List, Linked Lists Flashcards
What’s a Linked List?
- linear data structure that consists of nodes (sometimes called links)
- each node contains:
- the data (that we store in the linked list)
- a pointer to the address of the next node
(and possibly a pointer to the address of the previous node) - the order of the elements is determined by a pointer which is placed in each element
- the nodes are not necessarily adjacent in the memory,
this is why we need to keep the address of the successor in each node - elements accessed based on the pointers stored in the nodes
- directly access only the first element (and maybe the last one) of the list
- iterating through all the elements of a linked list we have two options:
- use an iterator
- use a for loop & the getElement subalgorithm
Advantages & Disadvantages of Linked List
- No memory is used for non-existing elements.
- Constant time operations at the beginning of the list.
- Elements are never moved (important if copying an element takes a lot of time).
Disadvantages of Linked Lists
- We have no direct access to an element from a given position
(however, iterating through all elements of the list using an iterator has Θ(n) time complexity).
- Extra space is used up by the addresses stored in the nodes.
- Nodes are not stored at consecutive memory locations
(no benefit from modern CPU caching methods).
Singly Linked Lists - SLL
- a linked list, where each node from the list contains the data and the address of the next node
- the first node of the list => head of the list
- the last node of the list => tail of the list
- the tail of the list contains the special value NIL as the address of the next node (which does not exist)
- if the head of the SLL is NIL, the list is considered empty
SLL Representation
SLL Operations
Doubly Linked Lists - DLL
- a linked list, where each node from the list contains the data,
the address of the next node & the address of the previous node as well - similar to a singly linked list, (besides the next link, we have a prev link as well)
- the prev link of the first element and the next link of the last element is set to NIL
- we can walk through the elements of the list in both directions
(if we have a node from a DLL, we can go to the next node or to the previous node) - the tail of the list contains the special value NIL as the address of the next node (which does not exist)
- if the head of the SLL is NIL, the list is considered empty
DLL Representation
DLL Operations
Linked List on Array
Singly Linked List on Array
Doubly Linked List on Array
What is a Sorted (Ordered) List?
- a list
- the elements from the nodes are in a specific order
- order is given by a relation
- we will keep the relation used for ordering the elements as part of the
structure, we will have a field that represents this relation - using an abstract relation will give us more flexibility:
- we can easily change the relation
(without changing the code written for the sorted linked list)
- we can have, in the same application,
lists with elements ordered by different relations
What is the relation of a Sorted (Ordered) List?
- we can imagine the relation as a function with two parameters
(two TComp elements)true, ”c1 ≤ c2” relation(c1, c2) = ( false, otherwise
- ”c1 ≤ c2” means that c1 should be in front of c2 when ordering the elements
What is the representation of a Sorted (Ordered) List?
Sorted singly linked list - SSLL
info: TComp
next: ↑ SSLLNode
head: ↑ SSLLNode
rel: ↑ Relation
Sorted doubly linked list - SDLL
info: TComp
next: ↑ SDLLNode
prev: ↑ SDLLNode
head: ↑ SDLLNode
tail: ↑ SDLLNode
rel: ↑ Relation
What is the init operation of a Sorted (Ordered) List?
Sorted singly linked list - SSLL Complexity: Θ(1) subalgorithm init (ssll, rel) is: // pre: rel is a relation // post: ssll is an empty SSLL ssll.head ← NIL ssll.rel ← rel end-subalgorithm
Doubly singly linked list - SDLL Complexity: Θ(1) subalgorithm init (sdll, rel) is: // pre: rel is a relation // post: sdll is an empty SDLL sdll.head ← NIL sdll.tail ← NIL sdll.rel ← rel end-subalgorithm