Link 3 Flashcards
when on person has the power to affect another person’s property or legal interests. a person in this position has a duty to protect that interests of the other; need to act in someone else’s best interest
fiduciary duty
once a contract is written, it cannot be changed without consent of both parties
parole evidence rule
period of time required to pay off the principal completely at a set interest rate
who owns mislaid property
the owner
what does real property include
maximum weekly Ei benefit
$413 or 55% of the claimant’s average insure earnings (which ever is less)
three types of bailment
sole benefit of the bailor
sole benefit of the bailee
bailment for hire
3 exceptions to the common law absolute liability rule
act of god
act of public enemy
guests own negligence
in criminal procedure list the three types of offenses
when leaving property with the hotel for safekeeping the guest must make the hotel aware to the value and need for safe custody
express deposit
once a lien is registered a claim must be issued within 90 days of a substantial completion of the work
“perfect” lien
4 purposes of sentencing
specific deterrence
general deterrence
protection of the public
when do the police not need a warrant to search your residence and/or business
consent searches
searches made in connection w arrest
plain view doctrine
4 elements of a bailment
only personal property
physical possessions
acknowledge and receipt
agreement to return
a restriction placed on some aspect of land use
restrictive covenant