Listen and Learn with your Favorite Movies Flashcards
a ver
let’s see ? A ver; déjame pensar. Let’s see; letme think. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
así es
that’s right; yes indeed; that’s how it is ?Así es; adiós. Th at’s right; good-bye. [Home Alone;ch.
buenas noches
good night ? Buenas noches;Westley. Good night; Westley. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
buenas tardes
good afternoon; good evening ?Buenas tardes; joven. Good afternoon; youngman. [Mary Poppins; ch.
buenos días
good morning; good day ? SeñoritaFleener; buenos días. Miss Fleener; good morning.[Hoosiers; ch.
de acuerdo
agreed; all right ? estar de acuerdoto be in agreement; to agree ? Estoy de acuerdocon Fezzik. I agree with Fezzik. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
de nada
you’re welcome ? De nada. You’rewelcome. [Rudy; ch.
feliz navidad
Merry Christmas ? Oye; Johnny;¿no quieres decirle feliz navidad a tu hermanito?Hey; Johnny; don’t you want to say MerryChristmas to your little brother? [Rudy; ch.
hasta la vista
see you later ? Hasta la vista;Julia. See you later; Julia. [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
hasta luego
see you later (lit until later) ? Hastaluego; Mamá Búho. See you later; Mama Búho.[Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
hasta pronto
see you soon (lit until soon) ?Hasta pronto; muchachos. See you soon; guys.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
lo siento
I’m sorry ? Como lo siento; querido.I’m so sorry; dear. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
muchas gracias
thank you very much ? Gracias;muchas gracias. Th ank you; thank you verymuch. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
muy bien
very well; quite fi ne ? No lo hice muybien la última vez. I didn’t do it very well lasttime. [Eight Below; ch.
por favor
please ? ¿Quieres esperar un momento;por favor; Sylvester? Do you want to wait amoment; please; Sylvester? [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
por supuesto
of course ? Por supuesto; aunqueusualmente sé para quien voy a trabajar.Of course; although I usually know who I’m goingto work for. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
¿cómo se llama?
what is your name?; what is itcalled? ? ¿Cómo se llama este lugar? What is thisplace called? [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
¿cómo te llamas?
what is your name? ? ¿Cómo tellamas; tú? What is your name? [Th e Fox and theHound; ch.
¿no es así?
isn’t that right? ? ¿No es así? Isn’t thatright? [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
¿por qué?
why? ? ¿Por qué lo haces? Why do youdo it? [Home Alone; ch.
¿por qué no?
why not? ? Y; ¿por qué no? And whynot? [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
¿qué pasa?
what’s happening?; what’s going on? ?¿Qué pasa contigo? What’s going on with you?[Rocky III; ch.
¿qué pasó?
what happened?; what’s been going on?;what’s up? ? ¿Qué pasó? What happened?[Rocky III; ch.
¿qué tal…?
hello; what about …?; how’s it going?;what’s up?; what do you think of that? [examples:¿qué tal el trabajo? how’s your work going?;¿qué tal tu novia? what’s up with your girlfriend?;qué tal; ¿eh? what do you think of that? ¿Qué tal? Mi nombre es Inigo Montoya. Hello; myname is Inigo Montoya. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
¿qué te pasa?
what’s the matter?; what’s the matterwith you? ? Oye; ¿qué te pasa? Hey; what’s thematter with you? [Holes; ch.
a pesar de
in spite of ? A pesar de eso; todo hamarchado bien. In spite of that; everything hasgone well. [Holes; ch.
antes de que
before ? Será mejor que lleguemosantes de que oscurezca. It will be better if wearrive before it gets dark. [Holes; ch.
así que
so; therefore ? ¿Así que viajarán a París?So you’ll be traveling to Paris? [Home Alone; ch.
claro que
… of course … ? ¡claro que sí! of course! ?claro que no of course not ? Pero claro que tengouna identidad secreta. But of course I have asecret identity. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
hasta que
until ? Nos prometió quedarse hasta queel viento cambiara. ¿No es verdad; Mary Poppins?You promised us you would stay until the windchanged. Isn’t that right; Mary Poppins?[Mary Poppins; ch.
hay que
it is necessary ? ¡Hay que salir!We have to leave! (lit It is necessary to leave!)[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
lo que
what; that ? Nadie en Guilder sabe lo quehicimos. Nobody in Guilder knows what we did.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
para que
so that; in order to ? Hay que pagar paraque no hablen en la compañía. It’s necessary topay so that they don’t talk at the company.[Th e Incredibles; ch.
