List 3 Flashcards
尖锐而严厉的批评: a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment
【例】 delivered one last barb to his ex-girlfriend as he stalked away 在他转身离去之前,给他前女友留下了最
【近】 affront, criticism, offense, outrage, sarcasm, slight
【反】 praise, applause, compliment 称赞
【考法1】adj. 野蛮的,凶残的: mercilessly harsh or cruel
【例】 insulted by barbarous language 被粗暴的语言侵犯
【近】 brutal, atrocious, fiendish, heartless, savage, truculent, vicious
【反】 merciful, benevolent , humane, sympathetic 仁慈的
【考法2】adj. 未开化的: uncivilized
【例】 some barbarous behaviors such as eating with your fingers 一些没有教养的举止,比如直接用手拿东西吃
【近】 wild, uncultivated
【反】 civilized, decent, decorous 举止得体的
公然的,厚颜无耻的: undisguisedly bold; brazen
【例】 a barefaced lie 一个公然的谎言
【近】 apparent, plain, bald, evident, manifest, obvious, perspicuous
【反】 secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious 秘密的
【考法1】n. 协议: an agreement between parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction
【例】 They made a bargain that one would help the other next week. 他们达成了一项协议:下周其中一人将帮
【近】 accord, compact, contract, covenant, deal, pact, settlement
【考法2】 vi. 讨价还价: to negotiate over the terms of a purchase
【例】bargain over the price 讨价还价
【近】 haggle, negotiate
【考法1】adj. 华丽装饰的,过分雕琢,复杂的: characterized by extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance
【例】 a baroque prose 一篇辞藻华丽的散文
【近】 byzantine, complicated, convoluted, elaborate, fancy, intricate, knotty, labyrinthine, lavish, tangled
【反】 austere, plain, simple 朴实无华的
【考法2】adj. (程度)过分的: going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount
【例】 Eventually even the movie seems bored by its baroque violence. 到最后这电影也因为其中过度的暴
【近】 exorbitant, extravagant, lavish, overdue
【反】 moderate, modest, temperate 适度的
【考法1】n. 弹幕: a heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of friendly troops to protect them
【例】 Troops are advancing under the shield of barrage. 部队在弹幕的掩护下前进
【近】 bombardment, fusillade
【考法2】n. 有压倒之势的、集中的倾泻(如言语): an overwhelming, concentrated outpouring, as of words
【例】 The announcement was met with a barrage of criticism and protests. 此公告一出,批评和抗议的声音四起
【近】 salvo, hail, cannonade, shower, storm, volley
【考法3】 v. (同时)袭来: to attack with a rapid or overwhelming outpouring of many things at once
【例】 The athlete was barraged with requests for an autograph. 请求运动员签名的呼声如排山倒海般袭来
【近】 bomb
【考法1】adj. 不育的: incapable of producing offspring
【例】 a poor, barren woman 一名可怜的不孕女子
【近】 fruitless, impotent, infertile, effete
【反】 prolific, fecund多产的
【考法2】adj. 不产生结果的,无效的: producing no results; unproductive
【例】 That line of investigation proved barren, so the police tried other avenues. 那个方向的调查已经被证
【近】 bootless, ineffective, inefficacious, unavailing, vain
【反】 effective, successful, productive, virtuous 有效的,成功的
【考法3】adj. 贫瘠的: deficient in production of vegetation and especially crops
【例】 barren deserts and wastelands 贫瘠的沙漠和荒野
【近】 desolate, impoverished, waste
【反】 arable, fruitful, luxuriant, verdant 富饶繁茂的
【考法4】adj. 极度匮乏的: utterly lacking in something needed, wanted, or expected
【例】 Their proposal for revitalizing the downtown business district is utterly barren of practical methods. 他
