Listen and Learn with your Favorite Movies Flashcards
a ver
let’s see ? A ver; déjame pensar. Let’s see; letme think. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
así es
that’s right; yes indeed; that’s how it is ?Así es; adiós. Th at’s right; good-bye. [Home Alone;ch.
buenas noches
good night ? Buenas noches;Westley. Good night; Westley. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
buenas tardes
good afternoon; good evening ?Buenas tardes; joven. Good afternoon; youngman. [Mary Poppins; ch.
buenos días
good morning; good day ? SeñoritaFleener; buenos días. Miss Fleener; good morning.[Hoosiers; ch.
de acuerdo
agreed; all right ? estar de acuerdoto be in agreement; to agree ? Estoy de acuerdocon Fezzik. I agree with Fezzik. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
de nada
you’re welcome ? De nada. You’rewelcome. [Rudy; ch.
feliz navidad
Merry Christmas ? Oye; Johnny;¿no quieres decirle feliz navidad a tu hermanito?Hey; Johnny; don’t you want to say MerryChristmas to your little brother? [Rudy; ch.
hasta la vista
see you later ? Hasta la vista;Julia. See you later; Julia. [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
hasta luego
see you later (lit until later) ? Hastaluego; Mamá Búho. See you later; Mama Búho.[Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
hasta pronto
see you soon (lit until soon) ?Hasta pronto; muchachos. See you soon; guys.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
lo siento
I’m sorry ? Como lo siento; querido.I’m so sorry; dear. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
muchas gracias
thank you very much ? Gracias;muchas gracias. Th ank you; thank you verymuch. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
muy bien
very well; quite fi ne ? No lo hice muybien la última vez. I didn’t do it very well lasttime. [Eight Below; ch.
por favor
please ? ¿Quieres esperar un momento;por favor; Sylvester? Do you want to wait amoment; please; Sylvester? [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
por supuesto
of course ? Por supuesto; aunqueusualmente sé para quien voy a trabajar.Of course; although I usually know who I’m goingto work for. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
¿cómo se llama?
what is your name?; what is itcalled? ? ¿Cómo se llama este lugar? What is thisplace called? [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
¿cómo te llamas?
what is your name? ? ¿Cómo tellamas; tú? What is your name? [Th e Fox and theHound; ch.
¿no es así?
isn’t that right? ? ¿No es así? Isn’t thatright? [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
¿por qué?
why? ? ¿Por qué lo haces? Why do youdo it? [Home Alone; ch.
¿por qué no?
why not? ? Y; ¿por qué no? And whynot? [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
¿qué pasa?
what’s happening?; what’s going on? ?¿Qué pasa contigo? What’s going on with you?[Rocky III; ch.
¿qué pasó?
what happened?; what’s been going on?;what’s up? ? ¿Qué pasó? What happened?[Rocky III; ch.
¿qué tal…?
hello; what about …?; how’s it going?;what’s up?; what do you think of that? [examples:¿qué tal el trabajo? how’s your work going?;¿qué tal tu novia? what’s up with your girlfriend?;qué tal; ¿eh? what do you think of that? ¿Qué tal? Mi nombre es Inigo Montoya. Hello; myname is Inigo Montoya. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
¿qué te pasa?
what’s the matter?; what’s the matterwith you? ? Oye; ¿qué te pasa? Hey; what’s thematter with you? [Holes; ch.
a pesar de
in spite of ? A pesar de eso; todo hamarchado bien. In spite of that; everything hasgone well. [Holes; ch.
antes de que
before ? Será mejor que lleguemosantes de que oscurezca. It will be better if wearrive before it gets dark. [Holes; ch.
así que
so; therefore ? ¿Así que viajarán a París?So you’ll be traveling to Paris? [Home Alone; ch.
claro que
… of course … ? ¡claro que sí! of course! ?claro que no of course not ? Pero claro que tengouna identidad secreta. But of course I have asecret identity. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
hasta que
until ? Nos prometió quedarse hasta queel viento cambiara. ¿No es verdad; Mary Poppins?You promised us you would stay until the windchanged. Isn’t that right; Mary Poppins?[Mary Poppins; ch.
hay que
it is necessary ? ¡Hay que salir!We have to leave! (lit It is necessary to leave!)[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
lo que
what; that ? Nadie en Guilder sabe lo quehicimos. Nobody in Guilder knows what we did.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
para que
so that; in order to ? Hay que pagar paraque no hablen en la compañía. It’s necessary topay so that they don’t talk at the company.[Th e Incredibles; ch.
sin embargo
however ? Sin embargo; el campeónes un hombre muy fuerte. However; the championis a very strong man. [Rocky III; ch.
tal vez
maybe; perhaps ? Tal vez sobrevivan.Maybe they’ll survive. [Eight Below; ch.
tener que
to have to ? Tengo que limpiar el tanqueantes de que Darla llegue. I have to clean the tankbefore Darla arrives. [Finding Nemo; ch.
come in; proceed; go ahead ? AquíVictoria; adelante McMurdo. Victoria here;go ahead McMurdo. [Eight Below; ch.
good-bye ? Adiós. Good-bye. [Rudy; ch.
ay ? Ay; mira lo que hiciste—lo molestaste;hermano. Ay; look what you did—you annoyedhim; brother. [Facing the Giants; ch.
bravo ? Bravo. Bravo. [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
be careful ? Cuidado; los tiburones comenpeces. Be careful; sharks eat fi sh. [Finding Nemo;ch.
then ? Entonces nos vemos temprano.Th en we’ll see you bright and early. [Eight Below;ch.
congratulations ? Felicidades; Rudy.Congratulations; Rudy. [Rudy; ch.
thank you; thanks ? Gracias; señor.Th ank you; sir. [Mary Poppins; ch.
hi; hello ? Hola; Mamá Búho. Hi; MamaBúho. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
although ? Aunque creo que un periodode prueba sería muy prudente. Although I thinka trial period would be very prudent. [Mary Poppins;ch.
when ? Vendrá cuando esté listo; no antes.He’ll come when he’s ready; not before. [Hoosiers;ch.
and [used instead of y when the following wordbegins with i or hi ? Fezzik e Inigo se reunieron.Fezzik and Inigo met up. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
while ? ¿Y es por eso que trataron dematarme mientras dormía? And that’s why youtried to kill me while I was sleeping? [Anne ofGreen Gables; ch.
neither; nor ? Pero; sabes muy bien que ni a laseñora Brougham ni a mí nos gustan los postreselaborados. But you know very well that neitherMrs. Brougham nor I like fancy desserts.[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
or ? No podemos dejar que correteen solos en lostejados; ¿o sí? We can’t allow them to run aloneover the rooftops; or can we? [Mary Poppins; ch.
but ? Lo que muchos hombres están buscandoestá frente a su nariz; pero para algunos lodesconocido es difícil de resistir. What many menare searching for is right in front of their nose;but for some the unknown is hard to resist.[Eragon; ch.
because ? Dan; tenemos un programa débilporque hay un entrenador débil. Dan; we havea weak program because there is a weak coach.[Facing the Giants; ch.
well ? Pues te diré una cosa; Mary Poppins.Well; I’ll tell you one thing; Mary Poppins.[Mary Poppins; ch.
that; than ? ¿Crees que es divertido? Do youthink that it’s fun? [Holes; ch.
if ? No sé si me gustará eso. I don’t know if I willlike that. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
or [used instead of o when the following wordbegins with o or ho ? En pocas semanas; deuna forma u otra; la mayoría de los animalesencuentran a quien estaban buscando. Withina few weeks; one way or another; the majorityof the animals fi nd whom they were looking for.[March of the Penguins; ch.
and ? Cuando lleguen a la fosa; naden a travésy no sobre ella. When you arrive at the trench;swim through and not over it. [Finding Nemo; ch.
at; to ? Estoy seguro de que llegar a las fi nales estámás allá de sus sueños; así que no hablemos de eso.I’m sure that making it to the fi nals is the furthestthing from your dreams; so let’s not even talkabout that. [Hoosiers; ch.
to the; at the ? Mejor leer en donde vanal pantano. Better to read where they go to theswamp. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
under ? Quiero los extremos ahí en cada lugar;en cada juego; pero bajo control. I want the endsthere in each place; in each play; but under control.[Rudy; ch.
like; how ? Peleas como cabra loca. You fi ghtlike a crazy goat. [Eragon; ch.
with; to ? Negocia con tu cuerpo—que te démás fuerza. Negotiate with your body—to giveyou more strength. [Facing the Giants; ch.
against ? Hoy jugaremos contra Verdi.Today we’ll play against Verdi. [Hoosiers; ch.
of; from ? Por favor; quiero comprar un lindoramo de fl ores para mi esposa. Please; I’d liketo buy a pretty bouquet of fl owers for my wife.[Facing the Giants; ch.
