Lines Flashcards
No you’re not!! I smashed you with the ironing board, I wasn’t even looking! Are you hurt?
Ow! Damnit!
Oh,no!! I’m sorry!! I’m sorry! Oh… I didn’t see you, are you okay?!
Oh, you must be!! I just smashed you! Where did I get you?
In the head
In the head?!? Oh, come here, are you okay?
Is there any blood?
Any discoloration?
Then I’m okay
Well, I’m ganna go get you some ice
No. I can’t feel things like that
Like what?
Like when I get smashed in the head with an ironing board. I don’t get hurt
I can’t feel pain
Oh, jeez un crow, what the hell have I done to you?
You’re talkin loopy, listen to you, goin on about not being able to feel pain, that’s delusional, I’ve knocked the sense right outta ya!
No, I’m okay
Shh! Listen: I was ganna be a nurse, so I know: you’re hurt. You just took a good shot right to the head, and that’s serious.
Ironing boards aren’t on my list of things that can hurt you
What is–?
Plus, there’s no blood or discoloration from where I got hit, so..
Well, you can be hurt and not be bleeding or bruised–
See? That didn’t hurt
Ow! What the hell was that?! // why did you do that?
Oh! I’m sorry. // did that hurt?
Oh, it did, didn’t it!
Oh, I didn’t think it would cause see ironing boards are not on my list of things that can hurt you but gosh maybe they should be on my list because
What are you talkin about?
I have a list of things that can hurt you my brother Paul is helping me make it and ironing boards aren’t on it
Well, that ironing board hurt me
So you should add it to your list
Should I be afraid of ironing boards
Well, if someone swings it at your head and wallops it with it, yes….
Well it’s not I have a list of things to be afraid if too and ironing boards are not on the list either
Well they shouldn’t be, really
No, you shouldn’t be afraid of ironing boards
But they can hurt you
Well, if they’re used the way you used it, yeah
Oh oh oh so they’re kind of like the opposite of God!
God won’t hurt me but I should fear him
I guess
Boy this is getting very complicated
What is?
This business of learning what hurts, what doesn’t hurt, what to be afraid of what not to be afraid of
are you sure you’re okay? // you’re just goin on and on about crazy stuff–
Oh yeah yeah see I have a congenital analgesia he things some people
Congenital analgesia
Who thinks?
You can hit me if you want to see!