Listening for final Flashcards
Female singing, soprano, familiar 6/8 rhythm, performed on saxophone
La traviata, Act I, no. 3 Scena ed aria Violetta [“Ah! fors’è lui”
Female singer, soprano playful “sempree Libbbb” male offstage singing.
La traviata, Act I, no. 3 Scena ed aria Violetta “Sempre libera”] (1853)
Female soprano sad, “Adddd”(possible start with soprano and male voice spoken)
La traviata, Act III, no. 8 Scena ed Aria Violetta [“Addio del passato”] (1853)
Triumphant brass beginning followed Ritornaaaa, female voice
Aida, Act I, Scena [Aria] Aida [“Ritorna vincitor”] (1871)
Triumphant brass broken with string entrances between, instrumental buildup, “Glorrria” with many voices
Aida, Act II, Finale [“Gloria all’Egitto”] (1871)
String opening, decrescendo leading to solo cello and then male voice “Ga nella”Long statements followed by soprano
Otello, Act I, Duetto Otello e Desdemona [“Già nella notte densa”] (1887)
Short string eighth note passages, Declamatory with strings interupting short phrases on a male voice “Creddddoo” mostly spoken
Otello, Act II, Iago’s “Credo” [“Credo in un dio crudel”] (1887
Male voice “Parrrii Sam” followed by sinister brass and strings with crescendos, “Mio Padre”
Rigoletto, Act I, no. 4 Scena e duetto Rigoletto e Gilda [“Pari siamo” and “De non parlare al misero”] (1851)
Declamatory and loud “la donna”
- Rigoletto, Act III, no. 11 Scena e canzone Duca [“La donna è mobile”] (1851)
hopeful strings and flute sounds (arpeggiating), tuneful female soprano voice, lots of vibratos
Rigoletto, Act I, no. 6 Scena ed aria Gilda [“Caro nome”] (1851)
String opening sixteenth notes, wind eighth note, chorus, 3 sinister bursts of orchestral sound, (very quiet chorus)
Nabucco, Act III, no. 11 Coro e profezia [“Va, pensiero“Del futuro nel buio discerno) (1842)
Horn choir opening, moments of quiet strings, and brash winds. long instrumental work
Nabucco, Overture (1842)
Horn and string sinsiter interaction followd by flute and deepish male voice “Dall tuo stell”
Gioachino Rossini, Mosé in Egitto, Act IV, Scena, Coro, e Preghiera [“Dal tuo stellato soglio”]
Waltz-like, Elll ill, male voice
Rigoletto, Act I, no. 5 Scena e duetto Gilda e Duca [“È il sol dell’anima”] (1851)
Un dii, male voice with waltz underneath, female vioce with many rests inbetween
La traviata, Act I, no. 2 Duettino [“Un dì felice, eterea”] from the Introduzione (1853)
String section increasing in intensity, loud male voice (Aidaa) female voice more concerned
Aida, Act III, Scena e duetto Aida e Radamès [“Fuggiam gli ardori inospiti” and “Sì, fuggiam da
queste mure”] (1871