of the; from the ? Bueno; algo que heentendido es que no importa cuanto trate; nuncapasaré del equipo de entrenamiento. Well;something that I have understood is that it doesn’tmatter how much I try; I will never get off of thetraining squad. [Rudy; ch.
from; since ? ¿Y qué ha hecho desdeentonces? And what have you done since then?[Hoosiers; ch.
during; for ? Fue a su habitación y cerróla puerta; y durante días no durmió ni comió.She went to her room and closed the door; andfor days she neither slept nor ate. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
in; at; on ? Ha nadado cientos de metros en laoscuridad. He’s swum hundreds of meters in thedark. [Finding Nemo; ch.
between ? Hay una gran diferenciaentre estar casi muerto y totalmente muerto.Th ere is a big diff erence between being almostdead and totally dead. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
toward ? Ese es un sendero propio paraviajar hacia grandes aventuras. Th at is a pathjust right for traveling toward great adventures.[Mary Poppins; ch.
until; up to ? Algún día llegaré hasta cinco;pero no sé qué tanto daño te causaría. SomedayI will get up to fi ve; but I don’t know how muchdamage that would cause you. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
for ? Entrenador; esto es para Rudy. Coach;this is for Rudy. [Rudy; ch.
for; by ? Ve por agua. Go for water. [Holes;ch.
without ? No sabría qué hacer sin usted.I wouldn’t know what to do without you.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
over; about ? Llama por radio a Katie y quete informe sobre la tormenta; Doc. Call Katie onthe radio to get a report about the storm; Doc.[Eight Below; ch.
nm baby ? ¿Todavía quieres tener un bebé?Do you still want to have a baby? [Facing the Giants;ch.
esposo (esposa)
husband/wife; spouse ? Eres peorque mi esposo cuando se baña. You are worse thanmy husband when he takes a bath. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe;ch.
family ? Mi familia fue asesinada por loshombres del rey cuando era pequeño. My familywas killed by the king’s men when I was a little boy.[Eragon; ch.
mom; mama; mother ? Sí; mi mamá dejaráel trago y mi padre regresará pronto. Yeah; mymom will stop drinking and my dad will come backany time now. [Holes; ch.
nm dad; papa; father ? Papá; tal vez enla escuela vea un tiburón. Dad; maybe at schoolI’ll see a shark. [Finding Nemo; ch.
person ? Parece que esa persona no te hapedido que bailes con él. It looks like that personhas not asked you to dance with him. [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
nm admiral ? Este imponente edifi cioque ven ustedes ahora es el hogar del almiranteBoom; retirado de la marina real. Th is imposingbuilding that you all see now is the home ofAdmiral Boom; retired from the Royal Navy.[Mary Poppins; ch.
nm angel ? ¿Cómo supo David que era unángel? How did David know that it was an angel?[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
nm champion ? Eres el campeón.You are the champion. [Rocky III; ch.
nm captain ? El capitán hace todo lo quepuede; pero su teléfono sigue averiado. Th e captainis doing everything that he can; but your telephoneis still out of order. [Home Alone; ch.
nmf commander ? Disculpe;Comandante. Excuse me; Commander. [EightBelow; ch.
defense; defensive player [sports ?Logra evadir la defensa y continúa. He managesto avoid the defense and he keeps going.[Facing the Giants; ch.
doctor (doctora)
doctor ? Doctora Rosemary Paris;coordinadora. Doctor Rosemary Paris;coordinator. [Eight Below; ch.
enemigo (enemiga)
enemy ? ¿Eres el tipo de hombreque pondría veneno en su propia copa o en la desu enemigo? Are you the kind of man who wouldput poison in his own cup or in that of his enemy?[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
nmf general [armed forces prepare sus tropas para la batalla. General; prepare your troops for the battle. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
nmf boss; chief; manager ? Al jefe de bomberos.To the fi re chief. [In Memoriam; ch.
nmf leader ? Se elije a un líder por su corazón.A leader is chosen for his heart. [Eragon; ch.
nmf official; officer ? Bueno; hasta pronto;ofi cial. Well; see you later; offi cer. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
nmf policeman; policewoman ? policíapolice force ? Enviarán a un policía a la casa aver a Kevin. Th ey will send a policeman to thehouse to see Kevin. [Home Alone; ch.
nmf president ? Puedo asegurarle;señor; que el presidente está muy interesado encualquier desarrollo que tenga que ver con nuestraprosperidad nacional. I can assure you; sir; thatthe president is very interested in any developmentthat has to do with our national prosperity.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
professor (profesora)
professor; teacher ? Ah;profesor; usted está aquí para buscar gorilas;no para seguir una fantasía infantil. Ah; professor;you are here to look for gorillas; not to chase achildhood fantasy. [Tarzan; ch.
auto; car ? ¿Auto? ¿Qué le pasó al auto? Car?What happened to the car? [Th e Incredibles; ch.
nm ball ? Ahora envía el balón entre esospostes. Now send the ball between those posts.[Facing the Giants; ch.
nm chocolate ? Descuide; señoraMacready; habrá alguna explicación; pero primerocreo que ella necesita una taza de chocolate.Don’t worry; Mrs. Macready; there must be someexplanation; but fi rst I believe that she needs a cupof hot chocolate. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
nm dollar ? ¿Un dólar ochenta y cinco porun triste arbusto anémico? A dollar eighty-fi vefor a sad; anemic shrub? [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
school ? Canté en el coro de mi escuela.I sang in my school choir. [Rudy; ch.
form ? ¿De cuál forma? In what way?[Rudy; ch.
nm front ? Si le va a acercar a los perros;debe ser por el frente siempre. If you’re goingto approach the dogs; it must always be from thefront. [Eight Below; ch.
group ? ¿Hablas del grupo de músicacountry? Are you talking about the country musicgroup? [Facing the Giants; ch.
bedroom; room ? Revisa la habitación.Check the bedroom. [Holes; ch.
line ? Los llevé hasta la línea. I took themto the line. [Hoosiers; ch.
project ? Este proyecto ha confi scadocompletamente mi vida; cariño. Th is project hascompletely taken over my life; darling.[Th e Incredibles; ch.
period; dot; point; spot [place ? Nadie huyede este punto. Nobody escapes from this spot.[Eragon; ch.
train ? ¿Viene a tiempo el tren de la tarde?Is the afternoon train on time? [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
university ? El profesor y yo nosconocemos de la universidad de Viena.Th e professor and I know each other from theUniversity of Vienna. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
desire ? Es mi deseo que limpies el bosqueantes de mi matrimonio. It is my desire that youclear the forest before my wedding. [Th e PrincessBride; ch.
doubt ? No hay duda de que perdimos amuchos policías y bomberos. Th ere is no doubtthat we lost many police offi cers and fi refi ghters.[In Memoriam; ch.
happiness; joy ? Tiene usted pasaje paraviajar; qué felicidad. You have a ticket for travel;what joy. [Home Alone; ch.
history; story ? Esta noche quiero contarlesla historia de la calceta vacía. Tonight I wantto tell you the story of the empty stocking.[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
idea ? Oigan; tengo una gran idea. Listen;I have a great idea. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
opinion ? cambiar de opinión to changeone’s mind ? ¿Alguien ha cambiado de opinión?Has anyone changed his mind? [Rudy; ch.
opportunity ? Primero; quiero darlelas gracias por la oportunidad de estar en elequipo. First; I want to thank you for theopportunity to be on the team. [Rudy; ch.
nm pardon; forgiveness ? Siempre he dicho;es mejor pedir perdón que permiso. I’ve alwayssaid; it’s better to ask for forgiveness than forpermission. [Eragon; ch.
nm problem ? ¿Cuál es el problema?What is the problem? [Eragon; ch.
nf reason ? tener razón to be right ? Jerry;tiene razón. Jerry; he’s right. [Eight Below; ch.
reality ? en realidad really; in reality ?En realidad no quieres contarme; ¿eh? You reallydon’t want to tell me; eh? [Holes; ch.
nm day ? Llegó el día de la boda. Th e day ofthe wedding arrived. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
hour; time ? Ya es hora. It’s time. [Rocky III;ch.
minute ? No tenemos un minuto. We don’thave a minute. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
moment ? En este momento parece quela casa está vacía. At this moment; it appears thatthe house is empty. [Home Alone; ch.
number ? Bloquea el número cuarentay uno en la línea. Block number forty-one at thebaseline. [Hoosiers; ch.
nm pair; couple ? En un par de días seremospadres! In a couple of days; we’ll be parents![Finding Nemo; ch.
nm attack ? Y en ese momento concluimosque obviamente era un ataque terrorista. And atthat moment we concluded that obviously it wasa terrorist attack. [In Memoriam; ch.
