Lit Terms 2 Flashcards
the repetition of initial sounds in consecutive words within a line of poetry.
when people have contradictory attitudes or emotions toward the same things or person at the same time.
the repetition of vowel sounds not in the initial position within a line of poetry.
a harsh, unpleasant combination of sounds or tones.
the repetition of consonant sounds not in the initial position.
end-stopped lines
lines of poetry in which both the grammatical structure and the sense reach completion at the end of the line.
run-on lines which carry the completion of a statement from one line to another without pause.
combinations of sounds and words which are pleasant to the ear.
free verse
poetry that does not contain consistent meter or rhyme schemes.
lyric poem
a brief poem strongly marked by imagination, melody, and emotions, which creates for the reader a single, unified impression.
an extended speech by one person
a structural arrangement of parts of a sentence, paragraphs, and larger units of composition by which one element of equal importance with another is equally developed and similarly phrased.
when animals, ideas, abstractions, and inanimate objects have human forms, character, or sensibilities.
an author’s method of disclosing the secret or inner thoughts of a character by having him speak his thoughts aloud to himself while alone on stage.
an arrangement of words in a manner which at once best expresses the individuality of the author.