Line Supervision 2025 Sgt Exam Flashcards
To exemplify and accomplish the core values, mission, and goals of the organization and maintain the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity.
Primary role of the first-line supervisor
The three organizational levels of criminal justice management are?
Executive management—chief, sheriff, wardens
Middle management—majors, captains, lieutenants
First-line supervisors—sergeants, corporals
Planning, staffing, training, assigning, and delegating.
Carry out the agency’s policies.
Leads a team to accomplish the agency’s mission, goals, and objectives on a daily basis.
While the roles are decidedly different, there are instances when a supervisor may also act in the capacity of a manager, such as?
Incident Commander, Strategic Enforcement Team leader (SET), or responsibility for equipment.
Planning, organizing, directing, implementing, and evaluating.
Are policy makers, or at least make policy recommendations to executive management based on need.
Develop an operational plan, such as a planning for security at a community event, and supervising direct officers in carrying out the plan.
Planning, allocating resources, and developing junior leaders who ultimately carry out the agency’s mission, goals, and objectives.
Maintains the organizational or communicational structure of the agency.
Chain of Command
Defines the authority of the organization.
Chain of Command
Links the various levels of the organization.
Chain of Command
Enhances the efficiency of the agency.
Chain of Command
Refers to the one-to-one reporting relationship between the subordinate and supervisor. A subordinate should report to and take orders from only one supervisor.
Unity of command
A subordinate may report to one supervisor for day-to-day operations and then report to another supervisor as a member of a specialized unit (for example, a patrol officer or deputy who is also a Specialized Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) member or a correctional officer or deputy who is also a Correctional Emergency Response Team (CERT) member).
Potential for conflict with the unity of command
A conflict may arise when the SWAT or CERT supervisor directs the officer or deputy to attend training for the specialized team and the operational supervisor tells the officer or deputy they cannot attend the training due to operational needs or staffing levels.
Potential for conflict with the unity of command
Total number of subordinates a supervisor can manage as effectively as possible.
Span of Control
Those with numerous levels of command, have less direct reports for each leader.
Tall hierarchies
Span of control will depend on the type of organizational structure or hierarchy
Early police leaders modeled their agencies after the___________ used in 20th century military organizations.
Tall hierarchy
Span of control will depend on the type of organizational structure or hierarchy
It maximizes control and communication, but is expensive to operate.
Tall hierarchy
Span of control will depend on the type of organizational structure or hierarchy
Consist of many supervisors leading small groups of people, often 1–4 people.
Tall hierarchy
Span of control will depend on the type of organizational structure or hierarchy
Those with limited levels of command, have more direct reports for each leader.
Flat hierarchy
Span of control will depend on the type of organizational structure or hierarchy
Modern police agencies are moving toward this model to better utilize more capable officers and technology.
Flat hierarchy
Span of control will depend on the type of organizational structure or hierarchy