attention ? poner atención to payattention ? Pongan atención. Pay attention.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
case; attention ? No me hagas mucho caso.Don’t pay much attention to me. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
nf class; type; kind ? Jimmy; no te vi en laclase hoy. Jimmy; I didn’t see you in class today.[Hoosiers; ch.
nm color ? ¿De qué color tenía la panza?What color was the belly? [Holes; ch.
company ? La compañía quiere quevaya a una conferencia. Th e company wants meto go to a conference. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
state ? En cuarenta años he visto a losmejores jugadores que ha tenido el estado. In fortyyears I have seen the best players that the state hashad. [Hoosiers; ch.
nm favor ? Que me haga el favor de explicartodo esto. Do me the favor of explaining all this.[Mary Poppins; ch.
party ? Oye; las fi estas son buenas ydivertidas; pero no podemos. Listen; parties aregood and fun; but we can’t. [Finding Nemo; ch.
nm order ? en orden all right ? ¿Todo enorden? Is everything all right? [Facing the Giants;ch.
nf part ? Forman parte del comité de lacatedral. Th ey make up part of the cathedralcommittee. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
silence ? Cuando te retiras hay silencio.When you retire; there is silence. [Rocky III; ch.
to attack ? Primero oriéntense antes deatacar. First; get yourselves set before attacking.[Hoosiers; ch.
to trap ? La bruja quiere atrapar a loscuatro. Th e witch wants to trap all four.[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
to advance; to move forward ? Sigueavanzando. Keep moving forward. [Facing theGiants; ch.
to commence; to begin; to start ? Sóloquiero saber cuando comenzaremos. I just wantto know when we are going to start. [Hoosiers; ch.
to count; to tell ? Ustedes me contaron queamasó una fortuna en la bolsa. You told me thathe amassed a fortune in the stock market. [Holes;ch.
to fi nd ? Pero angosta es la entraday estrecho el camino que guía a la vida; y tú lopuedes encontrar. But narrow is the gate andstraight is the way that leads to life; and you canfi nd it. [Facing the Giants; ch.
to enter; to get in; to go in ? Harry; voya entrar. Harry; I’m going in. [Home Alone; ch.
to explain ? No puedo explicar eso. I can’texplain that. [Hoosiers; ch.
to function; to work; to run ? Ah; ustedsabe como suenan los Modelos T. Algunas vecespodría jurar que funcionan sin válvulas.Ah; you know how these Model Ts sound.Sometimes you’d swear that they run withoutvalves. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to present; to introduce ? ¿Lapresentaron con el primer ministro? Did theyintroduce you to the prime minister? [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
to retire ? No puedo retirarme ahora;Mick. I can’t retire now; Mick. [Rocky III; ch.
to rob; to steal ? ¡Tu zorro ladrón fue a robarmis gallinas! Your thieving fox went to steal myhens! [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
to save ? Kerchak; lo he salvado de Sabor.Kerchak; I have saved him from Sabor. [Tarzan;ch.
to fi nish ? Las terminé tan pronto que fuecomo un milagro. I fi nished them so fast that itwas like a miracle. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to use ? Y hay otros más que de usarlos antesde estar listo te aniquilarán. And there are othersthat if you use them before you are ready; they willkill you. [Eragon; ch.
to accept ? Ahora que si eso me da a ganarunos dólares extra es algo que tienes que aprendera aceptar. Now if that lets me win a few extradollars; that’s something that you have to learnto accept. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to desire ? Su aspecto deja mucho quedesear. Her appearance leaves much to be desired.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to doubt ? Dudo que las anguilas asesinasle hagan una oferta como ésta. I doubt that thekiller eels will make you an off er like this.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to study ? ¿No ha hecho nada más queestudiar esgrima? You haven’t done anything butstudy sword fi ghting? [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to imagine ? No quiero imaginar el dañoque ya sufrió el tejido. I don’t want to imagine thedamage that’s been done to the tissue. [Eight Below;ch.
to be important to; to matter to;to concern ? No te metas en lo que no te importa.Don’t get involved in matters that don’t concernyou. [Rudy; ch.
to bother ? Cletus; lamento tener quemolestarte; pero ¿podrías hacerme un favor?Cletus; I’m sorry to have to bother you; but wouldyou do me a favor? [Hoosiers; ch.
to occupy; to take care of ? Nos ocupamosde todo; créeme. We took care of everything;believe me. [Home Alone; ch.
to order; to command ? Como ordene.As you wish. (lit As you command.) [Th e PrincessBride; ch.
to pardon; to forgive ? Considero quedebo perdonar a Diana y permitir que tome suslecciones de piano. I think I ought to forgive Dianaand let her take her piano lessons. [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
to prepare ? Pues más vale que lo seanporque Aslan está preparando sus tropas.Well you’d better be; because Aslan is preparinghis troops. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
to mean; to signify ? Olvidaste lo quesignifi ca ser jinete. You’ve forgotten what it meansto be a rider. [Eragon; ch.
to appear ? En la excavación deCavernícola apareció algo. Something appearedin Caveman’s excavation. [Holes; ch.
to comprehend; to understand ?Tú me comprendes; Henry. You understand me;Henry. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to detain; to arrest; to stop ? Algunas vecespienso que pude detener mi puño para no lastimara ese muchacho. Sometimes I think that I couldstop my fi st so as not to hurt that kid. [Hoosiers;ch.
to maintain; to stay ? ¿Cómo se hanmantenido de pié? How have they stayed ontheir feet? [Rocky III; ch.
to move ? moverse to move oneself ?No te muevas; voy a curarte. Don’t move; I’mgoing to fix you up. [Eight Below; ch.
to off er ? Anne Shirley; ¿qué le ofrecistede tomar a mi Diana? Anne Shirley; what did youoff er my Diana to drink? [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to promise ? Le prometí a la señoritaStacy que no lo haría para que los nervios nome traicionaran. I promised Miss Stacy thatI wouldn’t do it so that my nerves don’t betray me.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to suppose ? Si Lucy no miente y no estáloca; entonces debemos suponer que dice la verdad.If Lucy doesn’t lie and isn’t crazy; then we mustsuppose that she’s telling the truth. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to complete; to accomplish ? Amigos;él tiene un trabajo que cumplir. Friends; he hasa job to complete. [Hoosiers; ch.
to direct; to guide ? Va a dirigir el trineo.You are going to guide the sled. [Eight Below; ch.
to exist ? Peter; existe una gran magia máspoderosa que cualquiera de nosotros y que rigesobre toda Narnia. Peter; there exists a great magicmore powerful than any of us; and it reigns overall Narnia. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
to occur; to happen; to be going on ?No sé donde estoy; no sé qué ocurre. I don’t knowwhere I am; I don’t know what’s going on.[Finding Nemo; ch.
to permit; to allow ? Michael; nopermitiré que derroches tu dinero. Michael;I will not allow you to squander your money.[Mary Poppins; ch.
to prefer ? Prefi ero morir en la brega.I prefer to die working. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to receive ? El profesor Kirke no estáacostumbrado a recibir niños en su casa.Professor Kirke is not accustomed to receivingchildren in his house. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia:Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to refer; to mean ? Nadie y me refi eroa nadie viene a nuestra casa y nos pone enridículo. Nobody; and I mean nobody; comesto our house and makes fools of us. [Rudy; ch.
to serve; to work; to help; to be useful to ?¿Cómo puede servirle esto a un granjero? Howcan this be useful to a farmer? [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
to unite; to join; to come together ? Únansetodos. Come together; everyone. [Rudy; ch.
kind ? Es usted muy amable. You are verykind. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
certain; true ? ¿Es cierto que ya no estáscavando? Is it true that you aren’t digging anymore? [Holes; ch.
special ? ¿Acaso es muy especial?Are you saying he’s something special?[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
strange ? Hay algo extraño. Th ere’ssomething strange. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
happy ? Y; Profesor; le deseo una feliz lunade miel. Professor; I wish you a happy honeymoon.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
horrible ? Es una experiencia horrible.It’s a horrible experience. [In Memoriam; ch.
important ? ¿A un hombre tanimportante y ocupado? To a man so importantand busy? [Mary Poppins; ch.
impossible ? Es imposible.It’s impossible. [Tarzan; ch.
incredible ? Mister Increíble.Mr. Incredible. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
fair; just ? No será justo para ti; anciano.Th is won’t be fair to you; old man. [Eragon; ch.
marvelous; wonderful ? Ah; esto esmaravilloso; señor Clayton. Ah; this is wonderful;Mr. Clayton. [Tarzan; ch.
perfect ? Zach Avery engañó a la defensay logró un pase perfecto. Zach Avery tricked thedefense and made a perfect pass. [Facing the Giants;ch.
possible ? Ahora debemos concentrarnosen salvar la mayor cantidad de vidas posible.Now we must concentrate on saving the greatestnumber of lives possible. [In Memoriam; ch.
