linux_shortcuts Flashcards
CHFI certificate
file contains default values used by the useradd utility when creating a user account, including:
The file that contains group definitions and memberships. same as active directory
contains: Values used for the group and user ID numbers
contains the user account information
The file that contains the encrypted password as well as password and account expiry parameters for each user account.
directory contains a set of configuration file templates that are copied into a new user’s home directory when it is created, including the following files:
passwd -d
removes the password from an account.
passwd -l username
Lock users out with this command
passwd -n
sets the minimum number of days a password exists before it can be changed.
passwd -S username
displays the status of the user account.
passwd -t
sets the number of days following the password expiration that the account will be disabled.
passwd -u
enables (unlocks) an account.
passwd -w
sets the number of days before the password expires that the user is warned.
passwd -x
sets the number of days before a user must change the password (password expiration time).
useradd - r
specifies that the user account is a system user
useradd -c
adds a description for the account in the GECOS field of /etc/passwd.
useradd -d
Specifies the path of the user’s home directory
useradd -D
displays the default values specified in the /etc/default/useradd file
useradd -e
specifies the date on which the user account will be disabled
useradd -f {numdays}
pecifies the number of days after a password expires until the account is permanently disabled
useradd -g group
defines the primary group membership
useradd -L
locks the user account
useradd -m username
creates the user’s home directory (if it does not exist).
useradd -M
defines the secondary group membership
useradd -n
does not create a group with the same name as the user (Red Hat and Fedora, respectively).
useradd -p
defines the encrypted password
useradd -s
defines the default shell.
useradd -u
assigns the user a custom UID. This is useful when assigning ownership of files and directories to a different user.
userdel -f username
forces the removal of the user account even when the user is logged into the system.
userdel -r username
removes the user’s home directory.
userdel [username]
deletes a user
usermod -c
changes the description for the account
usermod -l
renames a user account.
usermod -U
unlocks the user account.
Modify user account