List 18 Flashcards
No juegues con eso.
Don’t play with that.
No toques la comida.
Don’t touch the food.
Wake up.
Wake him up.
Estúdialo con mucho cuidado.
Study it very carefully.
Apréndelo cuanto antes.
Learn it as soon as possible.
Añade esto a la lista.
Add this to the list.
Toque la guitarra un poco.
Play the guitar a little.
Watch them.
No lo rompas.
Don’t break it.
Empiecen ahora.
Begin /start now.
Termínalo cuanto antes.
Finish it as soon as possible.
No lo olvides.
Don’t forget it.
Constrúyelo lo más lejos posible.
Build it as far away as possible.
No los compres con este dinero.
Don’t buy them with this money.
Córtalo lo más corto posible.
Cut it as short as possible.
Tome una cerveza.
Have a beer.
No te caigas.
Don’t fall (down).
Find them.
Consígalo lo antes posible.
Get it as soon as possible.
No se enfade Ud.
Don’t get angry.
Levántese, por favor.
Get up, please.
Dales una oportunidad.
Give them a chance.
Guárdalo en el estante superior.
Keep it on the top shelf.