holy; good; saintly ? Oh; santo cielo.Oh; good heavens. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
sufficient; enough ? No tienes la fuerzasufi ciente. You don’t have enough strength.[Eragon; ch.
final ? Cada uno trata de levantarse antes dela cuenta fi nal. Each one is trying to get up beforethe fi nal count. [Rocky III; ch.
great ? Ganamos un gran juego. We wona great game. [Hoosiers; ch.
large; big; great ? No es mi culpa ser el másgrande y fuerte. It’s not my fault for being thebiggest and the strongest. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
equal; the same; just the same ? Pide tiempofuera; igual están perdidos. Ask for time out; theyare out of it just the same. [Facing the Giants; ch.
half ? Cuatro metros y medio. Four anda half meters. [Hoosiers; ch.
a lot; many ? Ya sé mucho de mi mismo.I already know a lot about myself. [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
new ? Es un nuevo baile que se llama”retar.” It’s a new dance called “Th e Challenge.”[Rocky III; ch.
fast; quick; rapid ? Corre; Rocky. Rápido;rápido; rápido. Muévete; rápido. Corre. Run;Rocky. Fast; fast; fast. Move it; fast. Run. [Rocky III;ch.
second ? En el segundo. In the second.[Rocky III; ch.
last; latest; ultimate ? Es la última vez queelegimos gol de campo. Th at’s the last time wechoose a fi eld goal. [Facing the Giants; ch.
abuelo (abuela)
grandfather/grandmother ?Bueno; tal vez me preocupé un poco; pero eso no es lo mismo; abuelo. Well; maybe I was a little bitconcerned; but that’s not the same thing; Grandpa.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
hermano (hermana)
brother/sister ? Matthewsiempre fue el mejor de los hermanos. Matthewwas always the best of brothers. [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
hijo (hija)
son; daughter ? ¿Están buscando a mihijo? ¿Sabe dónde está? Are they looking for myson? Do you know where he is? [Home Alone; ch.
nf mother ? Y la madre de todas lasventiscas está a punto de llegar. And the motherof all snowstorms is about to arrive. [March of thePenguins; ch.
nf woman; wife ? Y; ¿qué valor tiene—la promesa de una mujer? And of what value isthat—the promise of a woman? [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
nm father ? Lo siento; padre. Lo intenté.Lo intenté. I’m sorry; father. I tried. I tried.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
tío (tía)
uncle/aunt ? Kevin; si el tío Frank dice queno la veas; es que debe ser muy mala. Kevin; ifUncle Frank says not to see it; it must be very bad.[Home Alone; ch.
amo (ama)
master/mistress; owner ? El amo estáloco de remate. Th e master is completely crazy.[Mary Poppins; ch.
gentleman; knight ? Bueno; seguramente;caballeros; entienden este tipo de cosas. Well;surely; gentlemen; you understand this kind ofthing. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
lady ? Por una dama hermosa. To a beautifullady. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
God ? Para nosotros inspiración divina nosignifi ca que Dios se posesiona de alguien y le dictalas escrituras. To us divine inspiration does notmean that God takes possession of someone anddictates the scriptures. [Rudy; ch.
entrenador (entrenadora)
coach ? Seguro;entrenador. Sure; Coach. [Facing the Giants;ch.
jugador (jugadora)
player ? Tenemos noventa y cincojugadores aquí. We have ninety-fi ve players here.[Rudy; ch.
maestro (maestra)
master; teacher ? Gilbert serámaestro de escuela de Avonlea. Gilbert will bethe teacher at Avonlea school. [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
queen ? Si puedo enseñarle a un perico acantar “Dios Salve a la Reina;” sin duda enseñaréa este salvaje una cosa o dos. If I can teach a parrotto sing “God Save the Queen;” I can no doubt teachthis savage a thing or two. [Tarzan; ch.
nm king ? Mi rey; Galbatorix; como temía;el dragón ha nacido. My king; Galbatorix; as youfeared; the dragon has hatched. [Eragon; ch.
señor (señora)
sir; Mr. / ma’am; Mrs. ? Oh; serámejor que lo haga; señor Hawk. Oh; it will bebetter if you do it; Mr. Hawk. [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
unmarried woman; Miss ? Si me quierehacer el favor; señorita Cassaway; aquí tieneel manuscrito de mi sermón de navidad. If youwould do me the favor; Miss Cassaway; here is themanuscript of my Christmas sermon. [Th e Bishop’sWife; ch.
amigo (amiga)
friend ? ¿Mi amigo Toby va a sermi enemigo? My friend Toby is going to be myenemy? [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
chico (chica)
boy/girl ? Buena chica. Good girl.[Eight Below; ch.
nf people ? Y había gente joven en ellos.And there were young people in them. [InMemoriam; ch.
nm man ? Sólo porque un hombre de trajerojo te dio una espada no signifi ca que seas unhéroe. Just because a man in a red suit gave youa sword doesn’t mean that you are a hero.[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
nmf young man; young woman ? No sé lo quesiente una joven desde hace cuarenta y siete años yprefi ero olvidarlo. I haven’t known what a youngwoman feels for forty-seven years and I prefer toforget it. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
muchacho (muchacha)
boy/girl; child; kid ?Disculpe; estos buenos muchachos han trabajadoduro. Excuse me; these good boys have workedhard. [Holes; ch.
niño (niña)
boy/girl; child ? Amo a mi niña; muyorgulloso de ti. I love my girl; very proud of you.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
water ? Naturalmente; después de su largamarcha; están ansiosas por volver al agua; algunasveces demasiado ansiosas. Naturally; after theirlong march; they are anxious to return to the water;sometimes too anxious. [March of the Penguins; ch.
nm tree ? Todos juntos en un gran árbol.All together in a big tree. [Tarzan; ch.
nf street ? En sólo una calle; cinco familias noestán. On just one street; fi ve families are gone.[Home Alone; ch.
road; path ? No sabemos con certeza comoencuentran su camino. We don’t know with any certainty how they fi nd their path. [March of thePenguins; ch.
country; fi eld ? Tenemos que buscar el golde campo. We have to go for a fi eld goal. [Facingthe Giants; ch.
sky; heaven ? ¡Cielos! Heavens! [Th e Fox andthe Hound; ch.
fi re ? Detengan el fuego. Hold your fi re.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
nm place ? Porque en este lugar ya no es elmismo ídolo que era en la preparatoria. Becausein this place he’s no longer the same idol he wasin high school. [Rudy; ch.
nf light ? En pocas semanas; los días comienzana transcurrir prácticamente sin luz alguna. In afew weeks; the days start to go by with practicallyno light at all. [March of the Penguins; ch.
nm sea ? El pingüino emperador estécnicamente un ave; aunque viva en el mar. Th eemperor penguin is technically a bird; althoughhe lives in the sea. [March of the Penguins; ch.
world ? El mundo perdió un joven ybrillante compositor cuando murió. Th e worldlost a young and brilliant composer when he died.[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
nm sun ? Al igual que sucede con el sol; lospolluelos son mas fuertes cada día. Just like whathappens with the sun; the chicks are stronger eachday. [Th e March of the Penguins; ch.
earth; land; soil; dirt ? Bienvenido al fondode la tierra; Doc. Welcome to the bottom of theearth; Doc. [Eight Below; ch.
head ? Tengo que contar cabezas. I haveto count heads. [Home Alone; ch.
bed ? Vamos afuera a preparar sus camas.We’re going outside to make your beds. [Eight Below;ch.
house ? No quiero que recorras la casavanagloriándote como un pavo real. I don’t wantyou running through the house strutting like apeacock. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
nm heart ? Su corazón no responde comoantes. His heart is not responding like before.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
room ? Hay goteras en el cuarto de servicio.Th ere are leaks in the back room. [Facing the Giants;ch.
cat ? ¡Ven gatito; gatito! ¿Quieres tu comida?Here kitty; kitty! Do you want your food?[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch andthe Wardrobe; ch.
game [sports ? Ustedes regalaron eljuego. You gave the game away. [Facing the Giants;ch.
nm toy ? Son herramientas; no juguetes.They are tools; not toys. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia:Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
book ? Es el libro que mi padre solía leermecuando estaba enfermo. It’s the book that myfather used to read me when I was sick. [Th ePrincess Bride; ch.
nf hand ? Creed con su mano izquierda.Creed with his left hand. [Rocky III; ch.
eye ? Cierra los ojos y cuenta. Close your eyesand count. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch. perro dog ? Son perros fuertes. Th ey are strongdogs. [Eight Below; ch.
nm foot ? Para mis fanáticos soy dulces pies;pero mi esposa me decía el… pie oloroso. To myfans I’m Sweetfeet; but my wife called me …Stinky Foot. [Holes; ch.
