Lines Flashcards
I live for Clive. The whole aim of my life
Is to be what he looks for in a wife.
I am a man’s creation as you see,
And what men want is what I want to be.
Clive - Betty. Joshua!
I thought you would never come. The day’s so long without you.
Clive - Long ride in the bush.
Is anything wrong? I heard drums.
Clive - Nothing serious. Beauty is a damned good mare. I must get some new boots sent from home. These ones have never been right. I have a blister.
My poor dear foot.
Clive - It’s nothing.
Oh but it’s sore.
Clive - We are not in this country to enjoy ourselves. Must have ridden fifty miles. Spoke to three different headmen who would all gladly chop off each other’s heads and wear them round their waists.
Clive - Don’t be squeamish, Betty, let me have my joke. And what has my little dove done today?
I’ve read a little.
Clive - Good. Is it good?
It’s poetry.
Clive - You’re so delicate and sensitive.
Ellen, can you keep a secret?
Ellen - Oh yes, yes please.
I love Harry Bagley. I want to go away with him. There, I’ve said it, it’s true.
Ellen - How do you know you love him?
I kissed him.
Ellen - Betty.
He held my hand like this. Oh I want him to do it again. I want him to stroke my hair.
Ellen - Your lovely hair. Like this, Betty?
I want him to put his arm around my waist.
Ellen - Like this, Betty?
Yes, oh I want him to kiss me again.
Ellen - Like this Betty?
Ellen, whatever are you doing? It’s not a joke.