List 1 Flashcards
State the system code for the primary circuit?
System code M
List the three containment boundaries
Primary boundaries
Secondary boundaries
Intermediate boundaries
What is the function of the steam generators
Produce high quality steam for the operation of the operation of the main and turbo-generator (TG) turbines and Auxiliary steam systems
Remove decay heat from the reactor core using the SG cooldown system
What is the function of the Auxilliary steam system
The function of the Auxilliary steam system is to supply steam at a constant pressure of 14 bar to the following equipment
• main air ejectors
• gland steam system
• distilling plant calorifiers
Describe the basic operation of the gland steam system
Supply steam to seal the main engine and TG turbine glands to prevent air ingress into the turbines and escaping into the main machinery space (MMS)
State two components of the steam drain system
Back pressure regulating valve (BPRV)
yarway steam trap
P.s key trap
Label 5 items on the SG drawing
SG shell
Tube bundle
Feelwater main
Separator assembly
Set of drivers
Why is there a separating wall between the ahead/astern sections of the main turbine?
An ahead/astern separating wall is fitted to prevent steam leakage between the two sections
Name 5 parts of the sss clutch
What is the system code for the primary relief system?
System code R
What are the functions of the main circulating water system
Provide a flow of cooling water to the main condenser so that optimum condenser vacuum and steam conditions can be maintained in the main turbines and TG’s
Supply the after stern tube bearing with water for cooling and lubrication
Provide a supply of water to the clean sea water system
Describe the construction of the clean sea water system pump
The clean sea water pump is a glandless, canned centrifugal pump. Each pump is solidly mounted on its own side main condenser hotwell
Label the main feed system
List 4 items cooled by the fwd ship’s fresh water cooling system
Chilled water plants (3)
70 Kw MG sets (2 for SWS)
35 Kw MG Sets (3 for Nav. RCMS And TWS)
10 Kw MG sets (2 for RCMS)
H2 Buners (2)
What dose SLIV stand for, what does it do?
(Surge line isolating valve)
Isolates the pressuriser from the primary circuit in event of a pressure leak when the valve is shut, provided pressuriser pressure is greater than RPV pressure
What order do the primary relief valves reset
Steam steam
Low high
High low
What is the function of the coolant treatment system
Is provided to remove soluble and suspended radioactive corrosion and fission products from the primary coolant during reactor operation, whilst assisting to maintain the pH. Actively is maintained at a level which permits personnel to enter the RC approximately 15 minutes after shut down
Coolant treatment system- where does the HP discharge go
Discharge to the MUD vessel
Overboard via D406
What are the three sub sections of the coolant make up system
Recirculating system (normal)
Back up system (de-ox/demin system)
Emergency system
Components of the primary shield system
A steel tank surrounding the reactor pressure vessels, which consists of
RCFW cooling coils
Neutral detectors
Core cather
Test source track
A shield water head tank with interconnecting piping and valves
Two methods of using the HPDHR system
Forced high pressure decay heat removal (FHPDHR)
Natural high pressure decay heat removal (NHPDHR)
What is the system code for the coolant treatment system
System code W