door; gate ? Las derrotas de Increíble enla corte cuesta millones al gobierno y abren laspuertas a docenas de demandas a superhéroesen todo el mundo. Incredible’s defeats in court costthe government millions and open the gates fordozens of lawsuits against superheroes everywhere.[Th e Incredibles; ch.
gift; present ? Bueno; con Princeton Heightsdescalifi cado; esto es un regalo navideñoadelantado para Shiloh. Well; with PrincetonHeights disqualifi ed; this is an early Christmaspresent for Shiloh. [Facing the Giants; ch.
nm suit ? Necesitas otro traje. You needanother suit. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
wine ? El vino debe beberse lentamente yno vaso tras vaso. Wine should be drunk slowly;and not glass after glass. [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
nm airplane ? La situación es que dosaviones atacaron al parecer. Th e situation is thatapparently two planes attacked. [In Memoriam;ch.
boat; ship ? Pronto será sólo un recuerdoporque el barco de Roberts; Venganza; está ancladoal otro lado. Soon it will be only a memory;because Roberts’ ship; the Vengeance; is anchoredon the other side. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
change; variation; change [money ?Tal vez podría hacer un cambio gradual. Maybewe could make a gradual change. [Hoosiers; ch.
city ? Un objeto volador no identifi cadoestá sobre la ciudad. An unidentifi ed fl yingobject is over the city. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor;ch.
thing ? Mucha gente donaba cosas viejas parael refugio de los indigentes. Many people donatedold things to the homeless shelter. [Holes; ch.
bill; count ? Pero cuando Cleopatra visitóRoma; se supone que las cien monedas se usaronpara pagar la cuenta de hotel. But whenCleopatra visited Rome; it is supposed that theone hundred coins were used to pay the hotel bill.[Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
money ? A ver; joven; déme hasta el últimocentavo de mi dinero. Let’s see; young man; giveme up to the last penny of my money. [Mary Poppins;ch.
team ? Me propuse ayudar al equipo decualquier forma que me fuera posible; pero no meaceptarán porque no estudio aquí. I set out to helpthe team in any way possible; but they won’t acceptme because I don’t study here. [Rudy; ch.
nm country; nation ? Es un país libre. It’s afree country. [Rocky III; ch.
town; townspeople; people ? Amado pueblo… la Princesa Buttercup. Beloved people … thePrincess Buttercup. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
year ? Quiere por favor decirle que en vez deobsequios este año; sólo quiero recuperar a mifamilia. Will you please tell him that instead ofgifts this year; I just want to have my family back.[Home Alone; ch.
nm end ? Hasta el fi n. Until the end.[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch andthe Wardrobe; ch.
morning ? Saldremos de la casa a las ochode la mañana en punto. We will leave the houseat eight o’clock in the morning on the dot. [HomeAlone; ch.
nm month ? Oye; si me hubieras dicho hacedos meses que jugaríamos contra Princeton Heightsen los play-off s no te lo hubiera creído. Listen;if you had told me two months ago that we wouldbe playing against Princeton Heights in theplay-off s; I wouldn’t have believed you. [Facing theGiants; ch.
Christmas ? ¡Feliz navidad! MerryChristmas! [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
nf night ? Las lunas vienen y se van en lanoche que pronto será interminable. Th e moonscome and go in the night that soon will be endless.[Th e March of the Penguins; ch.
past ? No volteo al pasado; nene; medistrae del ahora. I don’t look to the past; darling;it distracts from the now. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
hurry ? Date prisa; Anne; ¿acaso piensasque el tren va a esperarte? Hurry up; Anne;do you think the train is going to wait for you?[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
week ? En pocas semanas; los díascomienzan a transcurrir prácticamente sin luzalguna. In a few weeks; the days will begin to passwith practically no light at all. [March of the Penguins;ch.
nf afternoon ? Ha estado trabajando todala tarde. You have been working all afternoon.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
time; season; weather ? Banks; no mesorprendería que usted navegara hacia un maltiempo ahora. Banks; it wouldn’t surprise meif you were heading for some foul weather today.[Mary Poppins; ch.
nf time ? Esta vez no escapará. Th is time hewon’t escape. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
nm love ? Su verdadero amor se casa con otroesta noche así que por eso sufre tanto. His true loveis marrying another tonight; so that’s why he issuff ering so much. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
help ? Necesito su ayuda. I need your help.[Hoosiers; ch.
blame; fault ? Claro que fue tu culpa. Ofcourse it was your fault. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch. deber nm duty ? Tu deber es llegar a los vardencon vida. Your duty is to get to the Varden alive.[Eragon; ch.
strength ? Es el Señor. Siento su fuerza.It’s the Lord. I feel His strength. [Hoosiers; ch.
pleasure ? Si tiene que ir a Chicago; con gustola llevaremos. If you have to go to Chicago; we’lltake you there; with pleasure. [Home Alone; ch.
fear ? ¿Estás diciendo que no te interesa? O;¿te gustaría intentarlo pero tienes miedo? Are yousaying you are not interested; or you would like totry it; but you are afraid? [Facing the Giants; ch.
nm pleasure ? Con placer y gran sentidodel deber cumplido; los declaro marido ymujer. With pleasure and a great sense ofaccomplishment; I pronounce you husbandand wife. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
nf luck ? Le deseo suerte. I wish you luck.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
agreement ? Es un acuerdo. It’s anagreement. [Holes; ch.
right ? Nuestros derechos hay quedefender. It’s necessary to defend our rights.[Mary Poppins; ch.
miss; lack ? La falta de disciplina esescandalosa. Th e lack of discipline is scandalous.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
cold ? Oh; el frío no me afecta mucho. Oh; thecold doesn’t aff ect me much. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
war ? Mamá nos alejó de una guerra yahora estamos en otra. Mom moved us away fromone war; and now we’re in another. [Th e Chroniclesof Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
left ? En la siguiente calle; dé vueltaa la izquierda hacia la carretera nueve. At thenext street; turn left toward Highway . [Th eAbsent-Minded Professor; ch.
side; place ? Las ventanas del lado oestedel edifi cio habían estallado. Th e windows onthe west side of the building had shattered.[In Memoriam; ch.
nf law ? Entonces sabes ya que todo traidorpor ley es mío. Th en you know already that everytraitor by law is mine. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia:Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
manner; way; custom ? No hay modo debajar. Th ere’s no way to get down. [Mary Poppins;ch.
nf death ? Bueno; supongo que fue unamuerte romántica para un ratón. Well; I supposeit was a romantic death for a mouse. [Anne of GreenGables; ch.
nm name ? Mi nombre es… es Tod. Myname is … is Tod. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
word ? Lo más curioso es que en todo esetiempo no he escrito una palabra; ni una palabra.Th e strangest thing is that in all that time I haven’twritten one word; not one word. [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
step ? Con el tiempo; después de sertransportados sobre las patas de sus madresdurante mil pasos como un niño que aprende abailar sobre los zapatos de su madre; el polluelo dasus primeros pasos sin ayuda. In time; after beingtransported atop their mothers’ feet for a thousandpaces like a child who learns to dance atop hismother’s shoes; the chick takes its fi rst stepswithout assistance. [March of the Penguins; ch.
fight ? Si inicias una pelea la directoravendrá y será dura con nosotros. If you start afi ght; the director will come and will be hard on us.[Holes; ch.
question ? Le pregunté a la señoraSpencer que por qué era rojo; y dijo que no lo sabía;que sería mejor que no hiciera más preguntas.I asked Mrs. Spencer why it was red; and she saidthat she didn’t know; that it would be better not toask more questions. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
dream ? Dieron su vida en busca del sueñoamericano. Th ey gave their lives in search of theAmerican dream. [In Memoriam; ch.
work ? Buen trabajo; Rade. Good work;Rade. [Hoosiers; ch.
truth ? ¿Quieres la verdad? Do you wantthe truth? [Rocky III; ch.
nm trip ? Gracias por el viaje. Th anks forthe ride. (lit Th anks for the trip.) [Holes; ch.
life ? Lo que aún tenga de vida en mi; te ladaré. Whatever life I still have within me; I giveit to you. [Eragon; ch.
with me ? ¿Quién está conmigo? Who iswith me? [Facing the Giants; ch. contigo with you ? Apuesto que no podríasconseguir que baile contigo. I bet you can’t gethim to dance with you. [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
m he ? él obj him ? Él no llegó. He didn’t arrive.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
she ? ella obj her ? Ella le llamará después.She’ll call you later. [Home Alone; ch
nosotros (nosotras)
we ? nosotros/nosotras obj us ?Nosotros atacamos el fuerte y ellos lo defi enden.We attack the fort and they defend it. [Th e Bishop’sWife; ch.
obj you ? Estoy orgulloso de ti. I’m proud of you.[Rocky III; ch.
you ? Oh; ¡qué glorioso el día haces tú; Bert!Oh; how glorious you make the day; Bert![Mary Poppins; ch.
you ? Usted lo mencionó y yo sólo estabatratando de animarla. You mentioned it andI was just trying to encourage you. [Home Alone;ch.
you ? Ha sido un placer hablar conustedes. Adiós. It’s been a pleasure talking withyou. Good-bye. [Hoosiers; ch.
