Lipids cont: ketone bodies, storage and non-mammals Flashcards
When are ketone bodies formed?
B oxidation needs acetylCoA, from oxaloacetate, from pyruvate
Lack/mishandling of carbs i.e. pyruvate, acCoA accumulates in mc matrix – ketone bodies
Ketone body synthesis
3 acyl-CoA = HMG-CoA
Converted in acetoacetate –ketone bodies e.g. hydroxybutyrate
Ketones as fuel
Heart, skeletal muscle, brain, kidney
Water soluble, so can pass blood-brain barrier
Tissues break ketones back down to CoA for CAC
Why are ketone bodies synthesised in the liver?
Does not contain CoA transferase and lacks oxaloacetate for CAC
Role of ketones?
Survive carb shortages
Can be oxidised in CAC so can replace glucose in tissues, sparing glucose for dependent cells e.g. RBCs
Prevents breakdown of muscle protein in starvation by reducing need for gluconeogenesis
CoA from acetyl-CoA molecules - FA oxidation for ATP
Diabetic ketoacidoses
Increase FA B oxidation in bloodstream through low insulin
Activates gluconeogenesis: oxaloacetate down, acetyl-CoA up = ketone bodies
Acidic ketones accumulate (bad) = acidosis
Ketosis in starvation
Glycogen used up, blood glucose falls, insulin drops
Lipolysis increases = FA oxidation in liver
Gluconeogenesis increases with FA as fuel
Ketone bodies produced as gluconeogenesis uses up oxaloacetate, building up acetyl-CoA
FAs in plants/algae?
Often polyunsaturated PUFAs, in fish and seed oils
Synthesised in chloroplasts
Stored as TAGs, often in seeds
FA synthesis in plants?
Pyruvate – acCoA – malonyl-CoA intermediates
Completed FAs usually 16-18 c
ACCase key enzyme as in animals, but is a multi-complex enzyme (just one in animals) more like bacteria
FASII is also a complex
Complexes = greater regulation
Chloroplast FA desaturation and regulation
Fatty acid desaturase, another regulatory component;
Stimulated by sunlight i.e. photosynthesis = FA synthesis
Oleic acid accumulation (end product of desaturase) = inhibition to avoid toxicity
Essential FAs
PUFAs - animals cannot synthesise
Linoleic acid - structural membrane
A-linoleic acid - precurser
Arise in plants due to ER-localised desaturases, e.g. FAD2 = linoleic, FAD3 = A-linoleic
Lipid modification in plants
Acyl carrier proteins removed from FAs before export from chloroplasts
CoA binds acyl group as it passes membrane = cytoplasmic pool of acyl-CoA bound FAs
Modified in ER e.g. by desaturation converting acyl-CoA bonds FAs to phospholipids using LPCAT
LPCAT - another key regulatory enzyme
Omega FAs
Last carbon = omega
omega3 = double bond on third carbon from end, omega6 = double bond on 6th from end
These are essential, as they are precursors of eicosanoids
Signalling molecules used in inflammation e.g. prostaglandins, leukotrienes
Linoleic acid (omega6) derived = pro inflammatory
A-linoleic acid (omega3) derived = anti inflammatory
Omega 3s?
From a-linoleic = EPA and DHA
Produced in algae, not plants