List 1 Flashcards
capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding. ; (of a person or manner) showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh.
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “the wood should be rubbed down with fine abrasive paper”
humiliation or degradation. ; the action or fact of abasing or being abased.
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: Losing an important football game because of several stupid mistakes might result in abasement for the whole team.
evade (a responsibility or duty) ; repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “we believe the board is abrogating its responsibilities to its shareholders”
restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something ; formally decline to vote either for or against a proposal or motion.
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “abstaining from chocolate.”
not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking.
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “We only had a bottle.” “Very abstemious of you.”
(of a monarch) renounce one’s throne. ; fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “the secretary of state should not abdicate from leadership on educational issues”
the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will. ; kidnapping
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport”
solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim)
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation.
scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “a landscape slowly abraded by a fine, stinging dust”
a state of temporary disuse or suspension. ; temporary inactivity or suppression
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “matters were held in abeyance pending further inquiries”
not normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
Prefix: Ab
Sentence: “the illness is recognizable from the patient’s abnormal behavior”
make (something) on a large scale using machinery. ; invent or fabricate (evidence or a story).
Prefix: manu
Sentence: the manufacture of television sets.
make (something) active or operative.
Prefix: act
existing, happening, or operating in the air.
Prefix: aeri
Sentence: “an aerial battle”
a traveler in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other flying craft.
Prefix: aero
Sentence: Aeronaut is one who operates or travels in an airship or balloon.
the science or practice of travel through the air.
Prefix: aero
Sentence: Aeronautics is a science dealing with the operation of aircraft.
an airship or hot-air balloon, especially one that is tethered.
Prefix: aero
Sentence: An aerostat is a lighter-than-air aircraft that gains its lift through the use of a buoyant gas.
relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property.
Prefix: a
Sentence: “Brazil is rapidly diversifying its agrarian economy”
(of a person) able to use the right and left hands equally well.
Prefix: ambi
Sentence: “few of us are naturally ambidextrous”
unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
Prefix: ambi
Sentence: “the election result was ambiguous.”
relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water. ; (of a military operation) involving forces landed from the sea.
Prefix: amphi
Sentence: “an amphibious assault”
walk or travel through or around a place or area, especially for pleasure and in a leisurely way.
Prefix: per
Sentence: It’s an old-fashioned way to describe taking an after-dinner stroll or a meander.
walk; move about.
Prefix: a
neighborly, friendly mean exhibiting goodwill and an absence of antagonism.
Prefix: a
Sentence: an amicable settlement.
a friendly relationship.
Prefix: a
Sentence: “international amity and goodwill”
showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Prefix: Us
Sentence: a pusillanimous student who is too afraid to speak out against someone who is bullying