【近】 bare, bereft, destitute, void
【反】filled, flush, fraught, full, replete, rife 充沛的
【考法1】 n. 障碍物: an obstruction or rampart thrown up across a way or passage
【例】 The police put up barricades to block off the parade route. 警察设立了路障来阻挡游行的队伍
【近】 fence, hedge, wall, barrier, obstacle, blockade, obstruction
【考法2】v. 用障碍物阻止通过: to prevent access to by means of a barricade
【例】 streets have been barricaded by authorities 街道被当局封锁了
【近】 bar, check, hinder, impede, obstruct, wall off
【反】 permit 允许
以物换物: to trade (goods or services) without the exchange of money
【例】 barter wheat for cotton 以小麦换棉花
【近】 swap, trade
【考法1】n. 一批次的量: a number of things considered as a unit
【例】 a batch of cookies 一批次烘烤的饼干
【近】 array, collection, package, parcel, group
【考法2】n. 一小群人: a usually small number of persons considered as a unit
【例】 Show the next batch of applicants in, please. 请带下一批申请人进来
【近】 band, body, cluster, party
平凡的,陈腐的: characterized by exceptional commonplaceness
【例】 a bathetic funeral scene 平凡的葬礼场面
【近】 trite, cliché, commonplace, hackneyed, stale, stereotyped
【反】 offbeat 离奇的
exceptional 不平常的,非凡的
【派】 bathos n. 平凡的事物
下流的,猥亵的: boisterously or humorously indecent
【例】 a bawdy joke 黄色笑话|| bawdy house 妓院
【近】 obscene, lewd, ribald, vulgar
【反】 decent, decorous 得体的
chaste, noble 纯洁的,高贵的
装饰,点缀: to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming
【例】flag bedecking the balcony 在阳台上用以装饰的旗子|| bedeck with jewels 用珠宝装饰
【近】 adorn, beautify, decorate, dress, embellish, emblaze
【反】 strip 剥去
blemish, deface, mar, spoil 损害,破坏
【考法1】v.(当众)严厉批评: to criticize harshly and usually publicly
【例】 It’s not wise to belabor other people’s flaws when you’re hardly perfect yourself. 如果你自己还做不到
【近】 beat, baste, batter, excoriate, lambaste, abuse, assail, vituperate, scathe
【反】 applaud, extol, eulogize, endorse, acclaim 赞扬
【考法2】v. 就…作过度的说明,喋喋不休: to explain or insist on excessively
【例】 belabor the obvious 就显而易见的问题喋喋不休
【近】 dwell on, harp on
【反】 disregard, omit, ignore, neglect, slight, slur over 忽略
【考法1】vt. 包围,围攻: to surround (as a fortified place) with armed forces for the purpose of capturing or
preventing commerce and communication
【例】 beleaguered the castle for months 围攻堡垒长达数月
【近】 siege, besiege, invest, blockade
【反】 retreat, withdraw 撤退
【考法2】vt. 使困扰,使烦恼,使消沉: trouble, harass, beset
【例】 We are still beleaguered by the very problem. 我们仍然就为这一个问题而感到困扰
【近】 annoy, harass, pester, plague, tease
【反】 delight 使愉悦
【派】 beleaguering adj. 扰人的
【考法1】v. 错误地描述;误述: to picture falsely; misrepresent
【例】 The report belied the real severity of the aftermath. 这个报道错误地评价了后果的严重性
【近】 misrepresent, falsify
【反】 betray, reveal 表明,暴露,揭露(伪装)
【考法2】v. 证明…为假: to show (something) to be false or wrong
【例】 Practical experience belies this theory. 实践证明这个理论是错误的
【近】 debunk, discredit, refute, shoot down
【反】 attest, confirm, validate, verify 证实
【考法3】v. 掩饰: to keep secret or shut off from view
【例】 Security Council issued false assurances that belied the true gravity of the situation. 安理会发布了不
【近】 conceal, curtain, disguise, mask
【反】 disclose, expose 揭露
【考法4】v. 与…相对立;与…相矛盾: to be counter to; contradict
