Linux commands/knowledge Flashcards
pwd (command)
Print working directory (directory you’re currently in)
reboot (command)
Shut down and restart the system
find (command)
Locate a file in the current directory.
What port is used to SSH into a server?
Port 22
which (command)
Gives location of an application.
Describe a distribution
An OS that uses the Linux kernel, but has its own utilities, configs, and widgets.
Linux distribution must have _____.
The Linux kernel.
sudo (command)
Run previous command as root user.
ls-a (command)
Will list all files including hidden.
ls-R (command)
Runs ls command with recursion.
clear (command)
Clears screen
whoami (command)
shows username for current user
ls -l (command)
Long listing, gives additional information such as: file/directory ownership, permissions, and size.
- ls -S (command)
2. ls -rS (command)
- Sort by size with largest files listed first.
2. Sort by size with smallest files listed first.
ls -t (command)
Sorts file in directory by last time modified.
mkdir (command)
Make directory
env (command)
List variables for the current shell environment.
exit (command)
Leave shell environment you’re logged in to.
halt (command)
Shuts down a system.
shutdown (command)
Can be used to reboot, power off, or cancel shutdown. Will be followed by another switch (-H, -P, -r, -c).
top (command)
Displays top running processes on the system. Pressing H key will give you options to run out of top.