Lines 418-end Flashcards
Corripuere viam interea, qua semita monstrat.
Iamque ascendebant collem, qui plurimus urbi
imminet, adversasque adspectat desuper arces.
Meanwhile they tackled the route where the path points out.
And now they climbed the hill which looms most high over the city,
and looks down from above on the towers that face it.
Miratur molem Aeneas, magalia quondam,
miratur portas strepitumque et strata viarum.
Aeneas marvels at the mass (of buildings), once huts,
he marvels at the gates and the bustle and the paving of the roads.
Instant ardentes Tyrii pars ducere muros,
molirique arcem et manibus subvolvere saxa,
pars optare locum tecto et concludere sulco.
Iura magistratusque legunt sanctumque senatum;
The eager Tyrians press on, some building walls,
and raising the citadel and rolling up stones by hand,
some choosing the site for a house, and enclosing a furrow.
they choose magistrates and laws and a sacred senate:
hic portus alii effodiunt; hic alta theatris
fundamenta locant alii, immanisque columnas
rupibus excidunt, scaenis decora alta futuris.
here some are digging a harbour: here others lay down
the deep foundations of a theatre, and carve huge columns
from the cliff, tall adornments for the future stage.
Qualis apes aestate nova per florea rura
exercet sub sole labor, cum gentis adultos
educunt fetus, aut cum liquentia mella
stipant et dulci distendunt nectare cellas,
aut onera accipiunt venientum, aut agmine facto
ignavom fucos pecus a praesepibus arcent:
Just as bees in early summer carry out their tasks
among the flowery fields, in the sun, when they lead out
the adolescent offspring of their race, or cram the cells
with liquid honey, and swell (them) with sweet nectar,
or receive the incoming burdens, or by forming lines
they drive the lazy herd of drones from their hives:
fervet opus, redolentque thymo fragrantia mella.
‘O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!’
Aeneas ait, et fastigia suspicit urbis.
the work glows, and the fragrant honey gives off smells with thyme.
‘O fortunate ones, those whose walls already rise!’
Aeneas cries, and admires the summits of the city.
Infert se saeptus nebula, mirabile dictu,
per medios, miscetque viris, neque cernitur ulli.
He moves himself among them, veiled in mist, marvellous to tell,
and mingles with the people seen by no one.
lucus in urbe fuit media, laetissimus umbra,
quo primum iactati undis et turbine Poeni
effodere loco signum, quod regia Iuno
monstrarat, caput acris equi; sic nam fore bello
egregiam et facilem victu per saecula gentem.
There was a grove in the centre of the city, most delightful with shade,
in which place scattered by waves and storm the Phoenicians first
uncovered a sign, the head of a fierce horse, which regal Juno
showed them: for in this way the race would be outstanding in war,
and rich in substance throughout the ages.
Hic templum Iunoni ingens Sidonia Dido
condebat, donis opulentum et numine divae,
aerea cui gradibus surgebant limina, nexaeque
aere trabes, foribus cardo stridebat aenis.
Here Sidonian Dido was establishing a great temple
to Juno, rich with gifts and divine presence,
whose bronze entrances were rising from stairways, and beams
jointed with bronze, (and) hinges creaking on bronze doors.
Hoc primum in luco nova res oblata timorem
leniit, hic primum Aeneas sperare salutem
ausus, et adflictis melius confidere rebus.
In this grove something new appeared that calmed his fears
for the first time, here for the first time Aeneas dared to hope
for safety, and to put greater trust in his afflicted fortunes.
Namque sub ingenti lustrat dum singula templo,
reginam opperiens, dum, quae fortuna sit urbi,
artificumque manus inter se operumque laborem
miratur, videt Iliacas ex ordine pugnas,
bellaque iam fama totum volgata per orbem,
Atridas, Priamumque, et saevum ambobus Achillem.