I ? Tal vez tú quieras ponernos en peligro peroyo no. Maybe you want to put us in danger; butI don’t. [Tarzan; ch.
her; you; it ? La reja tiene una llave y yo latengo. Th e castle gate has a key; and I have it.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
them; you ? La experiencia y la cabeza másdura; las tiene Rocky Balboa. Concerningexperience and the hardest head; Rocky Balboahas them. [Rocky III; ch.
you; him; her; to you; to him; to her ? Nada ledaba tanto placer como ordenar al joven. Nothinggave her as much pleasure as ordering the youngman around. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
you; them; to you; to them ? ¿Qué les sucede?What’s the matter with you?; What’s happeningto you? [Facing the Giants; ch.
him; you; it ? Yo lo arreglaré. I’ll fi x it. [Tarzan;ch.
them; you ? Nadie los conoce mejor que yo.Nobody knows them better than I. [Hoosiers; ch.
me; to me; of me ? Le ¿O me tienes miedo; eh?Oh; you’re afraid of me; are you? [Rocky III; ch.
us; to us ? Y nos rodearon. And theysurrounded us. [Tarzan; ch.
to him; to her; to you; to them ? Tampoco se lodije a ella. I didn’t tell her either. [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
you; to you ? ¿Qué te hice? What did I do to you?[Rocky III; ch.
something ? Una chimenea es algomaravilloso. A chimney is something wonderful.[Mary Poppins; ch.
somebody; someone ? ¿Esperaba a alguienmás? Were you expecting someone else? [Hoosiers;ch.
nothing ? Nada. Nothing. [Holes; ch.
nobody; no one ? Nadie dormirá estamañana. Nobody will sleep this morning. [MaryPoppins; ch.
what? ? ¿Qué le pasó en la aleta? Whathappened to the fi n? [Finding Nemo; ch.
who? ? ¿Quién te ha metido esas ideas enla cabeza? Who put those ideas in your head?[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
all ? Sí; es todo lo que tengo. Yes; that’s all thatI have. [Eight Below; ch.
my ? Fue mi culpa; Kerchak. It was my fault;Kerchak. [Tarzan; ch.
mine; my; of mine ? ¿Es tu papá; o el mío?Is that your father; or mine? [Finding Nemo; ch.
our ? Hacen proezas de destreza yhabilidad ante nuestros ojos. Th ey performfeats of dexterity and skill right before our eyes.[Mary Poppins; ch.
his; her; your; their ? Su padre los llama.Your father is calling you. [Mary Poppins; ch.
his; her; your; their ? Sus hermanas me envíancon una triste noticia. Your sisters send me withsad news. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
his; her; its; your; their; his; hers; yours; theirs ?El Señor puso una necesidad en nuestras vidas;y ahora pondremos una en la suya. Th e Lord fi lleda need in our lives; and now we fi ll one in yours.[Facing the Giants; ch.
your ? No sabes como desearía que algunosjugadores tuvieran tu corazón. You don’t knowhow much I would love for some players to haveyour heart. [Rudy; ch.
your ? Hay un traidor en tus tropas; Aslan.Th ere is a traitor among your troops; Aslan.[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
yours ? La idea ha sido tuya. Th e idea hasbeen yours. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
tall; high ? Has pagado un alto precio por tuvalor. You have paid a high price for your courage.[Eragon; ch.
low; short ? ¿Entonces por qué me hizo tanbajo y débil? Th en why did he make me so shortand weak? [Facing the Giants; ch.
beautiful ? Oh; señora Semental; se ve ustedmuy bella. Oh; Mrs. Stallion; you look verybeautiful. [Rocky III; ch.
white ? El ciervo blanco se está alejando.Th e white stag is moving away. [Th e Chronicles ofNarnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
beautiful; pretty ? El de Robert es un trajetan bonito que tenía que continuar. Robert’sis such a beautiful suit that I had to continue.[Th e Incredibles; ch.
clear; bright; light ? ¿Está claro? Is that clear?[Holes; ch.
sweet ? Debes reservar un espacio en tusplanes para el romance; dulce Anne. You mustleave room in your plans for romance; sweet Anne.[Anne of Green Gables; ch.
hard ? No sea duro con ellos. Don’t be hardon them. [Mary Poppins; ch.
cold ? Ahí está en ese frío y triste banco díatras día; siempre rodeado de grandes montones defrío y cruel dinero. Th ere he is in that cold and sadbank; day after day; always surrounded by hugemountains of cold and cruel money. [Mary Poppins;ch.
strong ? A pesar de haberse conocido hacepocos días; el vínculo entre madre e hijo essorprendentemente fuerte. In spite of having meteach other only a few days before; the bondbetween mother and child is surprisingly strong.[March of the Penguins; ch.
beautiful ? ¿Si fuera muy hermosay tuviera el cabella castaño; podría aceptarme?If I was very beautiful and had nut-brown hair;would you accept me? [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
long ? Y por lo que veo; será un viaje largo.And from what I can see; it will be a long trip.[Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
pretty; handsome; wonderful ? ¿Dejará queesa linda niña vaya con alguien más? You’ll allowthat pretty girl to go with someone else? [Th eAbsent-Minded Professor; ch.
full ? Y pronto el estómago del pollueloestará nuevamente lleno de alimento. And soonthe chick’s stomach will again be full of food.[March of the Penguins; ch.
black ? El caballero negro lo siente ahora.Th e Black Knight (“the Man in Black”) feels it now.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
small; little ? Oh; éste es muy pequeño.Oh; this one is very small. [Mary Poppins; ch.
alone; single; lonely ? A partir de aquí debocontinuar solo. Starting here I must continuealone. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
old ? Viena; la vieja y bella Viena.Vienna; old and beautiful Vienna. [Th e Bishop’sWife; ch.
good ? Una buena cometa necesita unabuena cola; ¿no es cierto? A good kite needsa good tail; isn’t that right? [Mary Poppins; ch.
diffi cult; hard ? Es difícil decir; el yesoes una obra de arte gracias a Eric. It’s hard to say;the cast is a work of art; thanks to Eric. [Eight Below;ch.
easy ? No será fácil; Alteza. It won’t be easy;Your Highness. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
ready ? Tu armadura está lista; Eragon.Your armor is ready; Eragon. [Eragon; ch.
crazy ? ¿Estás loco? Are you crazy?[Tarzan; ch.
bad ? Sólo quería que supieras que tal vezhiciste cosas malas antes; pero eso no te convierteen un mal chico. I just want you to know thatperhaps you did bad things before; but that doesnot make you a bad young man. [Holes; ch.
cursed; damned; condemned ? Si olvidasvolver por Madame Zeroni; tú y tu familia estaránmalditos toda la eternidad. If you forget to returnfor Madame Zeroni; you and your family will becursed for all eternity. [Holes; ch.
best; top ? Creo que tengo el premio mayor.I think I’ve got the top prize. [Th e Incredibles;ch.
better; best ? Porque soy el mejor y necesitasque alguien te enseñe algo diferente. Because Iam the best; and you need someone to teach yousomething diff erent. [Rocky III; ch.
worse ? Oye; Bert; tú eres peor que los niños.Listen; Bert; you are worse than the children.[Mary Poppins; ch.
poor ? Un granjero; pobre; pobre y perfecto.A farm boy; poor; poor and perfect. [Th e PrincessBride; ch.
beloved; dear ? Pase; mi querido amigo.Come in; my dear friend. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
still ? Quieto; Trabalenguas; creo que estoyoyendo algo. Keep still; Trabalenguas; I think I amhearing something. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
ridiculous ? No seas ridículo. Don’t beridiculous. [Rudy; ch.
sure; safe ? ¿Está seguro de que no nossiguen? Are you sure they are not following us?[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
serious ? en serio seriously ? ¿En seriono lo conocen? Seriously; you don’t know him?[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch andthe Wardrobe; ch.
foolish; silly ? Superca… Super… o como seaesa expresión tonta. Superca… super… or howeverthat silly expression goes. [Mary Poppins; ch.
tranquil; quiet; easy ? Es tan bello ytranquilo aquí; como si fuéramos los únicos enel mundo. It’s so beautiful and calm here; as if wewere the only ones in the world. [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
sad ? Oh; se ve tan; no sé; tan triste; MamáBúho. Oh; he looks; I don’t know; so sad; MamaBúho. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
each; every ? Mañana tus hombres nosescoltarán al canal de Florín donde cada barcode mi armada nos esperará para acompañarnosen nuestra luna de miel. Tomorrow your men willescort us to the Channel of Florin where each shipof my fl eet will await us in order to accompany uson our honeymoon. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
diff erent ? Me siento diferente. I feeldiff erent. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
except; less ? ¿Crees que podrías hacermenos ruido; eh? Do you think that you couldmake less noise; eh? [Home Alone; ch.