sin embargo
however ? Sin embargo; el campeónes un hombre muy fuerte. However; the championis a very strong man. [Rocky III; ch.
tal vez
maybe; perhaps ? Tal vez sobrevivan.Maybe they’ll survive. [Eight Below; ch.
tener que
to have to ? Tengo que limpiar el tanqueantes de que Darla llegue. I have to clean the tankbefore Darla arrives. [Finding Nemo; ch.
come in; proceed; go ahead ? AquíVictoria; adelante McMurdo. Victoria here;go ahead McMurdo. [Eight Below; ch.
good-bye ? Adiós. Good-bye. [Rudy; ch.
ay ? Ay; mira lo que hiciste—lo molestaste;hermano. Ay; look what you did—you annoyedhim; brother. [Facing the Giants; ch.
bravo ? Bravo. Bravo. [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
be careful ? Cuidado; los tiburones comenpeces. Be careful; sharks eat fi sh. [Finding Nemo;ch.
then ? Entonces nos vemos temprano.Th en we’ll see you bright and early. [Eight Below;ch.
congratulations ? Felicidades; Rudy.Congratulations; Rudy. [Rudy; ch.
thank you; thanks ? Gracias; señor.Th ank you; sir. [Mary Poppins; ch.
hi; hello ? Hola; Mamá Búho. Hi; MamaBúho. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
although ? Aunque creo que un periodode prueba sería muy prudente. Although I thinka trial period would be very prudent. [Mary Poppins;ch.
when ? Vendrá cuando esté listo; no antes.He’ll come when he’s ready; not before. [Hoosiers;ch.
and [used instead of y when the following wordbegins with i or hi ? Fezzik e Inigo se reunieron.Fezzik and Inigo met up. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
while ? ¿Y es por eso que trataron dematarme mientras dormía? And that’s why youtried to kill me while I was sleeping? [Anne ofGreen Gables; ch.
neither; nor ? Pero; sabes muy bien que ni a laseñora Brougham ni a mí nos gustan los postreselaborados. But you know very well that neitherMrs. Brougham nor I like fancy desserts.[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
or ? No podemos dejar que correteen solos en lostejados; ¿o sí? We can’t allow them to run aloneover the rooftops; or can we? [Mary Poppins; ch.
but ? Lo que muchos hombres están buscandoestá frente a su nariz; pero para algunos lodesconocido es difícil de resistir. What many menare searching for is right in front of their nose;but for some the unknown is hard to resist.[Eragon; ch.
because ? Dan; tenemos un programa débilporque hay un entrenador débil. Dan; we havea weak program because there is a weak coach.[Facing the Giants; ch.
well ? Pues te diré una cosa; Mary Poppins.Well; I’ll tell you one thing; Mary Poppins.[Mary Poppins; ch.
that; than ? ¿Crees que es divertido? Do youthink that it’s fun? [Holes; ch.
if ? No sé si me gustará eso. I don’t know if I willlike that. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
or [used instead of o when the following wordbegins with o or ho ? En pocas semanas; deuna forma u otra; la mayoría de los animalesencuentran a quien estaban buscando. Withina few weeks; one way or another; the majorityof the animals fi nd whom they were looking for.[March of the Penguins; ch.
and ? Cuando lleguen a la fosa; naden a travésy no sobre ella. When you arrive at the trench;swim through and not over it. [Finding Nemo; ch.
at; to ? Estoy seguro de que llegar a las fi nales estámás allá de sus sueños; así que no hablemos de eso.I’m sure that making it to the fi nals is the furthestthing from your dreams; so let’s not even talkabout that. [Hoosiers; ch.
to the; at the ? Mejor leer en donde vanal pantano. Better to read where they go to theswamp. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
under ? Quiero los extremos ahí en cada lugar;en cada juego; pero bajo control. I want the endsthere in each place; in each play; but under control.[Rudy; ch.
like; how ? Peleas como cabra loca. You fi ghtlike a crazy goat. [Eragon; ch.
with; to ? Negocia con tu cuerpo—que te démás fuerza. Negotiate with your body—to giveyou more strength. [Facing the Giants; ch.
against ? Hoy jugaremos contra Verdi.Today we’ll play against Verdi. [Hoosiers; ch.
of; from ? Por favor; quiero comprar un lindoramo de fl ores para mi esposa. Please; I’d liketo buy a pretty bouquet of fl owers for my wife.[Facing the Giants; ch.