For while waiting for the queen, in the vast temple, he looks
at each thing: while he marvels at that which will be the fortune of the city,
the skills among their craftsmen and the products of their labours,
he sees the battles at Troy in their correct order,
the War, now known through its fame to the whole world,
the sons of Atreus, of Priam, and Achilles angered with both.
Constitit, et lacrimans, “Quis iam locus” inquit “Achate,
quae regio in terris nostri non plena laboris?
en Priamus! sunt hic etiam sua praemia laudi;
sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt.
solue metus; feret haec aliquam tibi fama salutem.’
He halted, and said, crying: ‘What place is there now, Achates,
what region on earth not full of our hardships?
See, Priam! Here also virtue has its rewards, here too
there are tears for events, and mortal things touch the heart.
Lose your fears: this fame will bring some benefit.’
Sic ait, atque animum pictura pascit inani,
multa gemens, largoque umectat flumine voltum.
So he spoke, and he received into his heart that empty scene,
sighing greatly, and his face moistened with abundant tears.
Namque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum
hac fugerent Graii, premeret Troiana iuventus,
hac Phryges, instaret curru cristatus Achilles.
For he saw, here, how the Greeks were fleeing, fighting around Troy,
chased by the Trojan youth, (and) there, the Trojans fled,
(and) plumed Achilles was pressing (them) in his chariot.
Nec procul hinc Rhesi niveis tentoria velis
adgnoscit lacrimans, primo quae prodita somno
Tydides multa vastabat caede cruentus,
ardentisque avertit equos in castra, prius quam
pabula gustassent Troiae Xanthumque bibissent.
Not far away from here, through his tears, he recognises Rhesus’s
white-canvassed tents, that blood-stained Diomedes,
laid waste with great slaughter, betrayed in their first sleep,
and diverting the fiery horses to his camp, before they could eat
Trojan fodder, and drink from the river Xanthus.
Parte alia fugiens amissis Troilus armis,
infelix puer atque impar congressus Achilli,
fertur equis, curruque haeret resupinus inani,
lora tenens tamen; huic cervixque comaeque trahuntur
per terram, et versa pulvis inscribitur hasta.
In another part Troilus, with his weapons discarded in flight,
unhappy boy, and unequally matched in his meeting with Achilles,
is dragged by his horses, and clinging face-up to the empty chariot,
still clutching the reins: both his neck and hair trailing
on the ground, and his spear reversed furrowing the dust.
Interea ad templum non aequae Palladis ibant
crinibus Iliades passis peplumque ferebant,
suppliciter tristes et tunsae pectora palmis;
diva solo fixos oculos aversa tenebat.
Meanwhile the Trojan women with unbound hair, walked
to unjust Pallas’s temple carrying the sacred robe,
mourning humbly, and beating their breasts with their hands.
The goddess was turning away, her eyes fixed on the ground.
Ter circum Iliacos raptaverat Hectora muros,
exanimumque auro corpus vendebat Achilles.
Tum vero ingentem gemitum dat pectore ab imo,
ut spolia, ut currus, utque ipsum corpus amici,
tendentemque manus Priamum conspexit inermis.
Three times had Achilles dragged Hector round the walls of Troy,
and was selling the lifeless corpse for gold.
Then he (Aeneas) truly gives a huge sigh, from the depths of his heart,
as he views the spoils, the chariot, the very body of his friend,
and Priam stretching out his unwarlike hands.
Se quoque principibus permixtum adgnovit Achivis,
Eoasque acies et nigri Memnonis arma.
Ducit Amazonidum lunatis agmina peltis
Penthesilea furens, mediisque in milibus ardet,
aurea subnectens exsertae cingula mammae,
Bellatrix, audetque viris concurrere virgo.
He recognised himself as well, mixed with the Greek princes,
and the Ethiopian ranks and black Memnon’s armour.
Raging Penthesilea leads the file of Amazons,
with crescent shields, and shines out among her thousands,
her golden girdle fastened beneath her exposed breasts, a virgin warrior daring to fight with men.