listening vocab Flashcards
primary school?
Refers to the first stage of formal education in Germany.
What does ‘das Gymnasium’ refer to?
secondary school (selective)
A type of secondary school that prepares students for higher education.
What is meant by ‘die Ausbildung’?
(professional) training
Refers to vocational training or apprenticeship programs.
What are ‘die Noten’?
marks / grades
Evaluations of student performance in subjects.
What does it mean to ‘durchfallen’?
to fail
Refers to not passing an exam or course.
What are ‘Prüfungen’?
Formal assessments of knowledge or skills.
What is ‘das Abitur’ equivalent to?
A Level equivalent
A qualification that students take at the end of their secondary education.
What does ‘der Notendruck’ refer to?
pressure to get good marks
The stress students feel to achieve high grades.
What is ‘das Zeugnis’?
school report
A document that summarizes a student’s academic performance.
What are ‘Wahlfächer’?
optional subjects
Subjects that students can choose to study in addition to compulsory ones.
What are ‘Pflichtfächer’?
compulsory subjects
Subjects that all students are required to take.
What is ‘die Geige’ in English?
A string instrument played with a bow.
What does ‘Geld verdienen’ mean?
to earn money
The process of receiving payment for work or services.
What is ‘der Chef’?
the boss
Refers to a person in a position of authority in a workplace.
What does ‘besitzen’ mean?
to own
To have possession or control over something.