of the; from the ? Bueno; algo que heentendido es que no importa cuanto trate; nuncapasaré del equipo de entrenamiento. Well;something that I have understood is that it doesn’tmatter how much I try; I will never get off of thetraining squad. [Rudy; ch.
from; since ? ¿Y qué ha hecho desdeentonces? And what have you done since then?[Hoosiers; ch.
during; for ? Fue a su habitación y cerróla puerta; y durante días no durmió ni comió.She went to her room and closed the door; andfor days she neither slept nor ate. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
in; at; on ? Ha nadado cientos de metros en laoscuridad. He’s swum hundreds of meters in thedark. [Finding Nemo; ch.
between ? Hay una gran diferenciaentre estar casi muerto y totalmente muerto.Th ere is a big diff erence between being almostdead and totally dead. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
toward ? Ese es un sendero propio paraviajar hacia grandes aventuras. Th at is a pathjust right for traveling toward great adventures.[Mary Poppins; ch.
until; up to ? Algún día llegaré hasta cinco;pero no sé qué tanto daño te causaría. SomedayI will get up to fi ve; but I don’t know how muchdamage that would cause you. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
for ? Entrenador; esto es para Rudy. Coach;this is for Rudy. [Rudy; ch.
for; by ? Ve por agua. Go for water. [Holes;ch.
without ? No sabría qué hacer sin usted.I wouldn’t know what to do without you.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
over; about ? Llama por radio a Katie y quete informe sobre la tormenta; Doc. Call Katie onthe radio to get a report about the storm; Doc.[Eight Below; ch.
nm baby ? ¿Todavía quieres tener un bebé?Do you still want to have a baby? [Facing the Giants;ch.
esposo (esposa)
husband/wife; spouse ? Eres peorque mi esposo cuando se baña. You are worse thanmy husband when he takes a bath. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe;ch.
family ? Mi familia fue asesinada por loshombres del rey cuando era pequeño. My familywas killed by the king’s men when I was a little boy.[Eragon; ch.
mom; mama; mother ? Sí; mi mamá dejaráel trago y mi padre regresará pronto. Yeah; mymom will stop drinking and my dad will come backany time now. [Holes; ch.
nm dad; papa; father ? Papá; tal vez enla escuela vea un tiburón. Dad; maybe at schoolI’ll see a shark. [Finding Nemo; ch.
person ? Parece que esa persona no te hapedido que bailes con él. It looks like that personhas not asked you to dance with him. [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
nm admiral ? Este imponente edifi cioque ven ustedes ahora es el hogar del almiranteBoom; retirado de la marina real. Th is imposingbuilding that you all see now is the home ofAdmiral Boom; retired from the Royal Navy.[Mary Poppins; ch.
nm angel ? ¿Cómo supo David que era unángel? How did David know that it was an angel?[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
nm champion ? Eres el campeón.You are the champion. [Rocky III; ch.
nm captain ? El capitán hace todo lo quepuede; pero su teléfono sigue averiado. Th e captainis doing everything that he can; but your telephoneis still out of order. [Home Alone; ch.
nmf commander ? Disculpe;Comandante. Excuse me; Commander. [EightBelow; ch.
defense; defensive player [sports ?Logra evadir la defensa y continúa. He managesto avoid the defense and he keeps going.[Facing the Giants; ch.
doctor (doctora)
doctor ? Doctora Rosemary Paris;coordinadora. Doctor Rosemary Paris;coordinator. [Eight Below; ch.
enemigo (enemiga)
enemy ? ¿Eres el tipo de hombreque pondría veneno en su propia copa o en la desu enemigo? Are you the kind of man who wouldput poison in his own cup or in that of his enemy?[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
nmf general [armed forces prepare sus tropas para la batalla. General; prepare your troops for the battle. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
nmf boss; chief; manager ? Al jefe de bomberos.To the fi re chief. [In Memoriam; ch.
nmf leader ? Se elije a un líder por su corazón.A leader is chosen for his heart. [Eragon; ch.
nmf official; officer ? Bueno; hasta pronto;ofi cial. Well; see you later; offi cer. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
nmf policeman; policewoman ? policíapolice force ? Enviarán a un policía a la casa aver a Kevin. Th ey will send a policeman to thehouse to see Kevin. [Home Alone; ch.
nmf president ? Puedo asegurarle;señor; que el presidente está muy interesado encualquier desarrollo que tenga que ver con nuestraprosperidad nacional. I can assure you; sir; thatthe president is very interested in any developmentthat has to do with our national prosperity.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
professor (profesora)
professor; teacher ? Ah;profesor; usted está aquí para buscar gorilas;no para seguir una fantasía infantil. Ah; professor;you are here to look for gorillas; not to chase achildhood fantasy. [Tarzan; ch.