【例】 At first glance, life at the boarding school seemed to belie all the bad things I had heard about it.乍 看 之
【近】 contradict, contravene
【反】 agree 与…相一致
领导者,带头人: one that takes the lead or initiative
【例】 Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry. 巴黎是一座引领时尚潮流的都市
【近】 leader, pacemaker, pilot, trendsetter
【反】 follower, disciple, imitator 跟随者,弟子,模仿者
【考法1】adj. 仁慈的,好慈善的: characterized by or performing acts of kindness or charity
【例】beneficent couple who are regular volunteers at an orphan 一对在孤儿院做义工的慈善的夫妇
【近】 kind, altruistic, benevolent, philanthropic, benign, compassionate, sympathetic
【反】 atrocious, barbarous, truculent, vicious 残忍的
【考法2】adj. (对个人或社会)有益的: promoting or contributing to personal or social well-being
【例】 the beneficent effect of sunshine 日光浴的益处
【近】 helpful, advantageous, favorable, kindly, profitable, salutary
【反】 detrimental, harmful, noxious, toxic 有害的
【派】 beneficently adv. 仁慈地
【考法1】adj. 好心的,仁慈的:showing kindness and gentleness
【例】 a benign coach 一名仁慈的教练
【近】 beneficent, gentle, kind
【反】 abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern 粗暴的,严厉的
【考法2】adj. 无害的: not causing or being capable of causing injury or hurt
【例】 Don’t worry; his eccentricities are entirely benign. 别担心,他那些古怪行为不会给人带来伤害
【近】 harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive
【反】 baleful, deleterious, detrimental, harmful, injurious, pernicious 有害的
(长时间)严厉指责:to scold or condemn vehemently and at length
【例】He berated them in public. 他公开谴责他们
【近】castigate, flay, lambaste, scold, rail, upbraid, reproach, reprimand
【反】commend, compliment, praise 表扬,赞颂
(急切地)恳求: to beg for urgently or anxiously
【例】They besought the military to act immediately. 他们恳求军方立即采取行动
【近】appeal, conjure, entreat, implore, petition, plead, supplicate
【反】 demand (依据权力等)要求
【考法1】v. 弄脏,弄污: to make dirty; soil
【例】 besmirched the white bed sheets with their dirty hands 用他们的脏手把白床单弄脏了
【近】 foul, smirch, smudge, taint
【反】 clean, cleanse清洁
【考法2】v. 诽谤,玷污: to detract from the honor or luster of
【例】 besmirch your reputation by fabricating scandals 通过捏造丑闻来玷污你的名声
【近】 defile, smear, soil, stain
【反】 honor 授予荣誉
(使)分成两支: (to cause) to divide into two branches or parts
【例】 Their visions of the company’s future slowly began to bifurcate. 我们关于公司未来的构想慢慢出现分歧
【近】 divide, diverge, fork
【反】 coalesce 联合
converge 汇合
固执己见者,有偏见的人: a person obstinately devoted to his own opinions and prejudices
【例】 He is a bigot, or “a slave of dogma”. 一个固执己见的人,换而言之就是——教条主义的奴隶
【近】 dogmatist, partisan
【反】 depreciator, disparager 贬低他人的人
【派】 bigoted 固执己见的
【考法1】adj. 味道平淡的: not irritating or stimulating; soothing
【例】 stick to bland diet to lose weight 坚持清淡的饮食以减肥
【近】 mild, light, soft, soothing, tender
【反】 pungent, tangy, zesty 味道刺激的
【考法2】adj. 无趣的: dull, insipid
【例】 a bland story with naïve plot一个情节幼稚的无聊故事
【近】 banal, sapless, insipid
【反】 riveting, enchanting 诱人的
【考法3】adj. 温和的,和蔼的: not harsh or stern especially in nature or effect
【例】 bland food that was good for babies and invalids 对婴儿和病患有益的温和的食物
【近】 balmy, benign, bland, delicate, mellow, nonabrasive
【反】 abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh, rough, scathing, stern 刺激性的
