List 9 Past conditional 1_ Flashcards
Si le hubieras visto te habrías dado cuenta
If you had seen him you’d have realised
Si me hubieran enviado lo habría corregido
If they had sent it to me I’d have corrected it
Si hubiera habido fiesta ellos no habrían ido
If there had been a party they wouldn’t have gone
Si me hubiera tocado la lotería me habría jubilado
If I had won the lottery I would have retired
Si hubieran perdido no habrían avanzado
If they’d lost they wouldn’t have advanced
Si hubiera habido un acuerdo me lo habrían dicho
If there’d been an agreement they’d have told me
Si no hubiera sido por ti habríamos perdido todo
If it hadn’t been for you we’d have lost everything
Habría sido tuyo si me lo hubieras pedido
It’d have been yours if you’d asked me for it
Si me hubieras llamado ayer podría haberlo resuelto
If you had called me yesterday I could have solved it
Si hubiera habido tormenta no habrías asistido
If there had been a storm you wouldn’t have attended
Si hubieras ofrecido más dinero habría aceptado
If you’d offered more money I’d have accepted it
Si Hitler no hubiera invadido Rusia quizá habría ganado la guerra
If Hilter hadn’t invaded Russia he might have won the war
Si mi padre hubiera estado enfermo no habría venido a España
If my dad had been sick I wouldn’t have come to Spain
Si hubiera tenido un buen empleo en mi país no habría venido aqu
If I’d had a good job in my country I wouldn’t have come here
De saber que estabas enfermo no habría llamado
If I had known that you were ill I wouldn’t have called
Si Noel no hubiera construido el Arca habría muerto
If Noah hadn’t built the Arch he would have died
Si Morgan hubiera jugado el equipo habría ganado
If Morgan had played the team would have won
Si me hubieran avisado con mayor antelación podría haber evitado el problema
If they had advised me sooner I could have avoided the problem
Si hubiera tenido que hacerlo no lo habría hecho
If I’d had to do it I wouldn’t have done it
Si pudiera haberlo evitado lo habría evitado
If I could have avoided it I’d have avoided it
¿Qué habrías hecho si yo no me hubiera presentado?
What would you have done if I hadn’t showed up?
¿Cómo habrías ido si no hubieras tenido coche?
How would you have gone if you hadn’t had a car?
No habría sido aceptado si no hubiera sido firmado
It wouldn’t have been accepted if it hadn’t been signed
Si yo no hubiera querido hacerlo no lo habría hecho
If I hadn’t wanted to do it I wouldn’t have done it