemokines were increased in cats with acute idiopathic cystitis compared to healthy controls?
Parys JVIM 2019
All pro-inflammatory: CXCL12, IL-12, IL-18, Flt3L (fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand)
May be potentially useful non-invasive biomarkers for diagnosis, staging & tx outcome monitoring of FIC cats - but more studies needed.
What is an alternative to cross-linked collagen injections for USMI in dogs? What is the reported success rate?
Lüttmann JSAP 2019
Dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer injection (another urethral bulking agent).
58% success rate at 6mths (71% for X-linked collagen)
Median duration of continence ~20mths (vs 48mths for X-linked collagen)
What factors are associated with duration and severity of post-obstructive diuresis (POD) in cats with ureteral obstruction undergoing stenting or SUB placement?
Overall survival rate?
Balsa JAVMA 2019
- Pre-sx renal values (sCr, BUN), K+ & PO4 - associated with POD intensity & duration.
- Absolute change pre & post-op of BUN/crea & K - associated with POD duration.
- Anuria pre-sx associated with longer period of POD.
- (No diff in POD duration/severity with uni vs bilateral UO)
92% survived to discharge (50% of this had resolved azotemia by then)
What are the clinical consequences of high dietary phosphate intake in cats?
Laflamme JVIM 2020 (Review)
High amt of soluble P (in particular inorganic P) & low Ca:P ratio (<1:1) in diet have been associated with progressive renal damage in cats.
What is the impact of a) HCM & b) diabetes mellitus on SDMA in cats?
Was there an association between DM & CKD in cats?
Langhorn JVIM 2018
a) No changes for HCM compared to healthy controls.
b) DM cats significantly lower SDMA - caution when interpreting renal function in this population of cats.
Pérez-López JVIM 2019
Yes. CKD cats had increased assocation with DM (OR 4.47)
What differences in RAAS are there between greyhounds & non-greyhound breeds?
Martinez JVIM 2017
Greyhounds had no difference in basal RAAS activation (plasma renin, ACE activity) vs other breeds.
BUT did have lower aldosterone concentration, likely an appropriate response to higher BP & Na concentration (where ATII effects in the renal tubules predominate over aldosterone).
Also have higher creatinine & SDMA vs other breeds.
SDMA & creatinine:
- Which is more reliable for sequential patient monitoring?
- What about use of population RI?
Kopke JVIM 2018
Creatinine was recommended to be used with sequential measurements.
SDMA better suited to population based RI. (False-negatives could occur when comparing a single test result from an individual to such RIs).
An individual’s homeostatic set point is derived from the mean & CI of the test variable with repeat measurements.
What is the association between cTnI & BNP with GFR in dogs? How does this affect clinical interpretation in healthy vs stable CKD dogs?
Pelander JVIM 2017
No independent associations between either parameter with GFR.
Increased circulating cTnI & NT-proBNP [ ] can be interpreted similarly in stable CKD vs non-CKD dogs.
How is plasma FGF-23 concentration associated with CKD severity?
What are the strongest predictors of FGF-23 concentration in dogs?
Harjes JVIM 2017
FGF-23 increases with CKD severity (sig higher in stages 3/4 vs 1/2).
Creatinine & phosphorus.
Can SDMA differentiate between CKD & AKI in dogs?
Dahlem JVIM 2017
No, but SDMA/creatinine ratio is higher in CKD cf AKI dogs.
Is urine/serum Cystatin C a useful biomarker in cats with CKD?
What is it trying to predict?
Is serum cystatin C reliable in assessing renal function in hyperT cats?
Ghys JVIM 2016
Proteinase inhibitor, produced in all nucleated cells at a constant rate (responsible for intracellular protein catabolism). Biomarker for tubular damage in people & dogs.
To predict GFR.
Not useful as insensitive - could not reliably distinguish healthy from CKD cats or reduced GFR.
Also uCysC not detectable in 100% CKD cats in this study.
Williams JVIM 2016
sCysC did not change significantly pre & post hyperT tx. Also not sig diff between non-hyperT CKD cats & healthy older cats, or hyperT cats that rmained non-azotemic vs developed azotemia 4mths post tx.