same ? Hay dos clases de tontos—el hombreque se desnuda y corre por la nieve; aullando bajola luna; y él que hace lo mismo en mi habitación.Th ere are two classes of dumb—the man who getsnaked and runs through the snow howling at themoon; and the one who does the same thing in mybedroom. [Hoosiers; ch.
other; another ? No caigas otra vez. Don’t fallagain. [Finding Nemo; ch.
own ? Está generando su propia energía.It’s generating its own energy. [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
next ? Oiga; ¿va a jugar sólo con tres lapróxima vez? Hey; are you going to play with justthree next time? [Hoosiers; ch.
what ? ¿Qué clase de lugar es este? What kindof place is this? [Holes; ch.
only; unique ? Soy hijo único. I am an onlychild. [Home Alone; ch.
aquel (aquella)
adj that ? aquél/aquélla/aquellopro that one ? ¿Recuerdas aquel tubo? Do youremember that tube? [Holes; ch.
adj that ? ésa pro that one ? ¿Ves esamontaña? Do you see that mountain? [Holes;ch.
m adj that ? ése m pro that one ? Ese sujetoes una máquina trituradora; y tiene hambre.Th at guy is a crushing machine; and he’s hungry.[Rocky III; ch.
pro that ? ¿Qué controlas con eso? What doyou control with that? [Th e Incredibles; ch.
adj this ? ésta pro this one ? Ésta es laprimera tormenta para los polluelos y muchos deellos no sobrevivirán. Th is is the fi rst storm for theyoung penguins and many of them will not survive.[March of the Penguins; ch.
m adj this ? éste m pro this one ? En estemundo de amor. In this world of love. [Tarzan;ch.
pro this ? Para ser honesto; ver esto me tieneangustiado. To be honest; seeing this has me veryupset. [In Memoriam; ch.
algún; alguno (alguna)
adj ? alguno/alguna prosome ? Algunas parejas; tal vez muy jóvenes; sondemasiado impulsivas o apresuradas y en tan soloun momento su relación llega a su fi n. Somecouples; perhaps very young; are too impulsiveor hurried; and in only a moment theirrelationship comes to its end. [March of the Penguins;ch.
pro which ? cuál adj; pro which; what(among several options) ? Alcalde; ¿cuál es lasituación? Mayor; what is the situation?[In Memoriam; ch.
cualquier (cualquiera)
adj; pro whatever;whichever; any ? Ah; Jefe; puedo burlar a ese perrotonto en cualquier momento. Ah; Chief; I can foolthat silly dog at any moment. [Th e Fox and the Hound;ch.
adj; pro the other; the others ? ¿Dóndeestán todos los demás? Where are all the others?[Home Alone; ch.
ningún; ninguno (ninguna)
pro no; any ? Hablar o no hablar no haceninguna diferencia. Speaking or not speakingdoesn’t make any diff erence. [Eragon; ch.
adj; pro someone called; such; as such ?Ella se hizo amiga de un fauno; un tal Tumnus.She has made friends with a faun; someone calledTumnus. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
to fi x ? arreglarse to get ready; to getdressed ? Creí que no lo mencionarías. Arréglate.I didn’t think you would mention it. Get dressed.[Eragon; ch.
to help ? ¡Ayúdame! Help me! [Tarzan;ch.
to look for; to seek ? Oigan; ¿saben quelos hemos buscado desde hace mucho? Hey; didyou know we’ve looked for them for a long time?[Home Alone; ch.
to quiet; to silence ? callarse to be quiet ?Cállate; esta vez lo atraparemos. Be quiet;this time we’ll trap him. [Th e Fox and the Hound;ch.
to close ? Fue a su habitación y cerró lapuerta; y durante días no durmió ni comió. Shewent to her room and closed the door; and for daysshe neither slept nor ate. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to buy ? Compre sus golosinas; gomade mascar… Buy your candy; chewing gum …[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to care for; to take care of ? Prométeme quelos vas a cuidar. Promise me that you will takecare of them. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to give ? Ven acá; tenemos que darte lamedalla. Come here; we have to give you themedal. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to wake up ? Ay; va a despertar a lascinco. Ay; he’s going to wake up at fi ve. [Eight Below;ch.
to begin; to start ? Quisiera poderempezar el ensayo pero no sé cómo. I would liketo be able to begin the rehearsal; but I don’t seehow. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to send ? Mi querido Stanley; tus cartas mehacen sentir como una de esas madres que puedenenviar a sus hijos de campamento. My dearStanley; your letters make me feel like one of thosemothers who is able to send her children off tocamp. [Holes; ch.
to hear; to listen ? Ah; escucha; Bob;te reubico si quieres. Ah; listen; Bob; I’ll relocateyou if you want. [Th e Incredibles; ch.
to speak; to talk ? Cuando termine dehablar con ellos; vendrán de rodillas a implorarnoscon bolsas de dinero; barriles de dinero. When Ifi nish talking to them; they’ll come on their kneesbegging with bags of money; barrels of money.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to lift; to raise up ? levantarse to get up ?Si ninguno se levanta sería empate. If neither getsup; it will be a tie. [Rocky III; ch.
to call ? ¿Puedo llamarte por tu nombre?May I call you by your name? [Th e Fox and the Hound;ch.
to look at ? Kala; mira; no es como nosotros.Kala; look; he isn’t like us. [Tarzan; ch.
to pay ? Trabajo para Vizzini para pagarlas deudas y gano muy poco. I work for Vizziniin order to pay my debts and I make very little.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to try; to test; to taste ? Entonces voy aprobarlo enseguida. Th en I’m going to try it rightaway. [Anne of Green Gables; ch.
to remove ? quitarse to take off ? Serámejor que me quite el zapato. It will be betterif I take off my shoe. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor;ch.
to sit down ? Siéntate; Marion; otra vezestás bajo arresto. Sit down; Marion; you areunder arrest again. [Holes; ch.
to move close; to draw nearer ? Se acercauna fuerte tormenta. A powerful storm is movingcloser. [Eight Below; ch.
to reach; to catch up to ? ¡Si me alcanzas!If you catch up to me! [Tarzan; ch.
to move farther away; to distance; to getaway from ? ¡Aléjate de eso! Get away from that![Tarzan; ch.
to walk; to move forward; to associate(with friends) ? Ya oyeron. ¡A cavar; muchachos!¡Andando! ¡Andando! ¡Andando! ¡Andando!You heard it. Dig; boys! Move it! Move it! Move it!Move it! [Holes; ch.
to go down; to come down; to lower ? Y luegome obligué a bajar para lavar mi ropa; y descubríque no es tan malo. And then I forced myself to godown to wash my clothes; and I discovered thatit’s not so bad. [Home Alone; ch.
to walk; to step ? Qué bueno queencontraste tu roca; pero tienes que regresar;camina por donde ya pasaste; sobre tus pisadas.Th at’s great that you found your rock; but you haveto come back; walk back the way you came; righton your footprints. [Eight Below; ch.
to arrive ? Llega tarde; como siempre.He arrives late; like always. [Th e Absent-MindedProfessor; ch.
to carry; to take; to lead ? Eso nos llevaríaa descubrimientos inimaginables. Th at couldlead us to unimaginable discoveries. [Eight Below;ch.
to march; to walk ? marcharse to leave ?Si alguno de ustedes no quiere estar en el equipo;puede marcharse. If any of you doesn’t wantto be on the team; you can leave. [Hoosiers; ch.
to stop ? Y cuando empiezo a reír no puedopararme. And when I start to laugh; I can’t stopmyself. [Mary Poppins; ch.
to return ? Al regresar las madres rodeanla multitud y gritan con fuerza y esperan a que supareja les responda. On returning; the motherssurround the multitude and cry loudly and hopethat their mate responds to them. [March of thePenguins; ch.
to travel ? Si te interesa saberlo; viajaba en elbote de Diana pero se empezó a hundir. If you areinterested in knowing; I was traveling in Diana’sboat but it began to sink. [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
to fly ? Sí; volaremos mañana temprano.Yes; we fl y early tomorrow. [Home Alone; ch.
to love ? Las últimas palabras de mi padrefueron “ámala como amé a tu madre; y entonceshabrá felicidad.” Th e fi nal words of my father were”Love her as I loved your mother; and then you willfi nd happiness.” [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to frighten ? No me asustas. You don’tscare me. [Rocky III; ch.
to calm ? Ya cálmense chicos. Calm downright now; boys. [Th e Absent-Minded Professor;ch.