auto; car ? ¿Auto? ¿Qué le pasó al auto? Car?What happened to the car? [Th e Incredibles; ch.
nm ball ? Ahora envía el balón entre esospostes. Now send the ball between those posts.[Facing the Giants; ch.
nm chocolate ? Descuide; señoraMacready; habrá alguna explicación; pero primerocreo que ella necesita una taza de chocolate.Don’t worry; Mrs. Macready; there must be someexplanation; but fi rst I believe that she needs a cupof hot chocolate. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
nm dollar ? ¿Un dólar ochenta y cinco porun triste arbusto anémico? A dollar eighty-fi vefor a sad; anemic shrub? [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
school ? Canté en el coro de mi escuela.I sang in my school choir. [Rudy; ch.
form ? ¿De cuál forma? In what way?[Rudy; ch.
nm front ? Si le va a acercar a los perros;debe ser por el frente siempre. If you’re goingto approach the dogs; it must always be from thefront. [Eight Below; ch.
group ? ¿Hablas del grupo de músicacountry? Are you talking about the country musicgroup? [Facing the Giants; ch.
bedroom; room ? Revisa la habitación.Check the bedroom. [Holes; ch.
line ? Los llevé hasta la línea. I took themto the line. [Hoosiers; ch.
project ? Este proyecto ha confi scadocompletamente mi vida; cariño. Th is project hascompletely taken over my life; darling.[Th e Incredibles; ch.
period; dot; point; spot [place ? Nadie huyede este punto. Nobody escapes from this spot.[Eragon; ch.
train ? ¿Viene a tiempo el tren de la tarde?Is the afternoon train on time? [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
university ? El profesor y yo nosconocemos de la universidad de Viena.Th e professor and I know each other from theUniversity of Vienna. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
desire ? Es mi deseo que limpies el bosqueantes de mi matrimonio. It is my desire that youclear the forest before my wedding. [Th e PrincessBride; ch.
doubt ? No hay duda de que perdimos amuchos policías y bomberos. Th ere is no doubtthat we lost many police offi cers and fi refi ghters.[In Memoriam; ch.
happiness; joy ? Tiene usted pasaje paraviajar; qué felicidad. You have a ticket for travel;what joy. [Home Alone; ch.
history; story ? Esta noche quiero contarlesla historia de la calceta vacía. Tonight I wantto tell you the story of the empty stocking.[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
idea ? Oigan; tengo una gran idea. Listen;I have a great idea. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
opinion ? cambiar de opinión to changeone’s mind ? ¿Alguien ha cambiado de opinión?Has anyone changed his mind? [Rudy; ch.
opportunity ? Primero; quiero darlelas gracias por la oportunidad de estar en elequipo. First; I want to thank you for theopportunity to be on the team. [Rudy; ch.
nm pardon; forgiveness ? Siempre he dicho;es mejor pedir perdón que permiso. I’ve alwayssaid; it’s better to ask for forgiveness than forpermission. [Eragon; ch.
nm problem ? ¿Cuál es el problema?What is the problem? [Eragon; ch.
nf reason ? tener razón to be right ? Jerry;tiene razón. Jerry; he’s right. [Eight Below; ch.
reality ? en realidad really; in reality ?En realidad no quieres contarme; ¿eh? You reallydon’t want to tell me; eh? [Holes; ch.
nm day ? Llegó el día de la boda. Th e day ofthe wedding arrived. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
hour; time ? Ya es hora. It’s time. [Rocky III;ch.
minute ? No tenemos un minuto. We don’thave a minute. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
moment ? En este momento parece quela casa está vacía. At this moment; it appears thatthe house is empty. [Home Alone; ch.
number ? Bloquea el número cuarentay uno en la línea. Block number forty-one at thebaseline. [Hoosiers; ch.
nm pair; couple ? En un par de días seremospadres! In a couple of days; we’ll be parents![Finding Nemo; ch.
nm attack ? Y en ese momento concluimosque obviamente era un ataque terrorista. And atthat moment we concluded that obviously it wasa terrorist attack. [In Memoriam; ch.
attention ? poner atención to payattention ? Pongan atención. Pay attention.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
case; attention ? No me hagas mucho caso.Don’t pay much attention to me. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
nf class; type; kind ? Jimmy; no te vi en laclase hoy. Jimmy; I didn’t see you in class today.[Hoosiers; ch.
