Linear Programming Flashcards
The LP if the program to maximise the auxiliary variables has a non-zero optimum.
Pivots do not change the value of the objective function; only its composition
Primal program
Max t(c) * x
Ax = 0
Dual program Min t(b)*y St t(A)*y >= c y>= 0
Lemma: Weak Duality
If x is feasible for the primal and y is feasible for the dual, then
t(c) * x
Theorem: Strong duality
If the primal linear program is feasible and bounded, then the dual linear program is feasible with the same optimum value as the primal.
Theorem: Complementary Slackness
If P has a solution x* and D has a solution y* and
-x[j]>0, then //
-y[i]> 0, then
- the jth constraint in D is an equality
- the ith constraint in P is an equality
The converse is also true!
The optimal dual solution y* is equal to
The negative of the coefficients of the slack variables of the final objective function
If the primal is unbounded, the dual is
And vice versa
We say a game has value w if
sum(p[i] * a[i,j]) >= w for all j
Interpretation: if player one plays strategy p, his expected payoff is w whatever player two does.
The expected payoff for player one from a game is
t(p) %% A %% q
There is no variable restricting the increase of an entering variable; all the coefficients corresponding to it are non-negative.
Von Neumann Theorem:
For any real matrix A, the zero-sum, two-person game has a value w satisfying sum(p[i]*a[i,j]) >= w for some mixed strategies p and q.
Turning a game into a linear program:
- Add a constant to all entries of A so that there are no negative entries.
- Let u = p/w and v = q/w.
- New conditions are
- sum(u[i] * a[i,j]) >= 1, sum(a[i,j]*v[j])
Solution to a zero-sum game as an LP:
p = wu and q = vw
A game is symmetric if the payoff matrix satisfied
t(B) = -B