to trust; to rely on; to depend on ? Nuncamás volveré a confi ar en ti. I’ll never trust youagain. [Th e Fox and the Hound; ch.
to excuse ? Por supuesto; y ahora si medisculpa; mañana será un importante día paralos niños y sólo deben pensar en dormir. Of course;and now if you will excuse me; tomorrow is goingto be an important day for the children and theymust think only about sleeping. [Mary Poppins;ch.
to enchant; to charm; to delight ? Simple;elegante sí; intrépido; te encantará. Simple; yeselegant; daring; it will delight you. [Th e Incredibles;ch.
to wait; to hope; to expect ? Doc; esperaun minuto. Doc; wait a minute. [Eight Below; ch.
to like (lit to please; commonly used withan indirect object [examples: Me gusta lapelícula. I like the movie.; ¿Te gustan los tamales?Do you like tamales? ) ? ¿Te gustaría averiguarlo?Would you like to fi nd out? [Th e Incredibles; ch.
to be sorry ? Lo lamento. I’m sorry.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to concern; to worry; to bother ?preocuparse to be worried ? ¡No te preocupes;vamos a estar bien! Don’t worry; we’re going to beall right! [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to avenge ? Galbatorix tratará de vengarsu derrota. Galbatorix will try to avenge his defeat.[Eragon; ch.
to sing ? Vine a oír cantar a mi nieta.I came to hear my granddaughter sing. [Home Alone;ch.
to rest ? Debes descansar. You mustrest. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to teach ? ¿No oíste la razón de que hagashoyos? Eso te sirve. Te enseña una lección. Didn’tyou hear the reason for making holes? It helps you.It teaches you a lesson. [Holes; ch.
to win ? Así que era mi trabajo mantenerteganando; y mantener tu salud. So it was my jobto keep you winning; and to keep you healthy.[Rocky III; ch.
to hit ? ¡No te golpees! ¡No te golpees! ¡Note golpees! ¡No te golpees! Don’t hit yourself! Don’thit yourself! Don’t hit yourself! Don’t hit yourself![Tarzan; ch.
to play (a game) ? ¿Por qué no jugamos alas escondidas? Why don’t we play hide-and-seek?[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
to throw; to launch ? No sé lanzar. I don’tknow how to throw. [Th e Bishop’s Wife; ch.
to fi ght ? Aprendí esgrima; a pelear; todolo que quiso enseñarme. I learned fencing; to fi ght;everything that he wanted to teach me. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to take out; to pull out ? Esa es la forma desacar un diente. Th at’s the way to pull out a tooth.[Finding Nemo; ch.
to let go; to let loose; to free ? soltarse to getloose; to get free ? ¡Todos se soltaron! Th ey all gotfree! [Eight Below; ch.
to touch; to play (an instrument) ? Pero;George; no sabes tocar. But; George; you don’tknow how to play. [Mary Poppins; ch.
to work ? He tenido que trabajar en Paris.I have had to work in Paris. [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
to assure; to ensure; to make sure ?Te puedo asegurar que sin importar a qué nivelentrenes; es irreal siempre que llegas al partidofi nal. I can assure you that no matter at what levelyou coach; it seems unreal when you make it tothe championship game. [Facing the Giants; ch.
to allow; to let; to permit ? Deja que queme.Let it burn. [Facing the Giants; ch.
to mistake; to be mistaken; to bewrong ? A menos que me equivoque; y nunca me equivoco; se dirigieron hacia al pantano. UnlessI’m wrong; and I’m never wrong; they are headingtoward the swamp. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to try ? Déjame intentar. Let me try.[Holes; ch.
to swear ? ¿Y no es pecado jurar?And isn’t it a sin to swear? [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
to forget; to leave behind ? olvidarseto forget; to forget about ? No te olvides denosotros. Don’t forget about us. [Mary Poppins;ch.
to think ? Pienso que cerca de las sieteestará en graves problemas. I think that aboutseven o’clock he will be in serious diffi culty.[Th e Absent-Minded Professor; ch.
to ask (a question) ? preguntarseto wonder ? Así que si se preguntan qué estáhaciendo aquí en el hielo; bueno; eso es parte denuestra historia. So if you wonder what it is doinghere in the ice; well; that is part of our story.[March of the Penguins; ch.
to remember; to remind ? Recuerdade dónde vienes; lo que te costó llegar aquí.Remember where you come from; what it costyou to get here. [Rocky III; ch.
to dream ? ¿Que por soñar con su catedralse ha apartado de la gente que amaba? Th at bydreaming about his cathedral; he has moved awayfrom the people that he loved? [Th e Bishop’s Wife;ch.
to fi nish; to exhaust ? Así acabaríamosal mismo tiempo. Th at way we would fi nish atthe same time. [Holes; ch.
to bet ? Apuesto a que sí. Las batallas sonalgo repugnante. I bet you can. Battles are uglyaff airs. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witchand the Wardrobe; ch.
to be enough ? ¡Ya basta! ¡Ya basta!¿Por qué están haciendo esto? ¡Ya basta! ¡Basta!¡Ayúdenme! Enough already! Enough already!Why are you doing this? Enough already! Enough!Help me! [Holes; ch.
to change ? En cuanto a los otros; larelación está a punto de cambiar. Concerningthe others; the relationship is about to change.[March of the Penguins; ch.
to tire ? cansarse to get tired ? Cuandose cansan de caminar; hacen descansar las patas;y usan el vientre en su lugar. When they get tiredof walking; they give their feet a rest and use theirbelly instead. [March of the Penguins; ch.
to marry; to perform a marriage ceremony ?casarse to marry; to get married ? Si me dices que debemos casarnos en diez días; por favor cree quemoriré al amanecer. If you tell me that we mustmarry in ten days; please believe that I will die atdawn. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to continue ? Sin importar el frío quehaga; o lo hambrientos que estén; los padresdeben continuar moviéndose. No matter howcold it gets; or how hungry they are; the parentsmust continue moving. [March of the Penguins;ch.
to be ? Yo sé donde está el veneno.I know where the poison is. [Th e Princess Bride;ch.
to be lacking; to be missing ? Te falta labarba para ser un enano. You’re missing the beardto be a dwarf. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to interest; to matter ? No le interesalo que nos pase. It doesn’t matter to you whathappens to us. [Mary Poppins; ch.
to cry; to weep ? Bueno; no es la RealAcademia de pintura; pero tampoco hacen llorar.Well; it’s not the Royal Academy of painting; butthey don’t cause one to cry either. [Mary Poppins;ch.
to achieve; to reach a goal; to accomplish ?En un segundo se terminó todo lo que habíalogrado. In one second; everything that I hadaccomplished ended. [Hoosiers; ch.
to kill ? Tu Westley está muerto. Yo lomaté. Your Westley is dead. I killed him.[Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to need ? ¡Lo necesito! I need it![Th e Incredibles; ch.
to pass; to spend (time); to enter ?Me invitaron a pasar la noche. Th ey invitedme to spend the night. [Anne of Green Gables;ch.
to remain ? quedarse to remain; tostay ? Bien; supongo que puedo quedarme unratito; sólo si tienes sardinas. Well; I suppose thatI can stay a little while; only if you have sardines.[Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion; the Witch and theWardrobe; ch.
to sound; to ring ? No suena tan mal.It doesn’t sound so bad. [Th e Princess Bride; ch.
to take; to drink ? Toma tiempo; pero loharás. It takes time; but you will do it. [Rocky III;ch.
to try ? Mientras las madres llenan por fi nsus estómagos vacíos; los padres se aferran a la vidaen la superfi cie; tratando de mantener los huevoscalientes y a salvo. While the mothers fi nally fi lltheir empty stomachs; the fathers cling to life onthe surface; trying to keep their eggs warm andsafe. [March of the Penguins; ch.
to learn ? Creo que aprendimosuna invaluable lección. I think we learned aninvaluable lesson. [Holes; ch.
to eat ? Oh; ¿no se los habrá comido el leóndel zoológico? Or; won’t the lion from the zoo haveeaten them? [Mary Poppins; ch.
to know (a person or place); to be familiarwith (something); to meet ? Es porque conocesa muy pocos como yo. Th at’s because you knowvery few like me. [Th e Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Lion;the Witch and the Wardrobe; ch.
to believe ? No puedo creerlo. I can’t believeit. [Eight Below; ch.
to ought; must ? Debemos escapar. Wemust escape. [Finding Nemo; ch.
to understand ? Lo entiendo; pero tútienes que entender que te amaba y que ese era sutrabajo; protegerte. I understand; but you haveto understand that he loved you and that that washis job; to protect you. [Rocky III; ch.
to do; to make ? Kevin; ¿qué hiciste en mihabitación? Kevin; what did you do to my room?[Home Alone; ch.