Linkedin Learning - Scrum: The Basics Flashcards
What is the start of the agile manifesto?
we are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.
Better than PROCESSES and TOOLS are…
Better than FOLLOWING A PLAN is…
Fail Fast really means…
Learn Fast.
Who prioritizes the backlog?
The product owner
Sprints can last between __ and __ weeks but ___ weeks is recommended.
Sprints can last between 1 and 4 weeks but 2 weeks is recommended.
In an agile environment, which of the three variables which is typically fixed becomes flexible (and what are the other two?)
Scope becomes flexible.
Cost and Time are still fixed.
Of the scrum master and product owner, who is typically employed by the client?
The Product Owner
When should retrospectives be held?
At the end of each sprint.
Who maintains the product vision?
The product owner
Who protects the team and its process?
The scrum master
Who removes roadblocks?
The scrum master
Who acts as a spokesperson for the team?
The scrum master
Who keeps the team working at a sustainable pace?
the scrum master
Who reviews the team’s work?
the Product Owner
Who interacts with stakeholders?
the Product Owner
Who is the full-time business representative for the project?
The Product Owner
What is the ideal team size? Plus or minus how many?
Seven, plus or minus two members.
What’s a T-shaped skill?
Someone has deep knowledge in one area and broad knowledge in several.
What’s the definition of an MVP?
When a product has been developed just enough to get user feedback.
What’s another term for gold-plating?
Scope Creep
What are the levels of decomposing a vision?
- Identify Themes
- Break themes into features
- Break features into user stories.
What’s the definition of a user story?
A detailed, valuable chunk of work a team can quickly deliver
What’s the user story acronym and what does it mean?
Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimable Small Testable
What’s the difference between functional and nonfunctional user stories?
Nonfunctional stories support users without directly benefitting them, eg. a developer can upgrade the database to keep the software up to date
How do you know if your User Story has been completed?
IT must meet the defined Acceptance Criteria and the global “Definition of Done,” eg. For a story on our team to be considered done, it has been code reviewed and all errors fixed.”
What is Definition of Done?
It is when the minimum requirements have been met for all stories applicable to the scope in question.
What’s the difference between and absolute and a relative estimate? What kind of estimates does Agile use and how does that impact commitment?
Absolute is numeric and empirical. Relative is like a cake is the same size as a pie. Agile uses relative, which is not a commitment.
What’s a roadmap?
it’s a guide showing when themes will be worked on during a timeframe.
List some example themes for a mobile lunch order app.
What’s a release plan?
Connects the roadmap to the sprints.
When do you release work to stakeholders?
Whenever is appropriate. You don’t need to do so after each sprint.
What is stabilized velocity?
It’s when the team knows how many story points they can complete in each sprint.
Who attends sprint planning?
Developers, SM, and PO. These responsibilities can’t be delegated.
What is the forum to clear the air on any questions about specific user stories before committing to them?
The question and answer period that is part of each Sprint Planning meeting.
What’s an information radiator?
It’s anything you post on walls or team sites to help your team understand how what you are working on is going.
When posted, the Project Vision, Team Norms, Team’s Definition of Done, Roadmap, and Release Plan are considered what?
Information Radiators
What’s a burndown chart?
It’s a line chart with story points left to complete on the y axis and days on the x axis.
What are the three Cs?
Collaboration, Communication, and Cadence.
How long is daily standup? Can it be shorter or longer?
15 minutes. It can be shorter but not longer.
What are the 3 questions that are asked of everyone at a daily standup?
—What did you do yesterday?
—What are you going to do today?
—Is anything blocking your progress?
What happens if there’s a big issue that the dev team can’t fix within a day? What happens after that?
It goes to the scrum master. If the scrum master can’t fix it within a day, it goes to the product owner to help solve.
How long is the backlog refinement session and when does it typically happen (at what point in the sprint?)
30-60 minutes
At the midpoint in the sprint
Under what circumstance can user stories change in a given sprint after the sprint has started?
User stories associated with a specific sprint cannot be changed once they have been committed to and the sprint has started.
What do Scrum Teams use to visually represent their project?
Information radiators
T/F The Scrum Team must always work their stories in priority order.
Who gives the approval of AC (acceptance criteria?)
the Product Owner.
At a sprint review, what happens to unaccepted or incomplete work?
It is pushed to the next sprint.
What is the Demo? Whom is showing what to whom?
It’s a meeting where the team shares the product with stakeholders. The latter have the opportunity to deliver praise and feedback.
How regularly should you Demo and why?
You don’t have to demo after every sprint, but you should do so as often as possible in order to build trust between the team and the stakeholders.
Who attends a retrospective?
The team only. This is a closed-door meeting.
What are the 3 questions to ask at a retrospective and which should be asked first?
1 should always be first
- What went well?
- What did not work well?
- What could we improve for next time?
How do you take ideas from the retrospective on to the next sprint?
You take only 1 or 2 improvement ideas from each retrospective and apply them during the next sprint.