List of muscles COPY Flashcards
Occipitofrontalis (frontal belly)
Location: skin superior to supraorbital margin
Action: draws scalp anteriorly, raises eye brows and wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally as in look of surprise
Occipitofrontalis (occipital belly)
Location: occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
Action: draws scalp posteriorly
Orbicularis oris
Location: skin at the corner of the mouth
Action: closes and purses lips
Location: mandible bends with muscles around the angle of the mouth and skin of lower face
Action: draws outer part of lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in frowning
Orbicularis oculi
Location: medial wall of orbit. circular path around orbit
Action: closes eye lid
Masseter (chewer)
Location: angle and ramus of mandible (vertical part of mandible)
Action: elevate mandible, as in closing mouth
Location: temporal bone, coronoid process and ramus of mandible
Action: elevates and retracts the mandible
location: extends from base of skull, down both sides of neck and ends a sternum
- elevate sternum during exhalation
- flexing cervical portion of vertebra
- extending head at atlanto-occipital joints
- laterally flex neck and head to same side and rotate
- laterally rotate and flex neck to opposite side of contracting muscle
- posterior fibers assist in extension of the head
-contract during forced exhalation
Serratus anterior (saw toothed)
location: covers side of ribcage
action: abducts scapula
Which muscle is known as boxers muscle and what movements does it produce
- serratus anterior
- horizontal arm movements such as punching or pushing
location: traps
action: upwardly roate scapula
- adduct the scapula
- depress and stabilize the scapula
action: inhalation - contracts causing it to flatten and increase vertical dimension of thoracic cavity
exhalation: relaxation of diaphragm causing it to move superiorly and decrease vertical dimension of thoracic cavity
Rectus abdominis
- flexes vertebral column especially lumbar portion
- compresses abdomen to aid defecation and urination
- forced exhalation by pulling the ribs down
- childbirth
-flexes pelvis on vertebral column
External abdominal oblique
form the linea alba, most superficial
Internal abdominal oblique
form the linea alba, intermediate to the external abdominal oblique and the transversus abdominal
Transverse abdominis
most deep, part of the linea alba
Pectoralis major
Action: as a whole adducts and medially rotates the arm at the shoulder joint.
Latissmus dorsi
Action: extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm at shoulder joint
- lateral fibers: abduct arm at shoulder joint
- anterior fibers: flex and medially rotate the arm at the shoulder joint
- posterior fibers: extend and laterally rotate the arm at the shoulder joint
Biceps brachii
Action: flexes forearm at elbow joint
flexes forearm at elbow joint; supinates and pronates forearm atradioulnar joint to neutral position
Triceps brachii
action: extends forearm at elbow joint and extends arm at shoulder joint
Gluteus maximus
action: extends and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint
Gluteus medius
Action: abducts and medially rotates thigh at hip join
Rectus femoris (quadriceps femoris)
action: all 4 heads extend leg at knee joint; rectus femoris muscle acting alone also flexes thigh at hip joint
Biceps femoris
action: extends thigh at hip joint
located posteriorly
Action: extends thigh at hip joint
posterior medial aspect of thigh
Action: flexes leg at knee joint, and extends thigh at hip joint
- most medial
Tibialis anterior
Action: dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint and inverts foot at intertarsal joints
Action: plantar flexes foot at ankle joint and flexes leg at knee joint
Action: plantar flexes foot at ankle joint