甜言蜜语,讨好某人的话: something that tends to coax or cajole
【例】 Our blandishment left her unmoved. 纵使甜言蜜语她也无动于衷
【近】 flattery, adulation
(过度放纵之后)厌倦享乐的,腻烦的:apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive
indulgence or enjoyment
【例】 Years of extravagance has made him totally blasé. 长期的奢华生活已使他彻底麻木
【近】 indifferent, jaded, unconcerned, world-weary
【反】 zealous, fanatic 狂热的
curious 好奇的
【考法1】n. 爆炸: an explosion or violent detonation
【例】 blast wave of a nuclear bomb 原子弹的冲击波
【近】 burst, detonation, eruption, outburst
【反】 implosion 向内爆裂
【考法2】n. 一阵猛烈的强风: a violent gust of wind
【例】 blasts of bleak air 阵阵阴风
【近】 blow, flurry
【考法3】n. 巨响: a loud explosive sound
【例】 a sharp blast of the horn startled the other driver 一声尖锐刺耳的喇叭声惊吓到了另一名司机
【近】 bang, boom, thunderclap
【反】 murmur, whisper 轻言轻语
【考法4】vt. 炸裂,爆破: to cause to break open or into pieces by or as if by an explosive
【例】 The highway engineers will have to blast that hill in order to put a road through here. 为了建设一条公
【近】 demolish, explode, smash, blow up
【考法5】vt. 斥责,抨击: to criticize harshly and usually publicly
【例】 blasted the new governor for every little misstep 就每一个小的失误都要抨击新的执政官
【近】 abuse, assail, belabor, castigate, lambaste, scathe, vituperate
【考法1】adj. 大声喧哗的: noisy, especially in a vulgar or offensive manner
【例】 blatant radios 喧闹恼人的电台
【近】 boisterous, clamant, clamorous, vociferous
【反】 quiet, reticent, taciturn 沉默少语的
【考法2】adj. (让人生厌地)惹人注目的: very noticeable especially for being incorrect or bad
【例】 a blatant lie 明目张胆的谎言|| a blatant error in simple addition 简单的加法运算中的一个明显错误
【近】 conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, patent, striking, pronounced
【反】 subtle, unimpressive 细微的
【考法1】vt. 使知名: to make known openly or publicly
【例】 Their very public canoodling has pretty much blazoned the fact that they are having an affair. 他们彼
【近】 annunciate, broadcast, declare, publicize, proclaim
【反】 withhold 保留,不透露
【考法2】v. 修饰,装扮: to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming
【例】 The university’s dormitory has been blazoned with banners celebrating graduation. 学校宿舍被那些
【近】adorn, bedeck, embellish, garnish
【反】 blemish, deface, mar, spoil 损害,破坏
【考法1】n. 缺点,污点: a noticeable imperfection
【例】 The first LCD had several blemishes on its surface, so we took it back to the store. 第一块液晶显示屏有
【近】blotch, defect, fault, flaw, mar, spot, scar
【考法2】v. 损害,降低: to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection of
【例】 A scratch blemished the finish on the car. 一道刮痕破坏了车子表面的涂层
【近】 break, disfigure, harm, hurt, impair, injure, spoil, vitiate
【反】 fix, renovate, repair, revamp翻新,维修
【派】 unblemished adj. 纯净的
【考法1】 v. (使)枯萎:to affect (as a plant) with blight
【近】 wither, shrivel
【反】 flourish 生长繁茂
【考法2】v. 损害: to impair the quality or effect of
【例】 Illness blighted his career. 伤病毁了他的职业生涯|| Cosmetics are often used to conceal facial
blemishes. 化妆品常用来遮盖脸部色斑。
【近】 damage, deteriorate, harm, impair, mar, ruin
【派】 blighted adj. 枯萎的,毁坏的
【考法1】n. 极度快乐: extreme happiness; ecstasy
【例】 Ignorance is bliss ——The Matrix. 无知者,幸也(电影《黑客帝国》)
【近】 beatitude, joy, ecstasy, elation
【反】 grief, misery 悲痛
【考法2】n. 极乐世界: a dwelling place of perfect happiness for the soul after death
