List 1 Flashcards
subside; decrease; lessen
Ex: Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate
Ex: Because we were running out of time, the lecturer had to abbreviate her speech
renounce; give up
Ex: When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry the woman he loved, he surprised the entire world.
-> Abduct (v)
Ex: The movie Ransom describes the attempts to rescue a multimillionaire’s son after the child’s abduction by kidnappers
-> abberance, abberancy
abnormal or ‘deviant
ABET (v)
aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage
Ex: She was willing to abet him in the swindle (sự giả mạo, lừa đảo) he had planned
AB’HOR (v)
-> abhorrence (n)
detest; hate
Ex: She abhorred all forms of bigotry
wretched (khốn khổ), lacking pride
Ex: On the streets of New York the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.
-> abolition (n)
cancel, put an end to
detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad
Ex: Mary liked John until she learned he was dating Susan; then she called him an abominable young man, with abominable taste in women
-> aborigines (n) /,æbə’ridʤini:z/
being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native (nguyên mẫu, nguyên thủy)
Ex: Her studies of the primitive art forrms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals.
- > abort (v)
unsuccessful, fruitless.
Ex: Attacked by armed troops, the Chinese students had to abandon their abortive attempt to democratize Beijing peacefully
- > abrasion (n) /ə’breiʤn/
- > abrasive (a)
rubbing away; tending to grind down.
Ex: - Just as abrasive cleaning powders can wear away a shiny finish, abrasive remarks can wear away a listener’s patience
- Because the sharp rocks rocks had abraded the skin on her legs, she dabbed iodine on the scrapes and abrasions.
condense, shorten
Ex: Because the publishers felt the public wanted a shorter version of War and Peace, the proceeded to abridge the novel
depart secretly and hide
Ex: The teller who absconded with the bonds went uncaptured until someone recognized him from his photograph on “America’s Most Wanted”