nm color ? ¿De qué color tenía la panza?What color was the belly? [Holes; ch.
company ? La compañía quiere quevaya a una conferencia. Th e company wants meto go to a conference. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
state ? En cuarenta años he visto a losmejores jugadores que ha tenido el estado. In fortyyears I have seen the best players that the state hashad. [Hoosiers; ch.
nm favor ? Que me haga el favor de explicartodo esto. Do me the favor of explaining all this.[Mary Poppins; ch.
party ? Oye; las fi estas son buenas ydivertidas; pero no podemos. Listen; parties aregood and fun; but we can’t. [Finding Nemo; ch.
nm order ? en orden all right ? ¿Todo enorden? Is everything all right? [Facing the Giants;ch.
nf part ? Forman parte del comité de lacatedral. Th ey make up part of the cathedralcommittee. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
silence ? Cuando te retiras hay silencio.When you retire; there is silence. [Rocky III; ch.
to attack ? Primero oriéntense antes deatacar. First; get yourselves set before attacking.[Hoosiers; ch.
to trap ? La bruja quiere atrapar a loscuatro. Th e witch wants to trap all four.[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
to advance; to move forward ? Sigueavanzando. Keep moving forward. [Facing theGiants; ch.
to commence; to begin; to start ? Sóloquiero saber cuando comenzaremos. I just wantto know when we are going to start. [Hoosiers; ch.
to count; to tell ? Ustedes me contaron queamasó una fortuna en la bolsa. You told me thathe amassed a fortune in the stock market. [Holes;ch.
to fi nd ? Pero angosta es la entraday estrecho el camino que guía a la vida; y tú lopuedes encontrar. But narrow is the gate andstraight is the way that leads to life; and you canfi nd it. [Facing the Giants; ch.
to enter; to get in; to go in ? Harry; voya entrar. Harry; I’m going in. [Home Alone; ch.
to explain ? No puedo explicar eso. I can’texplain that. [Hoosiers; ch.
to function; to work; to run ? Ah; ustedsabe como suenan los Modelos T. Algunas vecespodría jurar que funcionan sin válvulas.Ah; you know how these Model Ts sound.Sometimes you’d swear that they run withoutvalves. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to present; to introduce ? ¿Lapresentaron con el primer ministro? Did theyintroduce you to the prime minister? [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
to retire ? No puedo retirarme ahora;Mick. I can’t retire now; Mick. [Rocky III; ch.
to rob; to steal ? ¡Tu zorro ladrón fue a robarmis gallinas! Your thieving fox went to steal myhens! [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
to save ? Kerchak; lo he salvado de Sabor.Kerchak; I have saved him from Sabor. [Tarzan;ch.
to fi nish ? Las terminé tan pronto que fuecomo un milagro. I fi nished them so fast that itwas like a miracle. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to use ? Y hay otros más que de usarlos antesde estar listo te aniquilarán. And there are othersthat if you use them before you are ready; they willkill you. [Eragon; ch.
to accept ? Ahora que si eso me da a ganarunos dólares extra es algo que tienes que aprendera aceptar. Now if that lets me win a few extradollars; that’s something that you have to learnto accept. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to desire ? Su aspecto deja mucho quedesear. Her appearance leaves much to be desired.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to doubt ? Dudo que las anguilas asesinasle hagan una oferta como ésta. I doubt that thekiller eels will make you an off er like this.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to study ? ¿No ha hecho nada más queestudiar esgrima? You haven’t done anything butstudy sword fi ghting? [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to imagine ? No quiero imaginar el dañoque ya sufrió el tejido. I don’t want to imagine thedamage that’s been done to the tissue. [Eight Below;ch.
to be important to; to matter to;to concern ? No te metas en lo que no te importa.Don’t get involved in matters that don’t concernyou. [Rudy; ch.
to bother ? Cletus; lamento tener quemolestarte; pero ¿podrías hacerme un favor?Cletus; I’m sorry to have to bother you; but wouldyou do me a favor? [Hoosiers; ch.
to occupy; to take care of ? Nos ocupamosde todo; créeme. We took care of everything;believe me. [Home Alone; ch.
to order; to command ? Como ordene.As you wish. (lit As you command.) [Th e PrincessBride; ch.
