Liquidity Flashcards
Liquidity definition
The ability of a business to meet is short term commitments
Statement of financial position (balance sheet)
Shows financial structure of business
- identifies assets and liabilities
Current assets
Items that are quickly converted into cash
- cash
- receivables
- inventory
Non- current assets
Items that are owned by a business for long term
- machinery
- buildings
- vehicles
Current liabilities
Money a business owes and is due to be settled soon - within 12 months
- payables
- overdraft
- net current assets
Non - current liabilities
Money a business owes and doesn’t not need to be paid soon
- mortgage
- bank loans
Net assets calculation
Net assets= assets - liabilities
Current ratio calculation
Current assets / current liabilities
Acid test ratio calculation
Current assets - inventory / current liabilities
Ways to improve liquidity
- reduce the credit period offered to customers
- ask suppliers for extended repayment period
- Sell off excess stock