【例】 the road to eternal bliss通往永恒乐土的道路
【近】 heaven, paradise
【反】 hell 地狱
【派】 blissful adj. 带来幸运的
【考法1】adj. 愉快高兴的: of a happy lighthearted character or disposition
【例】Everyone loved her for her blithe spirit. 所有人都喜欢她开朗的性格
【近】 bright, buoyant, gay, jocular, jocund, jovial
【反】 dour, gloomy, morose, saturnine, sulky, sullen 忧郁的
【考法2】adj. 无忧无虑的: having or showing freedom from worries or troubles
【例】 He has a blithe attitude about ever having to earn a living because he knows there’s a trust fund in his
future. 他对生活无忧无虑,因为他知道他的未来有信托基金可以倚靠
【近】 debonair, insouciant, lighthearted
【反】 careworn 焦虑的
【考法1】n. 蓝图,详细计划: a photographic print used especially for architects’ plans
【例】 a blueprint for the new library 新图书馆的建造蓝图
【近】 arrangement, design, plan, scheme
【考法2】v. 事先计划: to work out the details of (something) in advance
【例】 blueprinted the schedule of events for the festival right down to the last detail 把节日的活动的每一个细
【近】 arrange, budget, calculate, organize, frame, lay out
【考法1】 n. 过失: a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness
【例】 That’s your second blunder today. 这是你今天犯的第二个低级错误了
【近】 mistake, gaffe, lapse, error
【考法2】v. 在…方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误;糟蹋: to make a stupid, usually serious error in; botch
【近】 screw up, mess up
【考法3】v. 蹒跚:to move unsteadily or confusedly
【例】 Without my glasses I blundered into the wrong room.因为没戴眼镜,所以我蹒跚地走入了错误的房间
【近】 stumble, falter, limp, plod
【派】 blundering adj. 蹒跚行走的
【考法1】vt. 使变钝:to make less sharp or definite
【近】 dull, deaden, hebetate, benumb, enfeeble, attenuate
【反】 whet, sharpen 磨尖
【考法2】vt. 减弱(力度等):to reduce or weaken in strength or feeling
【例】 The abrupt music blunted the effect of the movie’s final tragic scene. 突兀的音乐让电影结束时悲剧场景
【近】 dampen, deaden
【考法3】adj. 直率的:being or characterized by direct, brief, and potentially rude speech or manner
【例】 He values honesty and is quite blunt about telling people what he doesn’t like about them. 他重视诚实,
【近】 abrupt, bluff, brusque, curt, gruff
【反】 circuitous, mealy-mouthed 拐弯抹角的
【考法1】v. (使)变得朦胧,(使)变得不清楚: to (cause sth. to) become vague or indistinct
【例】 Sorrowful tears blurred her eyes. 悲伤的眼泪模糊了她的双眼
【近】 shroud, becloud, befog, obscure
【反】clear 使清晰
【考法2】v. 使不易理解: to make (something) unclear to the understanding
【例】 An article for the layman that blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol. 一篇针对业余读
【近】 obfuscate
【反】 clarify, illuminate 阐明,说清楚
【派】 blurring adj. 朦胧的
突然说出,冲动地说: to utter abruptly and impulsively
【例】 blurt out the secret 脱口说出了秘密
【近】 burst, bolt, ejaculate, cry out
【反】 muffle, mute 使缄默
【考法1】v. 狂妄自大地大声说: to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner
【例】 He was blustering alone in the meeting, which triggered wide dissatisfaction. 他一人在会议上夸夸其谈,
【近】 roar, clamor, bluster, rattle
【反】 whisper 小声嘀咕
【考法2】n. 大声吹嘘或恐吓: loudly boastful or threatening speech
【近】grandiloquence, braggadocio
【考法3】n. 喧闹的状态: a state of noisy, confused activity
【例】 a mayor who got things done without a lot of bluster 一个能把事情低调解决的市长
【近】 disturbance, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil
【派】 blustering adj. 大吵大闹的