Lipid Lowering Drugs Flashcards
Name the HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
(Statins) Lovastatin Atorvastatin Fluvastatin Pravastatin Simvastatin Rosuvastatin
Name the PCSK9 inhibitors
Name the Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors
Name the Resins
Name the Niacins
(nicotinic acid, vitamin B3)
Name the Fibric acid derivatives
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors MoA
- Competitive inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, converts HMG-CoA to melavonate, an early and rate limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis-> inhibits cholesterolgenesis-> increases expression of LDL receptor-> increases removal of LDL from blood-> decreases hepatic VLDL production
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Pharmacokinetics
-Absorption: enhanced by food;varies except for fluvastatin (almost complete
-1st pass extraction by liver
-Excreted in bile
1/2 life: 1-3 except atorvastatin (14 hours) , rosuvastatin (19 hours)
-Take in evening
HMG-CoA Reductase inhibitors Therapeutic Use
- Use alone or in combo w/ resins, PCSK9 inhibitors, ezetimibe
- Don’t give to women who are prenant, lactating or becoming pregnant (tetraogenic)
- familial hypercholesterolemia
Most efficacious statins are?
-Atorvastatin & rosuvastatin -> severe hypercholesterolemia
What are statin’s toxic/adverse effects?
- Elevations in serum alanine aminotransferase activity (3x normal) -> meds should be stopped if >3x is persistent or signs of hepatotoxicity present (precipitous decrease in LDL, anorexia, malaise)
- Myopathy- w/ or w/out inc. in creatine kinase -> intense myalgia, fatigue
- Rhabdomyolysis -> myoglobinuria -> renal failure (CK levels 10x over normal)
What are statin’s drug interactions?
- Metabolized by CYP3A4
- Do not drink grapefruit juice
- Inhibitors of organic anion transporter (OAT), cyclosporin, gemfibrozil
- Genetic influences-> increased incidence of myopathy ass. w/ polymorphisms in gene encoding liver-specific OAT -> increase accumulation of simvastatin acid in plasma and increased risk of myopathy
What are PCSK9 inhibitors MOA? How are they given? and What is their 1/2 lives?
- Monoclonal antibodies against PCSK9 proteins-> prevents the degradation of LDLRs
- Normal: PCSK9 diverts LDLR from recycling pathway towards lysosome for degradation
- SubQ admin.
- Evolocumab: 11-17 days
- Alirocumab: 12 days
What are the Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors? MOA?
Ezetimibe- active glucuronide metabolite circulate enterohepatically
MOA: Selectively inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption-> targets NPCL1 transport protein in enterocytes
-decreases intestinal delivery of cholesterol to the liver
-increases the expression of hepatic LDL receptors
-decreases cholesterol content of atherogenic particles
Bile acid Sequestrants (resins) MOA?
-Highly positively charged -> binds negatively charged bile acids-> prevents reabsorption -> excreted in stool -> hepatic bile-acid synthesis increases -> hepatic cholesterol content declines-> LDLR increased in hepatocytes-> increased clearance of LDL from plasma
Why should you give resins with a statin?
-Lower LDL-C, but HMG-CoA reductase is upregulated-> incr. cholesterol synthesis part. offsets reduction in LDL-C s
What type of patient should you use resins with extreme cauton?
Pts w/ severe hypertriglyceridemia-> resin induced increase in bile acid production-> leads to increase in hepatic TG synthesis
Bile acid sequestrants: Therapeutic Uses
- Take w/ meals or no effect
- Het. FH
- Pts w/ bile salt accumulation and cholestasis
- removal of digitalis from GI tract
- Combined hyperlipoproteinemia in combo w/ other drugs
Adverse effects of Resins
- Constipation & bloating-> relieved by increasing fiber or mixing psyllium seed w/ resin
- heartburn & diarrhea
- Malabsorption of vit. K (rare) & folic acid (rare)
- *Increased hepatic TG synthesis (concern in pts w/ TGs >250 mg/dl)
What is Niacin (Nicotinic acid)’s MOA?
- Adipose tissue: Inhibits lipolysis of TG by hormone-sens. lipase-> reduces transport of free FA to liver-> decreases hepatic TG synthesis
- Liver: Reduces TG synthesis-> inhibiting synthesis and esterification of FA -> reduces hepatic VLDL production -> enhances LPL activity-promotes clearance of chylomicrons, VLDL, TGS
Niacin’s adverse effects:
- Cutaneous vasodilation, warmth-red flushed face
- Pruritus, rashes, dry skin
- nausea and vomiting
- Hyperuricemia, precip. gout
- Hyperglycemia
Fibrates MOA
- Activates the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPARalpha)-> regulating genes that control lipid metabolism -> induces HDL synthesis
- Upregulates LPL-> increases TG clearance
Fibrates Side Effects
- GI symptoms
- Myopathy risk increased in patients on statins (Gemfibrozil)
- Increased cholesterol content of bile-> increased risk of gallstones
- Do not give to preggo and kids
- No no for pts w/ renal failure or hepatic dysfunction