Linear Algebra II Axioms Flashcards
A set G, with a binary operation *,GxG -> G, a,b -> a*b
Associativity: (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)
Identity: exists an e in G, s.t. e*a = a = a*e
Inverse: exists a b in G, s.t. a*b = e
A set F with two binary operations, standard addition, +, and standard multiplication, *.
F, addition is an abelian group
F \ {0}, multiplication is an abelian group
Distributivity: a.(b+c) = a.b + a.c
Vector space
1st Dsitributivity law: (a+b)x = ax + ab
2nd Distributivity law: a(x+y) = ax + ay
(ab)x = a(bx)
1.x = x
0 vector exists in the subspace
Closed under addition
Closed under scalar multiplication
x1, ..., xn in V
forms a basis if:
* All vectors are linearly independant
* They span V
Linear transformation
L(x) + L(y) = L(x+y)
L(ax) = aL(x)
Dimension theorem
dim(ker) + dim(im) = dim(V)
Assuming V is finite-dimensional
A linear transformation, L over F, is an isomorphism to F iff L is bijective.
Two finite-dimension vector spaces are isomorphic iff they have the same dimension over the same field.
What is meant by lambda is an eigenvalue of L
iff E(lambda) (L) != {0}
Kernal criterian
L is injective iff ker(L) = {0}
Cayley-Hamilton theorem
Let F, field, A square matrix.
Denote the characteristic polynomial of A by pA(lambda).
Then pA(A) is the zero matrix.
What is true about x,y,z if L(x),L(y),L(z) span V
x,y,z are linearly independant
State the 2 out of 3 bases criterian
V, a vector space over a field F, x1,…,xn in V
x1,…,xn is a basis if two out of the three hold:
* x1,…,xn are linearly independant
* x1,…,xn span V
* dim F (V) = n
Define what a binary operation on a set S is
A map S x S -> S
Defien what is meant by the matrix A representing the linear transformation L w.r.t. the bases x1,…,xn and y1,…,yn
L(c1.x1 + ... + cn.xn) = d1.y1 + ... + dn.yn
Where D (the matrix with row entries d(i)) = A x C (the matrix with row entries c(i))