Lissamphibia Flashcards
Why is fossil for lissamphibia poor?
Specimens are small and easily destroyed.
Amphibians display either herbivory or omnivory. True or false?
False - all amphibians are carnivorous.
Give 2 major defining characteristics of lissamphibia.
- Biscupsid pedicellate teeth
2. Permeable skin
Define bicuspid pedicellate teeth.
2-pronged teeth with a flexible fibrous region.
Why do amphibians have permeable skin?
Because they cutaneous respiration.
Amphibians only respire cutaneously. True or false?
False - the have lungs also for pulmonary respiration.
Give the 3 groups of amphibian.
- Anura
- Urodela
- Gymnophiona
The anura are the largest group of up to 1000 species. Which animals do they contain?
The frogs.
How many trunk vertebrae do anurans have?
Between 5-9.
Give 4 major examples of how anurans are adapted for a jumping lifestyle.
- Large, open head = lightweight
- Short trunk - stability
- Urostyle and modified pelvis = stability
- Long legs
Define the urostyle.
A long bone at the end of the spine were the vertebrae have used together.
The larvae undergo complete metamorphosis into adults. True or false?
Triadobatrachus was a primitive frog from what period?
The Triassic.
How many trunk vertebrae does Triadobatrachus have? We are beginning to see a reduction from the ancestral condition.
In what period did the earliest ‘true frogs’ appear?
The Jurassic.
There is much diversity within the anurans. How does the Mexican burrowing toad prevent drying out?
It lives underground and is nocturnal.
There is much diversity within the anurans. The midwife toad demonstrates what kind of care for its young?
Paternal, the male carries the eggs on his back.
There is much diversity within the anurans. Poison dart frogs secrete toxins in their skin. What kind of lifestyle do they have?
Diurnal and arboreal.
There is much diversity within the anurans. Which species of frog does this:
The male and female clasp together in mating and secrete their gametes. The male beats a mucous secretion with his legs until it becomes foam, which is hardened on the outside but moist on the inside. The fertilised eggs are stored in this ball and hung from a branch. When the froglets eventually hatch out they fall into a pool of water below.
Wallace’s tree frog.
Within the anura, all fertilisation is external. True or false?
The urodela contains which animals?
Salamanders and newts.
What is another name for the urodela?
The caudata.
When did the earliest urodeles appear?
The Jurassic.
Describe the characteristic body plan of a urodele.
- Large, open framework head
- Elongate shape, more presacral (trunk) vertebrae than anurans
- Long tail
- Reduced limbs
In what kind of motion do urodeles move?
A lateral undulation, wiggle side to side.
Within the urodeles, all fertilisation is external. True or false?
False - all fertilisation is internal.
Urodeles often display elaborate courtship rituals. True or false?
Approximately how many species of salamanders and newts are there?
Urodeles can be either fully a) aquatic, b) semi-aquatic or c) highly terrestrial. Briefly state how their bodies are differently adapted.
a) Often have external gills
b) Traditional bodyplan
c) Have limbs that are better developed than in other urodele species.
What animals does the gymnophiona contain?
What is another name for the caecilians?
The apodans.
How many species of caecilian are there?
Gymnophionans are the only group of amphibians that are restricted in their global distribution. True or false?
True - the gymnophiona can only survive in tropical regions whereas the anura and urodela are often found in temperate regions.
Caecilians are very good swimmers and have invaded aquatic niches. However most caecilian species have what kind of lifestyle?
Fossorial, a burrowing lifestyle.
How are caecilians adapted for burrowing?
They have a solid and bullet-shaped head, as opposed to the large, open framework head of other amphibians.
The eyes of caecilians are redundant and thus reduced or covered by dermal bone. What do they have instead?
A sensory tentacle at the end of the snout.
Caecilians have reduced limbs. True or false?
False - they are completely limbless.
Caecilians have internal fertilisation like urodeles. True or false?
There are 2 major theories for the evolution of lissamphibia. What are they?
1) They evolved from temnospondyls
2) They evolved from lepspondyls
Explain support for the theory that lissamphibia evolved from temnospondyls. Give the 2 main arguments.
- Dissorophids had large, open framework skulls, reduced trunk vertebrae and impedance-matching ears like modern frogs.
- Dissorophoids also had bicuspid pedicellate teeth like other lissamphibia.
Explain support for the theory that lissamphibia evolved from lepospondyls.
- Caecilians and microsaurs both have bullet-shaped skulls, bone posterior to the jaw joint and palatal teeth.
Explain why there is doubt that the lissamphibia evolved from the lepospondyls.
It is thought the similarities between microsaurs and caecilians arose by convergent evolution, as during development caecilians possess open framework in their skulls characteristic of other lissamphibians.