Lit Flashcards
immortal (Adj.) (ch 1)
exempt from death
pulverize (pg 11)
to reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles
vane (pg 75)
a thin flat or curved object that is rotated about an axis by a flow of fluid or that rotates to cause a fluid to flow or that redirects a flow of fluid
lethal (pg 79)
of, relating to, or causing death
sprawled (pg 92)
to lie or sit with arms and legs spread out
maiming (pg 121)
to mutilate, disfigure, or wound seriously
plume (pg 122)
a cluster of distinctive feathers
converged (pg 122)
to tend or move toward one point or one another
materialized (pg 123)
to appear especially suddenly
tunic (pg 130)
a simple slip-on garment made with or without sleeves and usually knee-length or longer, belted at the waist, and worn as an under or outer garment by men and women of ancient Greece and Rome
braying (pg 168)
to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey
faltered (pg 168)
to speak brokenly or weakly
infrared (pg 170)
situated outside the visible spectrum at its red end —used of radiation having a wavelength between about 700 nanometers and 1 millimeter
loitering (pg 283)
to remain in an area for no obvious reason
Bray (248)
a donkey like sound
curio (171)
an unusual or bizarre person
Muzak (284)
used for recorded background music
disembark (290)
to remove to shore from a ship
Erebus (291)
a personification of darkness in Greek mythology