to pardon; to forgive ? Considero quedebo perdonar a Diana y permitir que tome suslecciones de piano. I think I ought to forgive Dianaand let her take her piano lessons. [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
to prepare ? Pues más vale que lo seanporque Aslan está preparando sus tropas.Well you’d better be; because Aslan is preparinghis troops. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
to mean; to signify ? Olvidaste lo quesignifi ca ser jinete. You’ve forgotten what it meansto be a rider. [Eragon; ch.
to appear ? En la excavación deCavernícola apareció algo. Something appearedin Caveman’s excavation. [Holes; ch.
to comprehend; to understand ?Tú me comprendes; Henry. You understand me;Henry. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to detain; to arrest; to stop ? Algunas vecespienso que pude detener mi puño para no lastimara ese muchacho. Sometimes I think that I couldstop my fi st so as not to hurt that kid. [Hoosiers;ch.
to maintain; to stay ? ¿Cómo se hanmantenido de pié? How have they stayed ontheir feet? [Rocky III; ch.
to move ? moverse to move oneself ?No te muevas; voy a curarte. Don’t move; I’mgoing to fix you up. [Eight Below; ch.
to off er ? Anne Shirley; ¿qué le ofrecistede tomar a mi Diana? Anne Shirley; what did youoff er my Diana to drink? [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to promise ? Le prometí a la señoritaStacy que no lo haría para que los nervios nome traicionaran. I promised Miss Stacy thatI wouldn’t do it so that my nerves don’t betray me.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to suppose ? Si Lucy no miente y no estáloca; entonces debemos suponer que dice la verdad.If Lucy doesn’t lie and isn’t crazy; then we mustsuppose that she’s telling the truth. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to complete; to accomplish ? Amigos;él tiene un trabajo que cumplir. Friends; he hasa job to complete. [Hoosiers; ch.
to direct; to guide ? Va a dirigir el trineo.You are going to guide the sled. [Eight Below; ch.
to exist ? Peter; existe una gran magia máspoderosa que cualquiera de nosotros y que rigesobre toda Narnia. Peter; there exists a great magicmore powerful than any of us; and it reigns overall Narnia. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
to occur; to happen; to be going on ?No sé donde estoy; no sé qué ocurre. I don’t knowwhere I am; I don’t know what’s going on.[Finding Nemo; ch.
to permit; to allow ? Michael; nopermitiré que derroches tu dinero. Michael;I will not allow you to squander your money.[Mary Poppins; ch.
to prefer ? Prefi ero morir en la brega.I prefer to die working. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to receive ? El profesor Kirke no estáacostumbrado a recibir niños en su casa.Professor Kirke is not accustomed to receivingchildren in his house. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia:Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to refer; to mean ? Nadie y me refi eroa nadie viene a nuestra casa y nos pone enridículo. Nobody; and I mean nobody; comesto our house and makes fools of us. [Rudy; ch.
to serve; to work; to help; to be useful to ?¿Cómo puede servirle esto a un granjero? Howcan this be useful to a farmer? [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
to unite; to join; to come together ? Únansetodos. Come together; everyone. [Rudy; ch.
kind ? Es usted muy amable. You are verykind. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
certain; true ? ¿Es cierto que ya no estáscavando? Is it true that you aren’t digging anymore? [Holes; ch.
special ? ¿Acaso es muy especial?Are you saying he’s something special?[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
strange ? Hay algo extraño. Th ere’ssomething strange. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
happy ? Y; Profesor; le deseo una feliz lunade miel. Professor; I wish you a happy honeymoon.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
horrible ? Es una experiencia horrible.It’s a horrible experience. [In Memoriam; ch.
important ? ¿A un hombre tanimportante y ocupado? To a man so importantand busy? [Mary Poppins; ch.
impossible ? Es imposible.It’s impossible. [Tarzan; ch.
incredible ? Mister Increíble.Mr. Incredible. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
fair; just ? No será justo para ti; anciano.Th is won’t be fair to you; old man. [Eragon; ch.
marvelous; wonderful ? Ah; esto esmaravilloso; señor Clayton. Ah; this is wonderful;Mr. Clayton. [Tarzan; ch.
perfect ? Zach Avery engañó a la defensay logró un pase perfecto. Zach Avery tricked thedefense and made a perfect pass. [Facing the Giants;ch.
possible ? Ahora debemos concentrarnosen salvar la mayor cantidad de vidas posible.Now we must concentrate on saving the greatestnumber of lives possible. [In Memoriam; ch.
holy; good; saintly ? Oh; santo cielo.Oh; good heavens. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
sufficient; enough ? No tienes la fuerzasufi ciente. You don’t have enough strength.[Eragon; ch.